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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
Naruto is back. Can you believe it? It's been almost 3 years. But to be precise, 2 and a half years. I've gotten stronger and smarter in those years. Asuka, Dachi, and I greeted him. Dachi was hugging Naruto and was almost in tears crying since he hasn't seen his best friend for years.

We also became Chunin in those years. The problem, is that Naruto is still a Genin. He may still be Genin, but I'm pretty sure, in skill he's in Chunin skill level. Still, he was trained by one of the legendary sannin, Jiraiya.

As the information I gathered, a group called the Akatsuki, is ready pounce. A lot of people are still worried about Sasuke, especially Asuka. But, Asuka doesn't like him anymore. She just has a sense of worry for him. Asuka stopped liking him after a year. She got over him easily. She didn't like people to go the enemy's side. It's really not much of my problem. But, since the hidden leaf is my home, it may be a problem.

So far, all I know about the Akatsuki is that their an organization full of S-rank criminals from different villages. What I don't know, is their goal. Why would they gather a bunch of dangerous criminals for no reason? There must be a goal for them to do that.

I thought as I resumed looking at Dachi hugging Naruto. "Dachi, I think Naruto knows how much you miss him", I said.

"FLIPPING NARUTO I MISSED YO-  huh? What?" He said as he turned to look at me.

"Ehh..." Naruto said in an awkward expression.

Asuka started giggling. "I think Naruto gets how you feel already", I repeated again.

"Oh yeah. Sorry Naruto man", Dachi said as he stopped hugging him.

"By the way, Naruto.." I started.

"Yeah?" He said.

"How are you going to get a new teammate?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't think about that yet", he said.

"Ooh! Ooh! I'll be your new teammate!" Dachi shouted.

"Dachi, you are essential for Morihro-Sensei's team. Plus.." I turned to Naruto. "I think you'll find a new teammate that's better than Sasuke", I said.

"Yeah", he said.

The truth is, I hate to admit it. There's no better teammate than Sasuke for their team. But at least a teammate that may be better to like than Sasuke. "Well, see you guys!" Naruto shouted as he started running.

"Bye Naruto!" Dachi shouted as he waved.

To be honest, Dachi gotten too loud and over energetic the past 2 and a half years. Asuka gotten better in her healing ninjutsu. But, she trained with the fifth Hokage to improve her healing ninjutsu. Sakura learned more things from the fifth Hokage than Asuka though. She learned more about battle, since she really needed. Asuka only practiced to perfect her healing ninjutsu.

Healing ninjutsu isn't really my thing. Battle is more of my forte. Healing ninjutsu is useful, but you need years of practice to perfect healing ninjutsu. It's more work, so battling is better for me.

"I'm worried about Sasuke..." Asuka said.

"I thought you gotten over him?" Dachi said.

"Well, I did. But, I'm still worried about him", she said.

"Hm, I see. Honestly, you should stop worrying about Sasuke. His ego will get the best of him", I said.

"-I think Kronosa is right, so far there's no signs of Sasuke returning. Maybe, we should forget about him", Dachi stated.

"..Forget about him?! He's a leaf shinobi too! Are you guys insane?!" She shouted.

"He quitted being a leaf shinobi a long time ago. He thought this village was a playground that he should leave. He thought that this playground was child's play. But if you think about, this village is a playground that's fun, dangerous, and interesting. He chose to be in the outside, where the zone of danger is always around." I stated.

Asuka looked at the ground. "I guess.. you're right", Asuka said.

"Hmp, child's play. There's barely any child play in the world of shinobi", I said.

"... Yeah." Dachi said.

"Oh by the way guys, I have something to give you both", I said.

"Huh?" They both said.

"Come to where I live", I said as I pointed to my home.

"Uh, okay", Dachi said.

I disappeared to near the entrance of my house. I waited for them to come, they didn't take long. "So, Kronosa,  what's this about?" Dachi asked.

"Yeah", Asuka said.

I went inside to my apartment, and got some weapons. "Here", I said as I handed Dachi a katana and Asuka some sais.

"Woah cool!" Dachi shouted.

"Did you.. make these weapons yourself?" Asuka asked.

"Yeah. I did say I was gonna make Dachi a weapon. And why not make you a weapon Asuka", I said.

"Cool, a katana!" Dachi shouted.

"I made weapons that probably would fit you the most." I said.

I handed a belt to hold the sais to Asuka. I handed the belt to contain the katana to Dachi. I made myself a belt myself for my Skull Claws. "I call these sais Thorn Sais. And this katana Dualslide", I said.

"Thanks Kronosa", they both said.

"No problem", I said.

"I can't believe I'm going to use a katana!" Dachi shouted.

"But first- I need to teach you guys how to use the weapons I gave you", I said.

"Nah, all you do is swing a katana to an enemy", Dachi said.

"- And that's exactly why I should teach you", I said.

"Alright", Asuka said.

"Ugh fine", Dachi groaned.

"You're becoming a bit more ignorant every second Dachi", I muttered.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing", I responded.

We went to our usual training spot.

That's all for this chapter! Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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