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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
"You're early, again", the main proctor said.

"Ehhh.." she said.

Everyone stared at her. "26 teams? Ibiki, you let all these guys pass? Your test is too easy, you must be getting soft", she said.

"Or maybe a stronger crop of candidates this year", he said.

"Hm, they don't look too strong. Before I'm even done with them, more than half will be elimated", she said.

Really? Well, you can't really judge us by how we look. "Heh, this is gonna be fun. Hey! You guys had it easy so far, but things are gonna be different starting first thing in the morning. I'll inform your squad leaders where to meet me. Dismissed", she said.

We left the classroom, and went outside. "Hey guys, do you need anything before we start the second part of the exams?" I asked.

"Nah, I have been practicing a new jutsu under my sleeve! That's already enough", Dachi said.

"Well, I also learned a new jutsu as well. How about you Asuka?" I asked.

"Well, I don't really need anything. I have all my shuriken and kunai with me, you guys too right?" Asuka said.

"Yeah", Dachi and I said.

~Next Morning~
We arrived at a place that looked like a big forest. It looks like we'll do some physical activity. Well, at least this won't he boring. We all stared at the huge forest. "This is the location of the second part of the Chunin Exams, this is the 44th training field. But we call it, the forest of death", she said.

A lot of people looked scared. "They call it the forest of death, and you'll soon know why", she said.

"Forest of death? It sounds scary", Asuka said.

"Asuka! We'll be alright!" Dachi said.

Naruto mocked her words and acted tough. She threw a kunai near Naruto, cutting Naruto's face. "Usually, overconfident guys like you, have their blood all over this forest. You're not scared are you?" She said.

Then, she took out another kunai. Then, a lady with a long tongue was holding a kunai in her tongue. "I was just returning your kunai", she said.

"Why thank you grass ninja", she said.

"You know, I suggest that you stand this close to me so you can reach death sooner", she said.

"My pardon, I guess I got a bit excited, I mean you no harm", she said.

"Likewise", she said.

The woman with the tongue walked back to her place. "It looks like we have a lot of hot-blooded people here, there must be something in the air. This is gonna be fun", the proctor said.

She walked back near the gates of the forest. "Before, I start the second part of the test, I need to hand you guys a consent form. You have to read it and sign it", the proctor said.

"What for?!" Naruto asked.

"Just in case if any of you don't come back alive after this", she said then, laughed.

Everyone was whispering that she was crazy. "I'll be explaining what to do for this test. This test is to test your survival skills. First, I'll give you the layout of the forest of death. There are 44 locked gates around the forest. There are rivers and a forest inside, and a tower in the middle located 10 kilometers away from the gates. In this confined area, you will be in a survival test. The test is about, anything goes battle to get your hands on these scrolls. You'll be fighting to get a Heaven Scroll, and a Earth Scroll. Half of the teams will get a Heaven Scroll and half of the team's will get a Earth Scroll, so all of you are fighting for one. In that case, half of you will be gone, and half of you will pass. I'll hand over one kind of scroll to each team. To pass, your team must bring both scrolls to the tower. And also, you have to survive out there in five days as a time limit", the proctor explained.

"There's also some human eating animals and poisonous plants out there", Kabuto said.

"Also, there's enemies everywhere so we won't have time to rest", Sasuke said.

"Exactly, this is supposed to be a grueling test and at the end, some of you won't be up to the challenge", she said.

"Can you quit?!" Shikamaru asked.

"No, you can't, well you'll probably die during it", she said.

"Also, there are ways to get disqualified. Number 1, if all three people can't make it all to the tower, with all three scrolls in three days. Number 2, if a member cannot move or dies of a condition. And the most important rule, none of you cannot look at the scrolls before you reached the tower. Everyone exchange your consent forms and exchange them for the scrolls after that, each team pick a gate and you'll be lead right into it. Also, don't die", she said.

The pressure was on. My teammates and I exchanged our forms and got a Heaven Scroll. "This seems exciting", I said.

"Just hope we won't die", Dachi said.

"Yeah", Asuka said.

"Asuka, you can heal partially right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not that good", she said.

"Well, it's needed here right now", I said.

"I'll try my best", she said.

"I'll hold the Heaven Scroll, that alright with you guys?" I asked.

They both nodded in agreement. "Tell me what you guys have", I said.

"I have some medicine, antidotes, and some ointment. I also have some shurikens and kunai", she said.

"I have some shurikens and kunai, and some paper bombs", Dachi said.

"I have some kunai and needles, a weapon a designed for myself. Also, if any of you get hungry, I have some apples in my other bag. I have 6 in total", I said.

"Alright!" Dachi said.

"I'll give 2 for each of us", I said as I gave them the apples.

"Listen up everyone! Everyone hot their scrolls, go to the gate you pick! And when the gates open, the test is on!" The proctor said.

We walked towards gate number 3. We waited for the time to come.

Cliffhanger! Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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