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~No Ones P.O.V~
Dachi was holding his own in his own training. He was trying very hard to master the technique that Morihro just had demonstrated to him. But, for each technique that he tries to master, it gets harder for him.

He gathered as much chakra he could in his arm and leg. He then kicked the rock in front of him, then punched it. The rock was nearly demolished, only a medium piece of rock was left. Unlike the demonstration that Morihro showed him, he didn't utterly destroy the giant boulder.

He was overly exhausted that he had fainted and started fall onto the ground. Morihro was quick enough to grab his body from falling. "You can't always push yourself like this Dachi. Rest for now." Morihro said.

Dachi was sleeping away from exhaustion. He was snoring away, and had completely lost his conscious. Morihro then put his body on the ground carefully.

Then he then put a water canteen near his head. 'I guess I'll get some barbeque for Dachi.' Morihro thought.

Then Morihro proceeded to walk to the nearest barbeque shop in the leaf village. He had quickly purchased some barbeque inside a container. And then walked back to the training spot.

When he arrived, Dachi was still sound asleep. Morihro sat on a rock still waiting for Dachi to wake. He then placed the container next to the rock he sat.

Nikku was looking for Dachi. She knew that he would disturb his training a bit, but she would be there whatever Dachi pushed himself too hard.

She could possibly teach him the jutsu that Jiraiya had taught her. Also, she didn't have anything productive to do as well.

She then went to the usual training spot that her team went. There, she found Morihro sitting on a rock, and Dachi lying on the ground.

Nikku rushed to Dachi's side. "Sensei! What happened to Dachi?!" Nikku shouted.

"Oh Nikku. It's nothing to contagious, he just passed out from exhaustion." He said normally.

"I see then." Nikku said.

"What brings you here Nikku? Aren't you supposed to be training with Master Jiraiya?" Morihro asked.

"Well, you see, I'm already done training with Master Jiriaya. And also I already mastered the technique he taught me. And I didn't have anything productive to do, so I just came here to watch Dachi train." She said.

"I see then." He said.

"It looks like the only thing we can do for Dachi is to wait for him to wait for him to wake up from his slumber." Nikku said.

"True." Morihro responded.

Nikku then started to climb on a tree. She then sat on of the branches that seemed sturdy enough.

Asuka was trying to master the technique her mom had showed her. 

She had already made the being water into water vapor. All she needed to do is manipulate condensation, and turn the vapor into either rain, hail, or snow.

She grunted as the tried to make the water vapor rise in the sky. Soon enough, the vapor had reached to the sky. Then, soon enough, she had made it rain healing water.

There were a million ripples on the river as it rained. The droplets had soaked Asuka as well. But she was happy and relieved that she was inproving and making progress.

She sighed and took a short break. She then walked to her own house. She then opened the door and sat on the couch.

"Mom." She said.

Her mom was currently cooking dinner. "I mastered the water vapor, healing water rain!" She said proudly.

"That's good!" She said.

"Anyways....  I wanted to take a break." Asuka said.

"That's good Asuka. Don't push yourself too hard." Her mom said.

Asuka got up and got herself some water. After she was done drinking, she placed her cup on the table.

She was about to go out the door but she realized that she was hungry. "Mom..." She said.

"Hmm? What is it..?" She asked.

"Is dinner ready..?" She asked.

Nikku was still sitting down on a branch half asleep, while Morihro was still sitting down on his rock waiting for Dachi to wake up.

Then, Dachi's eyelids opened slowly. He then opened his eyes even wider. He then got up from his laying position. "What happened?!" Dachi shouted.

"You passed out. So I left you to sleep." Morihro said.

"What?!" Dachi shouted even more louder.

"Calm down Dachi. Don't exhaust yourself, and it's good that you've taken a rest once in a while. Plus, I even bought you some barbeque." He said as he held the paper bag up to him.

Dachi groaned in disappointment. "Well, at least I get some barbeque... " He said as he got up.

He looked around, then he saw Nikku on a tree branch. "Oh hi Nikku." He said.

"Hi Dachi." She said as she waved at him.

He walked towards to Morihro and grabbed the barbeque. "Thanks sensei... " He said.

He grabbed the container out of the bad and took off the lid. He started to chow down on the food.

Nikku smiled from a distance at him.

Soon enough, Dachi was done eating his barbeque. He then built some chakra up inside his fist and arm.

Then he punched a boulder and elbowed a tree. The boulder then exploded to smithereens. While the tree had broken into tiny splinters.

Morihro widened his eyes. "That was very impressing Dachi. Now try your leg." He said.

He then built some chakra in his legs. He then jumped up and double kicked two boulders. Which was completely demolished.

'Help me with this one Matatabi...' Dachi thought.

Dachi then started building some chakra into both his limbs. He then thought of a strategy. He then activated his Jougan.

Then he jumped up and and teleported behind the targeted boulder and tree. He then punched the tree with both his fists and kicked the boulder with both feet.

The attacks inflicted onto the objects led to their mass destruction.

It was thanks to his tailed beast that he was able to get enough chakra to perform his attacks and his use of his Jougan.

'Thanks Matatabi...' He thought.

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've updated. But please be patient. I know Kronosa hasn't been mentioned in a while. And the chapters are about Team Morihro training. But don't worry, there will be some interesting action soon. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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