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~No Ones P.O.V~
It was the next day. Team Morihro was figuring out what was Kronosa's goal was. And figuring out how great it was to join the Akatsuki.

Dachi was at his place, sleeping on the couch. He was done training in the forest. But he wouldn't stop training until he thought he was strong enough.

After how Kronosa overpowered him in that fight, he wouldn't stop training after that. And he would train, to save his friends whenever they needed his help, and to bring back Kronosa to the leaf village. No matter how hard it takes.


His friendship was important to him.

Nikku, at first, she thinks of herself as 'just a replacement.' She still does, but she has this tendency and need to save and protect her friends.

Nikku and Dachi both felt pain when they were younger. They weren't so different. They were very similar actually.

Morihro and Asuka were both confused by Kronosa's ideals. But most of their questions were:

What was her goal?

Why join the Akatsuki?

How strong was her goal that she had to join the Akatsuki to achieve it?

Just why?

Their minds were filled with questions. While the other two was focused on protecting and saving their friends.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
Another day. Of course.

Of course the leaf village would mark me as a traitor. Or maybe they just marked me as a rogue.

They can think all they want in their own perspectives. Of course my goal was good enough.

I need to find who I am.

If I'm not even full aware of myself, how would I be able to find my purpose? Or maybe even create one?

The thought of no purpose made me grimace.

I know the Akatsuki will help me to achieve my goal, I just have to do what I'm ordered to do.

And most of these members are strong, and even stronger than me. Most of them don't even act human.

It's not like I act human either. I always bury away my emotions.

Emotions are just a nuisance to the human brain. It's better not to use them. Emotions are just a bothersome to humans.

Nothing else.

Speaking of my goal, I feel like Orochimaru knows something about me that I don't know. He may probably hold more information than I do but I wouldn't join forces with him.

My loyality will stay with the Akatsuki rather than him.

Even though he is one of the legendary sannin. I suspect he may be telling the truth.

His explanations make sense. Or maybe he's smart enough to make them make sense. But... how would he know about my other form..?

Curse mark DNA huh? I feel like he's lying, but my instincts say he tells the truth.

Even my own knowledge and intelligence isn't enough to figure this out. Of course, if I were to go to that old man Orochimaru's lair, I would be giving Sasuke a lovely visit, which I don't.

I bet Sasuke despises me as well. I was probably the only one in the academy to match his skill. Of course, if that old man said the truth, he would convince Sasuke not to harm me.

But why would I trust him in the first place? I can only trust myself and the Akatsuki.

I sat in the base. Staring at the stone walls and doing nothing. I could use my time to train, but I do know my strength is greater than most of the members of Team Morihro.

I could. But, I rather use my time using my brain to figure things out. But that redhead girl named 'Nikku' does piquite my interest.

She had some nine tails chakra leaking out of her. She couldn't be a jinchuriki.

If she was, she would have a chakra tail. And she had an ability to shape shift into a fox. I suppose she's a shapeshifter.

But I'm sure she's more than just a shapeshifter. How did she have tailed beast chakra if she wasn't a jinchuriki?

And how did she have the Byakugan? She did state that she had a limit, and she couldn't use it like other Hyugas. She technically confirmed that she wasn't a Hyuga. So how does she have one?

And how come she didn't use it when I inflicted my genjutsu. Maybe her Byakugan is dysfunctional than other Byakugan.

But the only way she could've got it is that she or someone transplanted into her eye.

She does realize she's just a reaplcment, nothing more and nothing less. It seems like she would die for Dachi and her 'friends.'

But why die for someone who probably doesn't even care about you. But maybe, I'm wrong about that.

As I said, it wasn't my intention to betray the village like that fool Sasuke. I just have to act I did betray my village to the Akatsuki, so I can retain my loyality to them. Or I won't attain my goal.

My goal takes up most of my purpose. So as I can say it, it's extremely important to me.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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