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~No One's P.O.V~
Iur was lurking in his hideout. He had binded Killer Bee using his thunder binding jutsu and used a sealing barrier to prevent Killer Bee from escaping or transforming to the eight tails.

'I was planning to capture nine tails since he's is the one with the most chakra. But the eight tails should be fine. It doesn't really matter anyway, because I'll capture all of them eventually. My plan still worked anyway.

I knew that the two tails and eight tails achieved at being perfect jinchuriki. While the nine tails did not, that is the most unnegotiable tailed beast out of all of them. I summoned two of the Rinnegan's summoning animals in order to tire both of the perfect jinchuriki, so it would be easier for them to be trapped in my thunder binding jutsu. Afterall, the only way to break the thunder binding jutsu is when you're physically strong enough to break out of it. While, in this case, both perfect jinchuriki were too weakened to even break the jutsu.

I played with the other shinobi until I knew the perfect jinchuriki were weak enough. Then I took down their shinobi who were capable of medical ninjutsu. I just wanted to toy around with the other shinobi. The chains from the Gedo Statue was just a diversion for them to transform into their human forms so they could be more easier to capture.

Eight tails assisted with me with that, because those two morons could never find a way to escape the chains of the Gedo Statue. But they ran right into my trap. Naruto was my main target due to him being the jinchuriki of the nine tails, but the fourth raikage was nuisance and prevented me from doing so.

But now, his little brother shall suffer the consequences.' Iur thought.

Iur looked down at Killer Bee. "It's about time you get extracted. Eight tails."


Everyone turned their attention to Ukkin and the fourth raikage. "What type of explaination?" she questioned.

"I would like to ask some questions as well." the fifth hokage said as she approached towards both of them.

"Go ahead. I'm sure I will be able to tell you information about Iur." Ukkin said.

"You claim to be from another timeline along with that brat! Why can't he capture the tailed beasts from that timeline instead of terrorizing us!" the fourth raikage questioned.

Everybody directed all their attention at Ukkin. "In my timeline, when you were the fourth raikage, you killed your brother and as Iur said to prevent-"

Ukkin was interrupted by the fourth raikage. "I would never kill my own brother!" he shouted.

"Calm down, this is you in an alternate timeline. So it isn't actually you, right Ukkin?" the fifth hokage said.

Ukkin nodded her head and continued talking. "To prevent more war with mist village and the other villages. Every village thought that their jinchuriki were the reason to the endless war. Even though the main reason in why there was so much war because of how greedy each village was. So every village killed their jinchuriki. Except the leaf village due to them being very loyal to their comrades. Every village presumed that my brother, Oturan, the nine tails jinchuriki was the only jinchuriki that the leaf village had. Unfortunately, my brother had died so everyone presumed that the leaf village had no more jinchuriki.

But my husband Ihcad, was the two tails jinchuriki. His sealing was only known to few people in the village. There was also another jinchuriki left which was the six tails jinchuriki, but he was a rogue ninja to the hidden mist. I am a sudo-jinchuriki due to me absorbing a small portion of the nine tails' chakra. If the villages were to find out that the leaf village still had jinchuriki, our whole village will result in destruction.

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