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~No One's P.O.V~
Throughout their whole interaction, Kabuto had a white snake with him. Kronosa only assumed that was the cause of him injecting Orochimaru's DNA in him.

"Kabuto." Kronosa said.

"Yes, Lady Kronosa?" Kabuto answered.

"What were your intentions if I didn't let you join me at all?" Kronosa questioned.

"To gather information on ninjutsu." Kabuto said.

Kronosa was surprised of how Kabuto was becoming more like Orochimaru everyday. "And order to do that, what do you plan to do?" Kronosa questioned.

"I planned to get Sasuke. And start an alliance with Tobi in order to get that.." Kabuto stated.

"What? You want that Uchiha bastard just like Orochimaru does? How will Sasuke help you with your goal? And Tobi? Isn't he that masked manchild? And what is this alliance for?" Kronosa questioned.

"I'll explain myself Lady Kronosa. Tobi's childish act is just a facade. The alliance with Tobi would help out both of us. I would help him the the Fourth Great Ninja War, and he would provide me Sasuke." Kabuto explained.

'I knew that manchild's act was a facade.' Kronosa thought.

"The Fourth Great Ninja War? How did that happen?" Kronosa asked.

"I'm surprised that you haven't been informed about it. But I'll tell you. Tobi offered the five kage a deal. If they gave up their tailed beasts, he would go on with his plan. But if they refused, he would declare war on them." he explained.

"I see then. I hope that you won't participate in the ninja war with Tobi." she said.

"Yes, Lady Kronosa." Kabuto said.

"Anyways, if you planned to form an alliance with Tobi. What type of newfound powers do you have then?" Kronosa questioned.

"The Reanimation Jutsu." Kabuto said.

"What?" Kronosa said surprised.

Kronosa was shocked of how Kabuto achieved such a jutsu. But at the same time, she was relieved that he was her ally, not an enemy.

"Kabuto, I want you not to use that jutsu as much as possible." Kronosa said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't want a replica of Orochimaru right by my side. I want you to be your own self, not Orochimaru's shadow. You are only able to use that jutsu if it is a necessity." Kronosa said.

"I see then.."Kabuto said.

They kept jumping tree to tree until Kronosa felt a presence. "Stop." Kronosa warned.

Kabuto obeyed and looked ahead. It was Tobi.

"Tobi. How very nice it is to see you." Kabuto said.

"Ah. A traitor and a traitor together. How fitting." Tobi spoke.

They both glared at Tobi, preparing for an attack. "Both of you are both becoming just like that snake Orochimaru, especially you Kronosa." Tobi said.

'How does he know my name? I've only been as Kasaku in the Akatsuki. Oh, I see, he must've found me in the bingo book and identified my appearance outside my face.' Kronosa thought.

"I am nothing like Orochimaru!" Kronosa hissed.

"Oh, but you are almost exactly like him. More than you know." He said.

"Enlighten me." Kronosa said.

"Just like your father, both of you have betrayed the leaf village and the Akatsuki. Now here you are, having Kabuto by your side. It's funny, even in appearance you are similiar." Tobi said.

"Oh please, I can tell you that our intentions are very different." Kronosa said.

Kronosa activated her Sharigan. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!"

The needles went right though him. Kronosa advanced quickly towards Tobi and tried landing a punch. But again, she went right through him. Kabuto tried using his snake to attack Tobi, but once again, it went right through him. "I suppose that I have wasted more than enough time. I should be taking my leave now. Farewell." he said before he disappeared.

'My attacks and Kabuto's attacks went right through him. It looks like that ninjutsu and taijutsu doesn't work on him. A unique ability, I must commend him on that. But I'll be cautious about Tobi.' Kronosa thought.

"What do you plan to Tobi Lady Kronosa?" Kabuto questioned.

"Nothing. As long as he doesn't get in the way." Kronosa said.

"I see." Kabuto said as he resumed leading Kronosa the way.

Naruto had recently came back from the Land of Iron. He was going to his friends to address something about Sasuke.

Dachi was training with Lee on taijutsu, Nikku was training, and Asuka was practicing her ninjutsu. As soon as they heard the news that Naruto was back, they quickly rushed to the spot.

"So what did you want to talk about Naruto?" Dachi asked.

"Leave Sasuke to me." Naruto said.

"What?!" everyone shouted besides Dachi, Asuka, and Nikku.

"Naruto, we decided that we were going to take Sasuke down!" Kiba said.

"Exactly." Naruto said.

"Are you insane?! So you plan to take Sasuke down yourself?" Kiba shouted.



"Guys. Let's respect Naruto's decision. Afterall, he knows Sasuke the most out of all of us." Dachi said.

Naruto smiled. "Thanks Dachi."

Dachi held a thumbs up to his best friend. "But Naruto, Sasuke is too strong for us! Even you can't take him on!" Kiba said.

"Don't worry Kiba. I'll find a way." Naruto said.

And with that Naruto fled. "Dachi, why? Naruto is going to get himself killed!" Kiba said.

"Do all of you not believe in Naruto? Have you lost faith in him. He saved us from Pain, don't tell me you guys forgot." Dachi said.

Everyone started to murmur. "Kiba, I know you're worried about Naruto. But Naruto can handle this on his own. I knew him from the start. And I don't want you guys accusing Kronosa of anything. She has done nothing yet, so please. Leave Kronosa. And we, team twelve, know her better than anyone else here. And we know her intentions aren't evil like Sasuke's." Dachi said.

"Yeah." Asuka said.

"B-but how could you know for sure?" Kiba said.

"Guess we'll find out soon enough, right Asuka?" Dachi said as he turned to Asuka.

"Yep." She said.

Thank you guys so much for 2k views on this story. I honestly really appreciate it. Things in the story will soon become different from the original plot. So, stay away, and peace out!

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