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~No Ones P.O.V~
The fifth Hokage got Morihro, Asuka, and Dachi together for the mission to find Kronosa. "Alright then, all of you will go in a mission to find Kronosa." The Hokage said. She then turned to Morihro. "Take care of them", she said to him.

He nodded in approvement. The three left the building and set out to go out on their mission. "Lady Hokage, were you even taking my advice in mind?" Shikamaru asked.

"It's different Shikamaru, they have a jonin with them. Also, they are Chunin. That mission that you were in charge, we did just send one Chunin and a bunch of Genin." She said.

"I see then." He said as he left her office.

The three were outside the entrance of the Leaf Village. "Alright! We're going to find you Kronosa!" Dachi said.

"Let's hope that we do." Morihro said.

"Yeah..." Asuka said.

They went off to find their teammate, and friend.

Kronosa was walking around. Trying to find what she was looking for. She walked through a forest. She either needed to find the Akatsuki or Orochimaru. Either of them have some information that could be useful. Her mask concealed her face from being revealed, and her cloak blew in the wind. She was surprised that a single ninja tried to attack her. But, she had to keep her guard up of all times.

'Finding either of these people is going to be difficult. But, Orochimaru has to well hidden, since he's hiding Sasuke with him. The Akatsuki, may be less difficult to find. They don't need to put their guard up all the time' she thought.

She was sure that the Leaf Village was scouring for Orochimaru since he has Sasuke in his hands. The Leaf Village just needs to be cautious about the Akatsuki.

Then, she heard a rustle from somewhere. Then, an attack was launched at her. "You do know you're in enemy territory?" A voice said.

The three man squad advanced further to the area. Kronosa was probably far away from the village, since she left at night. Their best hopes of finding her was going somewhere that was near the enemy, or the other villages.

They hoped to find her soon. "I have a bad feeling..." Asuka said as they kept running.

"Me too.." Dachi said.

"Guys, keep your focus. Don't let thoughts distract you", Morihro said.

"I guess your right.." Dachi said.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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