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~No Ones P.O.V~
Kronosa's hair swayed in the wind. She kept her mask tight on her face and put her hood on from her cloak. The only thing she had to worry is concealing her real identity. "I'll show you our base." Pain said.

Kronosa nodded and followed along. Kisame was holding his wound that was bleeding fatally. He still resisted the pain from the sword made from wind.

They were soon at the base. Kronosa was faced with a bunch of people with the same cloak she had. "Everyone, this is Kasuku. She's a new member of the Akatsuki." Pain announced.

Pain also remembered Kisame's injury. He then turned to a blue haired girl with an origami rose in her hair. "Konan, help Kisame out with his wound." He commanded.

She nodded her head and took Kisame in. Pain scanned everyone in his organization. "Deidara, your new partner will be Kasaku." He said.

"Fine un." He said.

'Deidara huh?' She thought.

"Nice to meet you all." Kronosa said.

Everyone remained silent. 'Looks like everyone will keep their silence. Whatever, my main objective isn't being kind and caring.' She thought.

The three headed back to the village with some saddened expressions on their faces. They arrived at the Hokage's office. "Judging your faces, you failed the mission didn't you?" The fifth Hokage said.

"Yes lady Hokage..." Asuka said in sadness.

"We encountered a member of the Akatsuki during our mission to find Kronosa." Morihro said.

"What?! Did you know that member?" She asked.

"We don't know what his name was. But his appearance was similar to a shark's." Morihro said.

"That must be Kisame, monster of the Hidden Mist. Guy faced him before in battle." She said.

"I see." He said.

"Why... why do our friends.. have to leave this village...?" Dachi said in frustration.

They looked at Dachi, then they looked down in sadness. "Its... not fair..." Dachi said.

"I know.. Dachi, we all do" Morihro said.

"We'll find Kronosa soon Dachi... we will!" Asuka said.

"Yeah..!" Dachi shouted.

"I'm sure we will... one day.." Morihro said.

'I hope we can find both Sasuke and Kronosa...' the fifth Hokage thought.

"Yeah.. we'll find her soon." She said.

"Lets go! Let's get strong enough so we find Kronosa and fight our enemies!" Dachi shouted.

"Yeah!" Asuka said.

They headed out the door to start training.

Dachi was right about his hunch. Kisame probably knew Kronosa, except he didn't know it.

Comeback! Well, I'm back after like a week. I feel much better now. But I'm not like 100% okay, but better. Also, thanks so much for 1k, I'm actually thinking to make a part 2 of this book so yeah. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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