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~No Ones P.O.V~
It was the next day. Nikku waked up eagerly to meet her master again after a couple of years. Dachi and her both had their injuries already healed completely. Both of them were also awake.

"So your awake too?" Dachi asked.

"Yeah." She said.

They both looked at their sensei and teammate. It looked like that Asuka needed more rest for her injuries. While Morihro had his injuries healed. Dachi and Nikku both left the hospital.

"Do you know where Master Jiraiya is?" Nikku asked.

"No, not at all. Maybe you should ask Naruto, he was also trained by Jiraiya. Oh wait I forgot, he's on a mission. Maybe you should ask the Hokage.. if your brave enough." Dachi said.

"Alright then!" Nikku said as she skipped away to the Hokage's office.

'Wow, she actually has the guts to do that?' Dachi thought.

Dachi went off to train so he could defeat the Akatsuki if he encountered them again. Nikku was off wanting to meet her master again. Nikku knocked on the door. "Come in." She heard the fifth Hokage say.

She went inside the office. "What do you need?" She asked.

"Well... I'm wondering where Master Jiraiya is." Nikku said.

"Jiraiya? He's on a mission." She said.

"Can you tell Master Jiraiya to meet me in your office after he's done with his mission?" Nikku asked.

"Sure." She said.

"Thanks." Nikku said as she left.

While in hospital, Morihro had woken up. He looked around to find Dachi and Nikku not in their beds. 'They've must've left. They are both eager shinobi.' He thought.

He got off his bed and walked to sign off. He wanted to wake up Asuka before he left the hospital. He went to her bed. "Asuka." He began.

"Wake up." He said.

Asuka woke up, with her eyelids still heavy. She soon was faced with her sensei in front of her. "Morihro-Sensei..?" She said.

Morihro lifted his face away from her. "I see your awake, come on Asuka." He said.

"Oh ok.." She said as she got up from bed.

Asuka signed herself off and left the hospital along with Morihro.

"Well, your free to go Asuka." He said.

"Alright sensei." She said.

Asuka went to her clan household. Morihro went to Hokage's office for his next assignment.

Kronosa was done with all her missions so she had some free time. She went near her old home, the Leaf Village. She went to a spot that would keep her well hiddened.

"Same as ever." She said.

Her village was probably working harder than ever to get her and Sasuke back. 'I wonder what they think of me? A traitor or a comrade? Or maybe something else?' She thought.

She looked again at the leaf village. 'I really wonder.' She thought.

She walked back to the forest she came from. She looked around the forest. Then, she took off her mask for a while and let a breath out. She then put it back on tightly on her face.

She resumed walking to leave the village. Her cloak and hair blew in the wind. Maybe she could use this free time to find more information. But, where would she find that information from?

It surely won't be easy. Right now, Orochimaru was the main person that proabably knew something about her.

She kept walking along until she went to the base. She soon was in the base. She was just sitting around the base. "Kasaku un." A familiar voice said.

Kronosa looked to see who it was. "What is it Deidara?" She asked.

Deidara came to sit next to her. "Tobi is annoying, so far he's been annoying a lot so far as a partner un." He said.

"Well.. Tobi has a childish personality. You just have to bare with it." Kronosa said.

"Bare with it? Baring any longer is going to lose my fuse un!" He said.

"Well.. do something that would calm him down or anything to keep him quiet." She said.

"Kasaku, you were better as a partner than Tobi. Why did you have to leave me as a partner? It was so much better, you were less annoying. I would rather have my man Sasori right now un." He said.

"I at least know a bit of your pain. I did have to bare with the two tails jinchuriki with his idiocy and loudness." She said.

"Oh I see un." He said.

"Sometimes, I wonder about my old friends in the leaf village of what they think of me and what their doing now Deidara." Kronosa said.

"..When your in the Akatsuki, I don't think thinking about your old friends will help you. Most of us don't even have old friends. All of us are used to the feeling of being alone un." Deidara said.

"You're right. Deidara."

Jiraiya came back to Tsunade's office. "A girl named Nikku asked me to ask you to meet her here." She said.

"Nikku...?" He said.

Nikku came into the room. "Hello Master Jiraiya!" Nikku said happily.

Cliffhanger! Also, the drawing above is what Nikku looks like and her fox form. I did not draw this, all credits of the drawing go to my friend BllWlphr and I also have her permission so please don't spam me with copyrighted lawsuits. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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