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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
No one raised their hand. "Alright you people, Lord Hokage is going to explain the third part of the Chunin Exams for you!", our last proctor said.

The Hokage stepped up and cleared his throat. "Before I tell you the explanations of the third part of the Chunin Exams, I will tell you the true purpose of the Chunin Exams. Why do you think we hold these exams with our allies?" The Hokage asked.

We all nodded. "To raise the ability level of the shinobi and increase our friendship to ally nations, to be sure. It's important to know the true meaning of these exams. The exams are so to speak.., " he paused then, blew a small cloud of smoke.

"A representation of battle of allied nations", he said.

Everyone had a reaction. "If we look back at our history, our allied nations were once neighboring nations that fought for power. In order to not destroy each other's military strength meaninglessly, they picked the best of the best to represent their village and to fight for the village. That's how the Chunin Exams originally became", he said.

"But, we don't do that anymore", Dachi said.

"We pick the best of the best who deserve to be Chunin. Also, shinobi fight and carry the pride of their nation. And to fight other ninja with their lives", he said.

I got bored and I didn't listen most of the things he said. Then, he finally finished. "Just give me any test, just tell us the details of the third part of the exam", A red haired boy said.

I think that was Gaara of the sand, Kabuto did tell us about him. "Alright, listen closely I will tell you the details of the third exam", he coughed and a ninja swooped in.

"Lord Hokage, before you do, please let me, Hayate Gekko, to be the proctor of this exam", he said.

"Alright", the Hokage said.

"Nice to meet all of you. There's something that I want to tell beofre you start the third part of the exams", he said then coughed.

He coughed a couple times more. "We have to have a premiliary exam beofre we move to the next one", he said.

"Why?" Sakura asked.

"Becuase too many of you passed, and we need to reduce the number of candidates remaining", he said.

"B-But!-" she said.

"I want to listen to directions Sakura, don't question him or even better, shut your mouth", I said.

She glared at me. "Kronosa", Dachi said.

"What Dachi? You think that Sakura will go full power when she fights me and she can actually beat me. The closest chance of her beating something while in full power is a trash can, since it describes her so well becuase her powers are trash and can't do anything. I bet Asuka can beat her if she hadn't quit", I said.

Dachi nodded. "There will be battles between all of you. There are 22 of you remaining which means there will be 11 battles. The preliminaries will be ividuvual battles. All of you will be against each other. The matches are randomly decided. As proctor, I can decide when who wins and I can decide to stop the battle depending on the conditions. The winners will be advancing to the third part of the Chunin Exams", the proctor said.

We saw a screen then. We all looked at the screen. It was Sasuke vs a guy named Yoroi. They both walked up at each other. "Alright, the battle will begin. Anything you want to say?" he said.

Yoroi threw a bunch of shurikens at Sasuke. Sasuke deflected all of them, for some reason, he stumbled and fell down. Yoroi tried grabbing or punching him. Sasuke grabbed his leg with both his legs. Then, some blue chakra came from Yoroi' s hand and grabbed Sasuke. Hmm, it seems like he's taking his chakra away.

We watched as he struggled, I grinned at his torture. "Kronosa, why are you smiling..?" Dachi asked.

"I just like..... people suffering", I said as I smiled.

"W-what? You can be.... scary... at times", Dachi stuttered.

Yoroi threw his fist many times at Sasuke, but Sasuke kept dodging. Then, Sasuke roundhouse kicked Yoroi shooting him straight into the air. They were both flying in the air. Then, Sasuke kicked him down for he ground. Lions Barrage... not bad.

The proctor decided Sasuke as the winner. Yoroi was absolutely beated up. Sasuke's team had a relieved and happy look on their faces. Kakashi appeared in behind Sasuke. They took Yoroi to the medics. The next match was Shino vs a sound ninja. I watched the match, the sound ninja was destroyed, I heard that Sasuke took off that sound ninja's arms. Shino was good and skilled with bugs, a strong ninja indeed. Next match was Kankuro vs a ninja that was in Kabuto's team.

The only point of watching these battles is to observe other ninja and their abilities. I don't care who's the winner, they're all... dead to me. Kankuro won the match, he's a good puppet master, not bad at all. The next match was Sakura vs Ino. "Hmm, there's no need to even watch this", I said as I started to walk away.

"Why? Do you even know who's gonna win?" Dachi asked.

"Dachi, use some hypothesis. Sakura has no special abilities whatsoever. Ino has the Mind Transfer Jutsu, which is the only special thing about her. But that jutsu doesn't apply or help in battle at all. And Sakura would try to slap her to death since it is her rival. And if one of them went up to anyone, they would would be demolished like trash. So, technically, it would result in a draw", I said.

"Still, most of these matches are unpredictable and entertaining!" Dachi said.

"What's so entertaining with two girls fighting with no goals in their lives?" I said.

He nodded and stayed silent. I rather spend my time training then watching these two low lives fight. Morihro-Sensei stopped me. "Kronosa, where are you going?" He asked.

"To train", I said.

"Don't you want to see this match?" He asked.

"Sensei, these candidates have no hope of one of them winning", I said as I walked passed him.

The other shinobi looked at me, I walked passed them like they weren't there. I trained a bit on my jutsus and my strategies. I don't want anyone to see my other stronger strategies. But if have to, I will. After a while, I started reading some books. The match will be long...

That's all for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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