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~No Ones P.O.V~
The three went outside the hokage's office. Kronosa held the paper in front of her teammates. "Well, since I'm leader of this mission, we'll be going here", she said as she pointed at a section of the paper.

"Alright", Dachi and Asuka said.

The three went to the area they were supposed to be. "Based off whats written on the paper, it says that this place was where Orichimaru used to experiment", Kronosa said.

They all looked around the place. "Search for something that may be important or useful", Kronosa said.

They nodded and looked around. "Hey Kronosa, I see some liquids on this table", Dachi said.

Kronosa walked over. She observed and looked at the liquids. She held one of the containers in her hand. "Good job Dachi, this may be useful", she said.

She handed the containers to Dachi. Suddenly, they heard some quiet noise. "Everyone, stay on your guard. Looks like we're not alone", Kronosa said.

Asuka readied her sais as Dachi was about to pull his katana out. "If we had someone with Byakugan on our side, we could look safely", Kronosa said.

"I sense something.. and it's not good", Dachi said.

"Me too.." Asuka whispered.

"Why hello." A voice said.

The figure revealed himself. The presence felt familiar. He had light blue hair, but he had a presence similar to one of the leaf's enemies. "Uh.. who are you?" Dachi said.

Wait.. can it be?

"Orichimaru?!" I shouted.

"Oh, how did you know Kronosa? I suppose you should recognize my presence", he said.

"Wait? That's Orichimaru? He looks different." Dachi said.

"How the hell do you know my name?" Kronosa shouted.

"I suppose that you can't remember me." He said.

"Why are you here?!" Asuka asked.

"Hm.. I would like to get the remains of my experiments. I suppose that you have the same intent as me", he said.

Dachi finally remembered why Orichimaru looked different. He proabably found a new vessel for himself since Sasuke came late. "So, you couldn't get Sasuke", Dachi said.

"Correct, child", he said.

"I don't know how you know my name.. But we'll fight you to the death!" Kronosa shouted.

"Tsk.. Tsunade wanted to send a bunch of Chunin here..? Hmp... interesting", Orichimaru said.

"Water Style: Strangling Water!" Asuka shouted.

Dachi quickly gave the containers to Kronosa and Kronosa tossed them in her pouch. "Wind Style: Wind Vortex!" Dachi shouted.

"Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" Kronosa said.

All three attacks targeted the enemy. Some smoke appeared. "Hm.. you children seem strong.. you especially grew up Kronosa.." Orichimaru said.

"How the heck is he still alive?!" Dachi shouted.

"Again, how do you know my name?!" Kronosa shouted.

"I'll tell you.. when the time is right... Kronosa", Orichimaru said.

Kronosa stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

"Take everything that seems important to your eyes." Kronosa said.

"Huh what? Shouldn't we like be.. umm observant?" Dachi asked.

"Just shut up, and do as I say! I'm the leader of this team right now, so obey me!" Kronosa shouted.

Asuka and Dachi as she said and gathered the items in their pouch. Then, they returned to the Hokage's office. Asuka and Dachi were thinking what's gotten into Kronosa.

That's all for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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