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~No Ones P.O.V~
It was the next day. Dachi, Morihro, and Asuka have woken up. Nothing really changed. Nikku was also awake. She got up and started knocking Dachi's door.

Dachi grumbled and got up from his couch and opened the door. "Oh.. it's you Nikku.." He said then yawned.

"Can I come in?" Nikku asked.

"Yeah sure." Dachi said.

They both sat down on Dachi's couch. "So, how long have you known Naruto?" Nikku asked.

"Uh.. like since I was like.. I think.... when I was... 3 years old.. almost basically my whole life." Dachi said.

"I see then." Nikku said.

"Uh.. why are you asking?" Dachi asked.

"Have you've ever felt any chakra surges?" Nikku asked.

"Uh.. I don't remember.. but I think one time, in the Forest of Death in the Chunin Exams. I can't remember much, but I felt I had so much power." He said.

"Well, have you ever lost unconscious when you had these surges of chakra?" Nikku asked.

"Nah, I don't think so." Dachi said.

"I see. Dachi, what do you think of Kronosa..?" Nikku asked.

"Kronosa..? Well, she was a good friend. She helped us most of the time. But, before one time when we battled, she had this form. A form I can't really explain. But it made her more powerful than usual. In the Forest of Death, she was acting a bit of a... sadist. I feel like she has a twisted side. But, even if she was twisted or emotionless, she cared about our team." Dachi said.

"Oh. I see then. So, would you compare her and Sasuke?" Nikku asked.

"Never! She hates Sasuke! She talked to us about how Sasuke was a bastard of leaving the village! She had many points. She doesn't crave for power. Even though we don't have evidence, I feel like that she wouldn't betray the leaf. Well, she's a real mystery, it's proabably for another reason. If she left the village, she proabably didn't mean to betray us. Sasuke had the intention to betray the leaf just for revenge." Dachi shouted.

"You and Asuka think so highly of Kronosa. Are you sure that's her intention?" She asked.

"Of course..! Maybe even ask Morihro-Sensei! Maybe he'll provide some information!" Dachi shouted.

"Alright then. See you then Dachi." Nikku said as she got up.

"See you Nikku." He said.

Nikku opened the door and closed after leaving. How was she going to find her sensei?

Nikku went to the Hokage's office. She knocked on the door. "Come in." She heard the fifth Hokage say.

She went into the room. "What do you need?" She asked.

"Well, I need to talk to Morihro-Sensei." She said.

"Morihro? Luckily, he's not busy. I'll call him here." She said.

"Morihro!" She shouted.

Morihro zoomed over the door and opened. "What is it Lady Hokage?!" He asked.

"Nikku wants to talk to you." He said.

"Oh ok." He said.

Morihro lead her outside and walked around the village with her. "So what do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Sensei, you do know Dachi is a jinchuriki right?" Nikku asked.

"Nikku.. of course I do. How did you get this information?" He asked.

"I got it from Master Jiraiya." She said.

"I see." He said.

"What do you think of your teammates sensei? Also, what do you think of Kronosa? Do you think she left the village, or got captured?" Nikku asked.

"Well. Dachi is a hyperactive, loud, ninja. He does have some knowledge, and he is very powerful in many ways. Asuka, is shy, and helps out and supports her teammates. And Kronosa.." He paused.

"Go on." She said.

"She's quiet. She has a dark side of her. She's emotionless, but she does have some feelings to care for her friends. Her strength was as good as Sasuke, or maybe even better. She may or may not left the village. She is a mystery, I really don't know what's really going on with her." Morihro said.

"Sensei." She said.

"Hm?" He said.

"Dachi and Asuka thinks the same way about Kronosa. All positive feelings towards her." She said.

"They all care about each other. That's all I really know." He said.

"Well, I can see that." Nikku said.

'They all care about each other, deeply.' She thought.

Ok the picture has different hairstyles. So Morihro's hairstyle either looks like 23 or 29. Since KnoYoKnowledgeOA agreed on 23. While I agreed on 29. Since we are collabing on this story. Anyways, you can imagine his hairstyle as 23 or 29. It's basically your choice. Welp, thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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