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~No One's P.O.V~
It was the next day. Some hours after Asuma's funeral. Dachi had resumed training. Asuka was training at the river. Nikku was helping Dachi with his training and watching him carefully.

Dachi gathered all of his chakra in his right foot and stepped forward with it. The natural forest habitat filled with nature had replaced itself with a rocky terrain.

Then Dachi proceeded to gather around his chakra all around his body. He began to manipulate the wind around him. The force of the wind to get stronger and stronger.

Nikku jumped away from Dachi at a considerable distance. The wind began to whirl rapidly while pieces and chunks of rock began to swirl in the wind. The wind furiously continued to spin along with the chunks of rocks.

The rocky terrain was in the middle of the destructive tornado. 'Matatabi... help me...' Dachi thought.

Dark blue chakra began to leak from Dachi. The tornado of strong wind and bits of rock began to swirl faster.

The tornado made a screeching noise. 'That tornado that Dachi made.... it could cut a human being in half in how strong that wind is, and those rocks in the wind can inflict even more damage. What kind of technique and jutsu is this..?' Nikku thought.

The ground below the destructive tornado began to tear apart and open up a colossal ravine onto the ground.

The tornado was drilling into the ground quickly. Dachi then used his chakra to pull the tornado back up from the ground. Nikku backed away more.

Dachi looked at the strong force of wind spinning rapidly. He looked at it more. "........Debris Style: Unnatural Disaster Jutsu!" He shouted.

The rocks in the tornado spun rapidly. The wind started cutting trees in half swiftly. The giant rocks started raining around and landed on the ground, creating a giant crater.

The wind had soon subsided. And the aftermath of the jutsu was very destructive. The rocky terrain now looked like a wasteland. Nikku ran to Dachi. "Dachi... how did you..?" Nikku said clearly shocked from the outcome.

"....Yes! I finally did it!" Dachi shouted.

"....Do you know what you just did Dachi...?" Nikku said.

Dachi turned his head towards her. "Yeah..?" He said.

"You made a new chakra nature... combining earth and wind... how did you make a new chakra nature in a short amount of time...?" Nikku asked.

"...Nikku..." he looked up at the sky. "I really don't know.... but I was trying to make this new chakra nature... and I wanted to make it possible... and it worked.." Dachi said.

"You never fail to impress me Dachi... for you to master different techniques and jutsus in such a short amount of time." Nikku said.

"And Dachi, since you're the creator of 'Debris' Style, shouldn't you practice it and learn about it more?" Nikku added.

"Well.... uh.... with a jutsu like that.... it's takened a lot of my chakra..." he said nervously.

"I see... and Dachi you should also take notes each time you do Debris Style.." Nikku said.

"I'll keep that in mind Nikku...." Dachi said.

"Shouldn't we tell the leaf village? About your discovery of a new chakra nature...?" Nikku asked.

"Maybe we should..." Dachi said.

Dachi then felt a pain across his body. He then fell down unconscious on the ground. "Dachi!" Nikku yelled.

Dachi was out cold, and lost his consciousness. Nikku then carried him on her back. She sighed. "Not again.... he always pushes himself too far..." she said.

She thought where to put Dachi. "I don't want to bother Asuka with her training...." she muttered.

She then thought of the hospital. "Oh well..." she said.

Asuka was focusing and concentrating   on her healing technique. 'Come on... hail.... hail.... hail...!' She thought.

Soon enough, solid pieces of ice began to fall down. "Yes!" Asuka shouted.

"Now I just need to make it snow..." she muttered.

Her healing water rose to the clouds. She was concentrating hard on the condensation process of her technique.

She was having a hard time converting the healing water into snow. 'I need to focus and concentrate more...' Asuka thought.

'If I want to save and protect my friends... I'll have to work harder...' she thought once again.

Well that's all for this chapter guys. Sorry for not updating over a week guys, it's because I'm very busy right now. I'll be sure to update once again when I have the time. And inform you in my randomness book when I'm free and not busy. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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