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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
"What are you doing?! There is no fighting allowed here, do you want to fail before we even begun?!" The proctor said.

"Sorry, I guess we got a little carried away, it's our first time after all", said the sound ninja with the bandaged face.

"I'll say this once! No attacking your candidates unless your proctor says so! Anybody who thinks messing with me will be disqualified immediately. Got it?!" He said.

We all looked at him. "No attacking? Well, that's no fun", the other sound ninja said.

"Now if you're ready, we'll proceed to the next stage of the Chunin Exams", the proctor said.

"Give your applications to us and we'll give you a number. This number determines where you will sit. We'll pass out the written test once you have seated", he said.

"Did he say written test?.." Naruto asked.

"Pretty much, good luck Naruto", Dachi said.

The other proctor held a stack of paper in front of us. Which made Naruto lose it. "NOOO!! NOT A WRITTEN TEST! NO WAY!!!" Naruto shouted.

We were assigned our seats. I was in the middle. I looked around for my teammates. I saw Dachi in front and Asuka at the back. I saw a bunch of other proctors in the sides of the room. Naruto was next to Hinata, which was good for him becuase Hinata isn't annoying, but she's actually really nice to people. I looked at Sakura, she had a smirk on her face, and she was probably thinking that Naruto is terrible at these kind of tests. Jokes on her, becuase if he doesn't pass, your entire team doesn't pass.

"Ok listen up! There are some rules you have to follow, I will not answer any of your questions, so you better pay attention the first time!", the proctor said.

We all looked at him. "Rule number 1, you will all start off with 10 points and this also conducted a point reduction system. One point will be deducted for each question you get wrong. Rule 2, you either pass or fail based on the score of all three members", he said.

My teammates and I looked at each other, well Asuka and and Dachi are the class averages. And I'm considered the top of the class along with Sasuke. We'll proabably be fine, since we do all have faith in each other. "WHAT?! Wait a second! You're saying that we all get scored as a team?!" Sakura shouted.

Well duh, an important part of a shinobi is teamwork. Not everything is happy and alright to you.

"Silence! I have my reasons! So shut up and listen!" The main proctor said.

I snickered at her and was laughing hysterically inside my head. She looked behind and shot me a dirty look. I shot her back a cold stone face which made her turn back. "Rule number 3, the sentinals you see positioned around you are to watch you to see any signs of cheating. If they see any types of cheating, they will subtract two points of the cheater's score. Be warned, these sentinals have very sharp eyes, and if you are caught cheating five times, you'll be dismissed before even the tests are scored", he said.

Everyone had a reaction, I just kept looking at him. "The people who are caught cheating don't deserve to be here. If you want to he considered shinobi, then show us, what splendid shinobi you can be. Also, if a team member gets a zero, the entire team fails", he said.

My teammates and I had a calm expression. None of my teammates are dumb enough to even get a zero, so we'll be fine. "The final question won't be given out until before 15 minutes of the testing period. You have one hour total. Begin!" He said.

The intensity of the air gotten stronger. Sounds of writing were everywhere. I started to read the first question. A decodement?.. hm..

I started to write down the answer. It looks like that the proctors are forcing you cheat. But, what happens, if that was the case? The first question was easy for me, but let's see the second question.

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