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~Two Weeks Later/ Kronosa's P.O.V~
It was Chunin Exams, the third part at least. We gathered up in the battlefield. For some reason, Sasuke wasn't here, and everyone was so worried. Well, whatever, I don't care if he becomes a Chunin or not. There was a crowd around us. Then Naruto came in, with a weird entrance. He was on floor. The crowd was looking at him like he was an idiot.

The proctor explained what we were supposed to do. Then, he told us to go for the waiting area. Naruto versus Neji.. seems interesting..

I heard some remarks in the crowd, that it's impossible that Naruto will win this match against Neji. Sure, Neji is strong, since he is from the Hyuga clan. They have specialities, but Naruto is strong. It may not seem like it, but he is. If you look at Naruto's background, he's always been alone. And he did bare the pain, so he strong in my opinion. Dachi always supported him, but Naruto still felt alone, and hurt. I observed everything in the battlefield and arena.

There were some ANBU Black Ops near the arena. What could they be here for? The ANBU always seemed interesting to me, but they are mysterious in my option.

Naruto and Neji stepped into the battlefield. They had some remarks. Neji had that expression of being so sure winning this match, he's into destiny and stuff. Well, I don't believe in destiny. Hm, maybe sometimes. My purpose which is technically my destiny, is to be a weapon for my creators. I'm not following that path, I'll have my own path and I'll find a way to have a meaningful life. To achieve that, I must find a way, to kill the demons who made me.

The match began.

The match started out so interesting. In a part of the battle, Neji almost stopped one of his Chakra points. Then, another part, Neji used a jutsu that caught my eye. It looks like that chakra was around him, and he blocked and repelled out Naruto's attack. He mocked Naruto about his destiny of being Hokage. looks like that was one of the Hyuga's clan's special jutsu. Then, he used another jutsu, and he shut down all of Naruto's chakra points. Then, he explained about his curse mark and the the Hyuga clan and his past. Naruto had red chakra coming out of him a couple moments later, it was no ordinary chakra. He finished off Neji, and won victory.

It looks like Neji gotten his head straight after that battle. The next match was supposed to be Sasuke versus Gaara, but it was postponed since he didn't show up sooner. The next match was supposed to be Shino versus Kankuro, but Kankuro quitted for some reason. So Shino won by default. So they moved on to the next match, which was Shikamaru versus Temari. The match was interesting, even though Shikamaru was lazy, he was very smart. He quit at the end of the match when had Temari in his grasp, but whatever. We waited a couple more minutes for Sasuke's match. What's so special about him anyway? He finally came. His oppenent was Gaara, he was a strong oppenent, he broke two of Rock Lee's limbs with his sand.

The match was interesting so far, then Sasuke used a jutsu that caught my eye. It was called: Chidori

Lightning was on his hand. Gaara used his sand as a defense. Then, the match got interrupted. An explosion happened where the Hokage was. The ANBU went there, then, four sound ninja came in and made a barrier around the Kazekage and the Hokage. It looks like the sand ninja are wanting to have war. I looked over. "A genjutsu!" Dachi said.

"Exactly, our eyes can resist to genjutsu", I said.

"Aww man, our match is going to canceled!" Dachi said.

"Nevermind that, our village is in big trouble", I said.

"Hey Kronosa! Look at the barrier!" Dachi said.

I looked, it was a man, with pale skin and snake eyes. I heard his name, from somewhere. That right, I heard his name was Orichimaru. One of the S-rank criminals. He betrayed this village.

We can't go through that barrier, and if we did have a way, we would be no match for Orichimaru.

Dachi and I jumped through he arena. "Morihro-Sensei! What's going on?!" Dachi said.

"Orichimaru, is trying to destroy hidden leaf. You guys, do something to help the village. The other jonin and I will fight these ninja off", he said.

"Alright!" We both said.

We fled the arena and looked everywhere. Asuka followed us, away from the crowd. "What's going on?" Asuka asked.

"The best word to describe it is chaos", I said.

"What are we supposed to do?" Dachi asked.

"The best thought I have, is to gather some imformation and take down enemies", I said.

"Alright!" They both said.

We scoured the village. It looks like the Hokage and Orichimaru are fighting together. We saw a giant snake in the village. "Well, the best thing we could do is to defend the village!" I said.

"Alright!" Dachi said.

It looks like throwing kunai won't work on that giant snake. "Thunder Style: Electric Needles!" I shouted.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!" Dachi shouted.

"Water Style: Strangling Water!" Asuka shouted.

Our attacks inflicted damage on the snake, but it wasn't enough. "What are you genin doing here?!" A jonin shouted.

"We're helping! No matter what you're telling us!" Dachi said.

"Asuka, heal the wounded in this village, Dachi and I will handle defending the village. Gather up some information from the enemy as well", I said.

"Alright!" Asuka said as she fled.

We couldn't focus on the snake. We had to save civilians. We took down some sound and sand ninja. Why I'm I saving these pathetic low lives? Shouldn't I leave them to die, I couldn't care less about them. But, I have an instinct to save them.

We took down some enemies. Saving this village will be dangerous.

That's all for this part. So, stay swag, and peace put!

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