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~No One's P.O.V~
Dachi, Naruto, Nikku, and Killer Bee were currently running over to the battlefield, until they were met with the fifth hokage and fourth raikage.

"Yo bro, what are you doing here, yo?" Killer Bee questioned.

"We cannot let you jinchuriki pass." The fourth raikage said.

"And why not?!" Naruto shouted.

"It's our duty to protect you jinchuriki, we cannot let you into the battlefield and get captured." the fifth hokage said.

"Hold on to me guys, I have a plan. Nikku, when I give you the signal use your blinding fire jutsu." Dachi said.

Everyone did as he said. Then Dachi gave Nikku the sign. "Fire Style: Blinding Fire Jutsu!" Nikku shouted.

The flashing fire had blinded the two kage for a couple of seconds. Dachi then activated his Jougan and teleported all of them forward. They all started running away from the blinded kage.

"Oh no you don't!" the fourth raikage said as he recovered his vision.

The fourth raikage ran straight for the jinchuriki. The jinchuriki tried outrunning him, but failed to due to the fourth raikage's incredible speed.

The fourth raikage was in front of them, preventing them to take another step. Naruto turned to the fifth hokage.

"Grandma Tsunade aren't you going to back us up?!" Naruto said.

The fifth hokage did not say anything. "We'll have to fight then!" Naruto said as went in nine tails chakra form.

Dachi also went into his two tails chakra form, creating a blue aura around him, producing two blue chakra tails, black markings on his skin, and his eyes each turning to green and yellow.

Nikku did not want to fight due to her pacifist nature, but she had no choice. Nikku begun to turn into her nine tails aura form, making a yellow aura run around her body.

Killer Bee did not transform, but he was ready to fight. The four charged towards the fourth raikage, but the raikage was able to hold them off.

"Wind Style: Raging Winds!" Dachi shouted.

"Fire Style: Divine Fire!" Nikku shouted.

"Rasengan!" Naruto shouted.

Killer Bee proceeded to do a double lariat on his own brother. The lariat did not work on the fourth raikage, and the raikage evaded all attacks.

The fighting prolonged for a couple more minutes. "Hokage! Aren't you going to help me?!" The fourth raikage said.

Surprisingly, the fifth Hokage went to the jinchuriki's side. "It looks like I have to kill all three of you jinchuriki except Bee. But if it comes down to it, I will kill my own brother!" The fourth raikage stated.

All the individuals in the battlefield charged at each other, until they were stopped by a presence that had suddenly appeared in the fighting.

It was the tremendous chakra that Naruto and Nikku had felt earlier before they escaped the island.

A boy with mahogany hair with eyes possessing the Hakaigan and Rinnegan. It was Iur.

"Who the hell are you?!" The fourth raikage questioned.

Iur repelled everybody using his Rinnegan which jerked them back and made them fell onto the ground.

'I feel Iur's chakra a couple kilometers away. I also feel other immense chakra. That must be the jinchuriki.' Ukkin thought.

"Darui, commander of the first division. I must leave immediately. I sense the jinchuriki in danger, I must prevent Iur from harming them." Ukkin informed.

"Go ahead." Darui said.

Ukkin immediately teleported multiple times to the location where she sensed the immense chakra.

Ukkin observed the area. Four jinchuriki were on the ground and the current raikage and hokage were down as well. She was met with Iur's malicious stare filled with bad intent.

"Who... are you?" The fourth Hokage said as he started to get up.

"Ukkin Namikaze. You were informed about me by Morihro Shuii of the third division I assume." Ukkin said.

Everyone started to get up. "I see then." The fifth Hokage said.

"Why do you look like me..?" Nikku asked.

"I suggest you ask questions later young one. We are going to fight an individual who killed a very strong individual that you shinobi refer as Madara Uchiha." Ukkin said.

"This little brat killing the Madara Uchiha? Impossible! Sure he may possess the Rinnegan, but against all seven of us, he stands no chance!" The fourth raikage shouted.

"Do not underestimate him fourth raikage." Ukkin said.

Iur started to chuckle. "Fourth raikage. You were foolish enough to kill the hidden cloud's jinchuriki so you can fill the hidden mist's proposition for peace in my timeline. But in this timeline, you are arrogant and foolish instead of cowardly and foolish." Iur mocked.

"Tch, how dare you call me foolish you arrogant brat!" The fourth raikage spat out in anger.

The fourth raikage charged at Iur. "Fourth raikage! You will not be capable of facing Iur unless we think of a strategy!" Ukkin shouted.

Iur just repelled the raikage back with his Rinnegan. "Damn it!" The fourth raikage shouted.

"Naruto, you fought with Pain. Tell us information about the Rinnegan. And Ukkin, tell us about the eye on his other eye." The fifth Hokage said.

"Well uh... what was it again?" Naruto scratched his head. "Oh yeah! So the repelling thing that the Rinnegan has, it has cooldown of five seconds before he could do it again. The Rinnegan can also absorb chakra so ninjutsu won't work. Also the Rinnegan can make some body parts into weapons. That's all I know so far. Also, wasn't he able to summon giant animals?" Naruto said.

"And the eye the Iur has that is currently unheard of this timeline is able to increase flexibility, sense of smell, strength, able to see chakra points, and immune to genjutsu." Ukkin informed.

"Looks like only taijutsu can work on this opponent." The fifth hokage said.

"It doesn't look like I can do much, my taijutsu is lower than average." Nikku said.

"Any help is very useful, even if you have poor taijutsu." Ukkin said.

"So do you have a strategy in plan?" The fourth raikage questioned.

"Yes." Ukkin said then proceeded to whisper the strategy to them.

Afterwards, all of the shinobi were ready to battle against Iur. Killer Bee and Dachi both turned into their own tailed beasts. While Naruto turned into his nine tails chakra form while Nikku turned into her nine tails aura form.

'Interesting, my alternate version is also able to undergo nine tails aura form. Ihcad is also capable of turning into the two tails, but if he ever does, he'll be hunted by other villages. He will either be executed or used against other villages. Unlike the chakra forms, the aura forms don't reveal that you're a jinchuriki unless a very skilled sensory ninja senses you so I don't use it often.' Ukkin thought.

Ukkin also went in her aura form as well. The battle was soon initiated.

Welp that's it for this chapter. Above is a digital artwork of Iur that I drew. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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