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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
We came into the room for the Chunin Exams. There was a bunch of ninja in there, and a lot of ninja from different villages. Ino started hugging Sasuke and Sakura got angry about it and they got into an argument. Everyone was blabbering about their things. "Hey you guys, you should keep it down a little. I mean, no offense but your the rookie twelve. Fresh out of the academy right? I wouldn't go around making a spectacle of yourselves, just cool it ", a boy with grayish hair with a short ponytail said.

"Well, who asked you?! Who are you?!" Ino shouted.

"He does have a good point", I said.

"At least someone gets me, but I'm Kabuto Yakushi. But really, look around you, you made quite an impression", he said.

Well, I wasn't the one making the impression...

We were faced with different ninja with dirty looks at us. "Behind you, they from the hidden rain village, very touchy, they are all touchy", Kabuto said. 

Well, they are just from a another village.

He was explaining not to anger anyone yet, and the Chunin Exams gets everyone tense. "Well, it can't be helped, you are just rookies, you do remind me of myself a while back", he said.

"Kabuto, that's your name right? So this isn't your first time then right?" Sakura asked.

"No.., it's my seventh", he said.

Everyone had a reaction. "Well, the Chunin Exams are held twice a year", Kabuto said.

"Wow, you must be an expert", Sakura said.

"Wow, some expert", Shikamaru said.

"Well, he has some experience about the exams, so he isn't that bad", I said.

Shikamaru complained for the third time, that this was a drag. "Well, I can you some info and tips with my ninja info cards", Kabuto said.

"What the heck are those?" Sakura asked.

"Well, using logic, the definition proabably means the title", I said to her.

"Well, you are right a little bit, but these are the cards I learned for the past four years, and coded with my chakra. There are more than 200 of them, so I haven't been completely wasting my time. They may not look much to the naked eye. In fact, they appear blank. Just don't want anyone seeing this", Kabuto said as he put two fingers on the card and spinning it around.

"What are you doing?" Sakura asked.

Why can't people use logic these days, I'll leave Kabuto to explain it.

"See, I'm using my chakra to reveal the information in these cards, like this, for example", he said as information popped up on the card.

"Interesting.." I said.

He was explaining the information of the card. And the balance of power of all villages.

"Do have you information on someone individually?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah I do, do you have someone in mind? Just tell me a description or anything, I'll retrieve information for you" Kabuto asked.

"Yeah, their names are Gaara of the sand and Rock-Lee", Sasuke said.

"Aw, thats no fun, you even know their names, it makes it easier if you do", Kabuto said as he focused his chakra on the card.

"So, first up is Rock-Lee, it looks like he has greatly improved in Taijutsu", he said.

He explained more information of him that wasn't necessary to me. He also said his whole team: Neji Hyuga and Tetten So, a close combat type, alright.

"Next up, Gaara of the sand", he said as he focused his chakra on the card.

"Not a lot is known about him, but all I know is that he's never been injured in all his missions", he said.

Everyone had a reaction. "The Sound village is the most mysterious and small out of all the villages, but either ways, the competition is rough and intense. I never seen a bunch this strong and all my years", Kabuto said.

Everyone started getting worried and had a remark. "Hmp, whatever", I said.

"Yeah! We got nothing to worry about! Right Asuka?!" Dachi said.

"Yeah!" Asuka said.

~Outside The Chunin Exams~
Morihro walked towards Kakashi which was outside the door of the Chunin Exams. "Hey Kakashi", Morihro said.

"Yeah?" Kakashi said.

"Isn't that boy with blond hair on your team? The nine tailed fox?" Morihro asked.

"Yeah, why?" Kakashi said.

"I have Dachi on my team, which has the two tails sealed inside of him", Morihro said.

"The two tails? Then, that boy Dachi was the boy that the fourth Hokage secretly sealed the two tails in him", Kakashi said.

"No one really knows about it", Morihro said.

"Yeah, the villagers are afraid of him becuase he's friends with Naruto, becuase of that, the villagers think that Dachi will be possessed by the nine tailed fox", Kakashi said.

"But they didn't know that Dachi has the two tails sealed inside of him. The two tails during the attack along with the nine tails. Anyways, it's better to stay that way, for their safety", Morihro said.

"Yeah, you're right. By the way Morihro, I have something to ask you", Kakashi said.

"Yeah, what is it Kakashi?" Morihro asked.

"Iruka doesn't believe that my students are ready for the Chunin Exams. He might be right, but I think they are ready", Kakashi said.

"Kakashi, I was there. They're your students now, and since they are, they must be strong judging you. I just believe in my students, because of their teamwork and strength that they showed to me. Just believe in yourself and students", Morihro said.

"Thanks, Morihro", Kakashi said.

~Back to The Chunin Exams~
We saw that Naruto was actually shaking and trembling, then an unexpected reaction came from him.


Ino and Sakura was arguing about pointless things. Dachi and I smiled as we saw him regain his confidence. But still, it was unnecessary. Everyone looked at him like he was an idiot.
Shikamaru lectured Naruto about everyone hating our guts. Sakura was choking Naruto, and she said to everyone that he had a psychological problem. Pfft, the psychological one I see is you Sakura. Since your the one psychologically attached to Sasuke.

I saw the sound ninja dashing through everyone. I looked at their every move. It doesn't look like that they're targeting to my teammates and I. Sakura was still lecturing Naruto. Kabuto dodged the attack front he first ninja. And then, the ninja with his face bandaged tried punching him, Kabuto dodged. Then, his glasses broke, and he started coughing up blood. "What?! I saw that he dodged the punch!" Sasuke said.

"Maybe we didn't see accurately", Shikamaru said.

Everyone was shocked and surprised. And their were remarks from those sound ninja. A blast of smoke came before us. "Alright you degenerates! Be quiet and listen up! It's time to begin! I'm your proctor,  Ibiki Morino, but for now, your worse nightmare!" The guy that just appeared said.

Nightmare? Have you seen what hell looked liked?

Wow thanks guys for 100 views already! And that last paragraph, is proabably a quote I made for Kronosa. Again, I do not own any fanart or works of amazing art I put here unless I say so. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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