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                  ~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I woke up and got ready. And walked to the ninja academy. This is was the real day. I sat down where I usually sat.

We saw and Naruto and Sasuke glaring at each other then, somebody accidentally pushed Naruto. And their lips accidentally clashed. Oh crap....

The girls who liked Sasuke were angry as hell. They pulled away and coughed. Things could get interesting, sometimes. Then, finally the team's, which was the only thing I was most interested in.

I heard most of the teams. I heard a name that caught my attention. "For Team 7..." Iruka-Sensei said.

"Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzamaki, and Sasuke Uchiha", he said.

So Naruto got assigned the same team with that duckbutt. Then, we overheard a conversation. "Just don't get in my way, loser", Sasuke said to Naruto.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Naruto shouted with anger.

Well, I couldn't do anything. Sakura was holding Naruto back. While a lot of people were laughing. It looked like Sasuke and I were the only one not laughing, but I realized some people weren't laughing as well.

My name wasn't called until after Team 11.

"For Team 12 is...." Iruka-Sensei said.

If I get a useless team that will get in my way, I'll literally will drop out of the academy.

"Kronosa Yamiyaka, Dachi Uzamaki, and Asuka Kurokawa", Iruka-Sensei said.

I looked at my teammates.

They don't look too bad.

We had to sit with our team members. "Oh wow Dachi, I'm assigned with you", I said.

"Yeah", he said.

And I turned to Asuka, which was the brown haired girl next to me. She looked nervous and shy. "Hi", I waved and said awkwardly.

"Uh, hi.." she said nervously.

"Hi! I'm Dachi", Dachi said to Asuka.

"And I'm Kronosa", I said.

"I'm Asuka...." she said.

"Let's hope we'll be the best of friends!" Dachi said.

Friends? That wasn't really part of the plan for me, but I'll go with it.

"Yeah", I said.

"Alright", Asuka said.

~Some Time Later~
We were waiting in a classroom. Then, a middle aged man came to the door. He had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. We stayed quiet for a good impression. "Wussup!" Dachi shouted.


"So your my team?" He asked.

Nooooo, don't you have eyes? I expected intelligence from a jonin.

"Let's go outside, shall we?" He said.

"Ok", I said as we followed him.

"So we're gonna introduce ourselves now, I will start first. I'm Morihro Shuii, but you will call me Morihro-Sensei. I like being alone while training. And my hobbies are training. And I don't hate a lot of things. And I really don't know my goal is", he said.

"You start now Dachi", I whispered to him.

"I'm Dachi Uzamaki! I like eating pizza, my hobbies is hanging out with my friend Naruto. I hate being judged and invisible to the villagers! And my goal is to be a strong ninja, so the village won't hate me and will acknowledge me!" Dachi said.

"Ok next", Morihro-Senseisaid.

"I'm Asuka Kurokawa, I like a certain..., ummm, someone. My hobbies are studying, and I don't really hate anything except creepy things. And my goal is to be a good healer", Asuka said.

"Next", Morihro-Sensei said.

I sighed and introduced myself. "I'm Kronosa Yamiyaka, I like being alone, my hobbies are drawing and reading. And I hate myself, and ignorant people who look down on others. And my goal is to find meaning on this on this world, well that really isn't a goal", I said.

"Well, that was good everyone! Tomorrow, do not eat breakfast because we're gonna do something that requires physical activity. And gather all your weapons that you need! And meet me at the bridge at 6!" Morihro-Sensei said as he left.

He's pretty interesting, in a way. Just hope he isn't weak for a sensei.

Wow, I published 3 chapters in a day. Well hope you enjoy so, stay swag, and peace out!

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