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~No One's P.O.V~
After a couple of days, Dachi had finished his training, and Naruto and his other comrades had returned to the village.

Dachi was healed countless times by Nikku to prevent any major injuries. His jutsu was self-harming to himself. He tried to find ways to make the jutsu to cancel out any recoils. But, his effort was futile, he couldn't find anything to make the jutsu safe for himself.

Nikku told him not to use it until he found a way to cancel out the recoils.

But right now, his jutsu was useless. Debris Style was something he can never use in battle unless he found a way to make it safe.

Word spread throughout the village, that Sasuke had killed Orochimaru, and planned to make a team for himself to achieve his goals.

Team Morihro was informed by their own sensei. "So, Orochimaru is dead?" Dachi questioned.

"Yes, from what I've heard, he is." Morihro said.

"Orochimaru? I've never really heard of him, until I went to the leaf village... Anyways, who is he?" Nikku said.

"WHAT?! You gotta be kidding me! You don't know who's Orochimaru?! He's one of the three legendary sannin who's an S-Rank crimimal!" Dachi shouted.

"Nikku, you've never actually heard about Orochimaru until you went to the leaf village?" Morihro asked.

"Yeah." she said.

"Not even from Master Jiraiya?" He questioned.

"No." she said.

"Anyways, who.... killed.... him?" Asuka asked.

Morihro paused for a moment. ".....Sasuke....Uchiha..." he said.

"Sasuke?! If he killed Orochimaru, he must be that strong..." Dachi said.

"Sasuke...? Wow..." Asuka said.

"So... from what I can assume, at least we have one enemy down from the village, right?" Nikku said.

"You could put it that way." Dachi said.

"Anyways sensei..." Dachi added.

"Yes, Dachi?" he questioned.

"My homie Naruto is worried about Sasuke, so is Sasuke coming back to the village...?" he asked.

"No, I don't think so.. from what I've heard... he's in the pursuit in revenge. To kill his brother, Itachi Uchiha, who killed their entire clan." Morihro said.

"What?!" Asuka and Dachi shouted.

"No way! Wait, we fought that dude before! Asuka, Nikku, don't you guys remember?" Dachi asked.

"Yeah." they both said.

"Wait, if Itachi is in the Akatsuki, and Kronosa is also in the Akatsuki... maybe this is our chance to find Kronosa and bring her back to the village!" Dachi shouted.

"You're right!" Asuka said.

"Not exactly." Morihro said.

"What do you mean sensei?!" Dachi shouted.

"Remember, the Akatsuki is very dangerous. It's not going to be easy to just take Kronosa back. Also we can't do a mission unless Lady Hoka-"

"Then I'll ask her! The Hokage!" Dachi said.

Morihro sighed as he watched Dachi run to the fifth Hokage's office. "-And also because the Akatsuki would be after you...." he said.

"Oh well, I guess we can let Dachi ask her..." Nikku smiled.


As the news spread, the information was passed to the Akatsuki. Kronosa was over with her meeting with the Akatsuki.

She heard that Orochimaru was killed.

'Tch, Orochimaru was only source I knew that has some answers for my questions. How did that arrogant bastard Sasuke kill him? Now, he's made his own team to take down Itachi. Which brings more trouble to the Akatsuki. Now, how am I going to get answers about my past and myself?

Why am I like this?

Who's my real creator?

What's my purpose?

What's my meaning in life?

With no answers, it's like walking around in an empty place with nothing around. I need to obtain the knowledge I need.

I just.

I just can't live like this anymore.

Who am I?

What am I?

I hate it, it's like being trapped in a cage, with no where to escape, or break free. I just wish.

One day, I'll have the knowledge I need to know."

Kronosa wandered around the forest by herself. 'I still don't believe that Orochimaru is dead. I'll have to ask maybe one of his followers to get real proof.' she thought once again.

'And the Akatsuki is close, close to getting all the tailed beasts.'

Kronosa had grown strong when she was in the Akatsuki.

Her only friend in the Akatsuki was Deidara. They both liked art, although they specialized in different art, they were still friends.

But she knew that her real friends were in her real home, the leaf village. She just couldn't return back just yet. She had to act cold and heartless to them so they wouldn't interfere with her plans.

She wasn't completely heartless, she was just cold and empty inside.

Hey guys! This is comeback from being on hold for so long. I actually wrote some of these chapters before I published them. I hope you enjoy the continuation of the story! As you all know, this fanfiction is basically a spin off of the original Naruto plot. There will be some significant changes as the story progresses. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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