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~No Ones P.O.V~
The three Akatsuki members leaped from tree to tree. Soon, they were at the base. "Good." Pain said.

They laid him on the floor. Pain had summoned giant statue. Each of them hopped on a part of the statue.

Then, they started the process of getting Dachi's tailed beast.

Nikku finally woke up on the ground. She struggled to get up from her injuries. She realized that the Akatsuki member and Dachi were gone. "No.... Dachi..." She said as she started to cry. "I'm a terrible friend... I can't even save one of my friends..." She said.

'But... I will save him, if I have to die.' She thought.

She healed her wounds quickly the best she can. She ran towards the village. She found Morihro and Asuka injured. "Sensei! Asuka!" She shouted.

"They took Dachi.. didn't they..?" Morihro said.

"Come on! If we're going to save Dachi, we have to hurry!" Nikku said as she healed both their wounds quickly.

"How did you...?" Asuka said.

"No time for questions, we have to go!" Nikku said.

"She's right." Morihro said.

They all ran along to outside the hidden leaf village. Nikku transformed to her fox form to get there faster.

They jumped tree from tree. Then, they arrived at an entrance. It took a while to find their well hidden base, but they soon found it.

They crushed the boulder blocking the entrance and went in. "We knew you were coming." Kisame said.

Kronosa and Kisame jumped off the statue. "We have to change our location in getting the two tails." A voice said.

"Well, we'll take care of these three quickly." Kisame said.

"Very well. We shall continue then. We've already started this a long time ago. It would be a shame to start over." He said.

"You again..." Nikku growled at Kronosa.

"The one who took Dachi away from us!" She shouted.

Nikku was quick enough to try and land a punch in Kronosa. Kronosa dodged the attack. "Hmp, even without my Sharigan I can still dodge your attack. I am impressed with your speed, but you'll never be able to save your friend with that strength of yours." Kronosa said.

"Shut up! Rasengan!" She shouted.

"Nikku, you shouldn't let your emotions take over you in this mission!" Morihro shouted.

Nikku tried to land a Rasengan on Kronosa, but she kept dodging. "Water Style: Shark Bomb Jutsu!" Kisame shouted.

Nikku countered the attack with her Rasengan. "Nikku, we won't succeed if your anger takes the best of you." Morihro said.

"Morihro-Sensei is right Nikku." Asuka said.

"Fine." She said.

"We need a plan first." Morihro said.

They whispered their plan and went on their positions. "Water Style: Strangling Water!" Asuka said.

The water chased both Kisame and Kronosa. They dodged the water. "Ninja Art: A Thousand Chasing Shadowing Blades." Kronosa said.

The shadows reached for them, and blades came out of the ground. "Scorch Style: Fox's Embers!" Nikku shouted.

The raining fire melted the blades. "Earth Style: Earth Dragon!" He shouted.

Mud appeared and formed into a dragon structure and chased the two. "Water Style: Shock Wave." Kisame said.

He threw up a whole ocean of water. Which washed up the dragon made out of mud. The strangling water of Asuka's jutsu was still chasing them.

Kronosa then activated her Sharigan. "Fire Style: A Thousand Burning Knives." She said.

"Water Style: Sapphire Water Razor Blades!" Asuka said as she countered the burning knives.

The knives and hardened water blades clashed and smoke began to appear. The strangling water reached Kisame's neck and began to squeeze.

He started to choke. He water kept chasing Kronosa. "Fire Style: Blinding Fire!" Nikku said.

The fire blinded Kronosa for a good period of time. The water had reached her neck and squeezed. They both began to choke. Kronosa began to cackle sadistically. "You really think it's that easy to restrain us?!" She laughed.

She inflicted a genjutsu on Asuka. She fell down and the water released. "Water Style: Five Sharks Jutsu!" Kisame said.

Five sharks formed underwater and began to attack the three. "Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet." Morihro said.

The dragon dug into the water and destroyed two sharks underwater. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" Kronosa shouted as she targeted the needles at them. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!" Morihro said.

The wall blocked the needles. Nikku dived underwater. She then formed a Rasengan in her hand, and destroyed three sharks.

"This time, you won't be able to dodge my electricity. Lightning Style: Electric Needles." She said as she targeted the water. The water reacted to the electricity and spread across the water.

Kisame and Kronosa leaped onto a rock to avoid the electricity. "And I'll make sure you won't dodge this attack. Lightning Style: Chasing Bolts!" Kronosa said.

She targeted the bolts to any land that was possible for them to land on. The electricity electrocuted and them, and injured them.

Nikku healed herself and Morihro's injuries. Morihro was carrying Asuka to avoid any fatal damage. 'I have to use it... even if it'll hurt me... I have to... for my friends.' Nikku thought.

Nikku took off her eye patch and revealed her left eye. Her left eye was a light lavender color.

She had the Byakugan. "Byakugan? Impossible." Morihro said.

'I have to use my Byakugan wisely... I can't afford to use it too long.. or I could go blind on my left eye or worse.' Nikku thought.

"How? You aren't a Hyuga." Morihro said.

"To be honest, I don't know how I got the Byakugan, but one day I will find out. But, I have a limit to my Byakugan, so I can't use as much as I want like other Hyugas." She said.

"I see then, then we shall need to act fast." Morihro said.

Nikku couldn't counter Kronosa's genjutsu back then, even if she had the Byakugan. She didn't activate it, that's why she couldn't be resistant to the genjutsu. 'Now my genjutsu is useless. All I have to worry about is her speed, and her wide vision.' Kronosa thought.

"I'll take care of that Akatsuki member, you take care of Kisame." Nikku said.

Morihro nodded and charged towards Kisame. Nikku tried landing punches on Kronosa. Kronosa dodged every attack.

She then formed a Rasengan in her palm and tried striking Kronosa with it. Kronosa backed up, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." She said.

Nikku dodged the attack. And she had a plan in mind with Morihro.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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