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~No Ones P.O.V~
Kronosa was walking outside the base again. She was already done with her duties. She was suddenly attacked by somebody. She dodged the attack and activated her Sharigan.

"Well, I didn't expect for an Akatsuki member to be walking around here." A familiar voice said.

Kronosa scanned who was attacking her. It was Kabuto, from the Chunin Exams. But, she had to have her identity hidden.

"Electric Style: Electric Needles." She said.

Dodging that jutsu was futile. Kabuto got injured from the electric needles. "Heh, so a jutsu you can't dodge." He said as he healed himself.

"Kabuto, I think that's enough." A familiar voice said.

She turned to see it was. It was Orochimaru. "Alright then. Lord Orichimaru." Kabuto said as he backed off.

"So, an Akatsuki member is here? I've never seen you in the Akatsuki, you must be new." He said.

"What are you doing here Orochimaru?" Kronosa asked.

"I'm here to elimate at least one Akatsuki member." He said.

"First, let's find out who you really are." Kabuto said as emitted chakra from his hands and tried to break Kronosa's mask.

Kronosa dodged his attacks. But, Kabuto eventually destroyed her mask. Kronosa held her face and her destroyed mask. Then, Orochimaru knew who it was. "Kronosa..? Ah, so you've joined the Akatsuki." He said.

"It's has been a long time, two years and a half years. Orochimaru. And answer my question back then. How do you know who I am?" Kronosa said.

"Lord Orochimaru, you know Kronosa? I thought you didn't." Kabuto said.

"Kabuto, Kronosa is an experiment of mine." He said.

"Experiment?! Ridiculous. I felt a presence of who created me, they had a presence of a demon!" Kronosa said.

"Kronosa, you are my child." He said.

"Prove it then." She said.

"I infused different types of DNA when I created you, even my own DNA. I even put the DNA of the curse mark." He explained.

'That explains the form I had when I battled Dachi.' Kronosa thought.

"That still doesn't make you my father, even though I have some of your DNA in me. I'm just a measly experiment aren't I?!" Kronosa shouted.

"No you aren't." He said.

"You? Orochimaru? Why would I ever accept you as my creator and father?" Kronosa said.

"Lady Krono-"

"Shut up Kabuto, because your 'Lord' thinks that I'm his daughter, doesn't mean you should give me some respect." She said.

"Come Kronosa, I can make you strong just like I made Sasuke strong. Leave the Akatsuki and come with me." He said.

"My loyality stays to myself, the Akatsuki, and the leaf village." Kronosa said as she grabbed another of her masks and put it on.

"I guess I can't force my own child to my own will." He said.

"I will never accept you as my father. Not the likes of a man and shinobi you are." She said.

"I see then." He said.

"Even though you are one of the legendary sannin, I don't care." Kronosa said.

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