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~No Ones P.O.V~
"What?!" The fifth Hokage shouted.

"Yeah", Dachi said.

"Orichimaru was there and with a new body?!" The Hokage exclaimed.

"And Kronosa has been acting up", Dachi said.

"Shut the hell up Dachi!" Kronosa shouted.

"Ok that's enough. Did you find some useful remains?" The Hokage asked.

"Of course we did!" Dachi said.

"Yeah we did", Asuka said.

The three handed them potions and other items to the fifth Hokage. "Good job, all of you. Maybe Morihro was right, you guys aren't just a bunch of Chunin." The fifth Hokage said.

"Thank you Lady Hokage", Asuka said.

Kronosa stayed quiet most the time when they were returning to the fifth Hokage's office. She would usually snap usually and would direct her anger to Dachi for his annoying, loud nature. "Do you any of you have questions?" The Hokage asked.

"How does Orichimaru know my name?!" Kronosa shouted.

"Calm down Kronosa.." Dachi said.

Kronosa did her best to contain her anger against Dachi. She usually wouldn't lose her cool easily. She tried so hard to not snap at her teammate. "Dachi... don't let make me lose my fuse. So I recommend for you to stay quiet." She said.

Dachi was silent. "I don't know Kronosa. But Orichimaru is a complicated person.." the Hokage said.

"Have you ever encountered him before face to face?" The Hokage asked.

"Never. I only saw him fighting the Hokage." Kronosa said.

"Well, maybe you don't remember. Or he could've kept an eye on you. There's many possibilities", the fifth Hokage said.

"I suppose you're right", Kronosa said regaining her cool.

Asuka became worried for Kronosa. Losing her cool wasn't her nature. "Well, you're done for today." She said.

The three bowed and left. The other two, Dachi and Asuka, didn't know Kronosa's future intentions. And her intentions were unpredictable. Very unpredictable. They left the hokage's building. Dachi was about to blabber his mouth until Asuka stopped him.  "Dachi, I think Kronosa needs a bit of a cool down", Asuka said.

Dachi looked at Kronosa. "Yeah", he said.

"I'll try to calm her down", Asuka whispered to Dachi's ear.

"Kronosa." Asuka said.

"What is it Asuka?" Kronosa asked.

"What's wrong?" Asuka said.

"Nothing.." Kronosa said with no emotion to hide her real feelings.

"Tell me. I.. could help you.." Asuka said.

Asuka was one of the people who had the power to calm people down. ".. You can't.. help me..." Kronosa said.

"I can... I believe I can... please tell me.." Asuka said.

"..I don't get how an enemy knows me.. I don't get if Orichimaru and I have a relation of anything." Kronosa said.

"Like Lady Hokage said, there's many possibilities. But calm down, you'll find out eventually. The truth may or may not be tragic." Asuka said.

".. Looks like you can't help me entirely", Kronosa said.

"I guess..." Asuka admitted.

Dachi was watching them, while hiding behind a building. "What are you doing Dachi?" A familiar voice said.

Dachi to turned around to see Morihro-Sensei. "Gah! Sensei, when did you get here?!" Dachi asked.

"Well, I was just wandering the village. And I saw you watching something, so I came by you." Morihro-Sensei said.

Morihro took a quick glance of what he was looking. "Ah.. so you're stalking Kronosa and Asuka?" He said.

"Uh-NO! I'm not! I swear! I was just um...." Dachi paused trying to find a word.

"Eavesdropping?" Morihro-Sensei said as he filled in the blank of Dachi's sentence.

"..Yeah.." Dachi said.

"Tsk.. well, that do I expect from you Dachi?" Morihro said.

"Wait.. you said you were busy! That's why we went this mission alone together!" Dachi said as he pointed at his sensei.

"Was busy." He said.

"Plus- we saw Orichimaru on our mission!" Dachi shouted.

"What the- you did?! Did you inform Lady Hokage?!" Morihro said.

"Of course we did!" Dachi said.

"What happened then?!" Morihro asked.

"Well... we battled him a little. It didn't work out, it's like he took our attacks or dodged them! Then, he disappeared!" Dachi said.

"Hm..." Morihro said.

They two didn't realize that Asuka and Kronosa could hear them. "Um.. Dachi and Morihro-Sensei?" Asuka said.

They both looked at Asuka. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Morihro asked.

"Oh nothing... There wouldn't be a reason." Kronosa said.

The four stood there awkwardly.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading! So, stay swag, and peace out!

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