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~No Ones P.O.V~
It was the next day. Dachi, Asuka, and Nikku were still in their hospital beds.

Morihro was taking his rest in his place. He couldn't believe it. Sure that Kronosa could be a bit insane, but he didn't would have never guessed that she would join the Akatsuki.

'How... could she...? I thought-I didn't know she would take drastic measures like this...' he thought.

'How Lady Hokage reacted though...' he thought.

Morihro knocked on the fifth Hokage's office door. "Come in." She said.

"Lady Hokage, I have urgent news to tell you." Morihro said.

"What is it?" She said.

"I know where Kronosa is." Morihro said.

"What?! How?! Where?! How come she's not with you?!" She shouted.

"I only saw her. She's with the Akatsuki, or should I say, she joined the Akatsuki." He said.

"What?! This is poprostrous!" She shouted.

"I'm shocked as well." He said.

"Why did she join the Akatsuki?!" She questioned.

"Dachi told that she wanted to obtain a goal." He said.

"A goal great enough to become a rogue and join the Akatsuki?" Tsunade said.

Morihro nodded. "Then what was her goal then?" She questioned.

"Dachi asked that exact question to her. She simply responded 'It's none of your concern'." He said.

"I see then. Then I'll-"

"But." Morihro interrupted.

"What is it?" She said a little irritated.

"But... Dachi said that she didn't intend to leave the village." Morihro said.

Tsunade slammed a fist down on her desk. "Then why?!" She shouted.

Morihro stood there and nodded. "Thank you Morihro... for reporting this to me..." She said as she regained her calmness.

"Your welcome Lady Hokage." Morihro said as he bowed and started to leave.

Then, Morihro paused and turned to Lady Hokage. "Also Lady Hokage..." he said.

"Hm?" She said.

"Team Morihro still believes in Kronosa." He said and left.

"Hm... of course they do."

~Flashback Ends~
Morihro rested a bit more on his bed. While, he was resting, one of Team Morihro's members was wide awake.

Dachi sat on his bed and looked out the window. 'I'll train even more. Just to get your goals and your reasons. And to save you... even though it seems like you don't need saving.' Dachi thought.

He looked at Asuka and Nikku. 'I'll help you guys too as well.' He said.

A doctor came into the room. "Dachi? You shouldn't be standing up! You should be resting like your other teammates." The doctor said.

"Sorry doc, but I'm just fine!" Dachi said.

"No, you must rest more! It's for your own good!" She said.

"Seriously, my injuries are completely healed and I'm alright!" He said.

'Alright? Healed injuries after a day? That's insane..' the doctor thought.

"See doc, I'm alright and ready to go!" Dachi shouted.

"Fine then, just rest a bit more. And you can go." The doctor said.

"Alright then!" He shouted.

The doctor walked out of the room looking worried. After Dachi took a five minute rest, he went out of the hospital to go train.

After a while, Nikku had finally woken up. She looked around and saw that Dachi wasn't there. Her eyes widened.

She got out of bed and ran out of the hospital without a doctor's permission. She slammed open the fifth's Hokage door. "Where's Master Jiraiya?!" She panicked.

"Somewhere in the village, and why did you slam my-"

Nikku slammed the door closed and ran. She finally spotted Jiraiya. "Master Jiraiya! I have urgent things to tell you about Dachi!" Nikku shouted.

"What is it?" He questioned.

"Dachi had a chakra cloak. When he had only one tail, he turned into an animal that seemed like that it was made out of dark crimson red chakra." She said.

"That's not good Nikku. Since he's a two tails jinchuriki. It will only take two tails to make him into the tailed beast." He said.

"And now, most of the village knows that he's a jinchuriki." She said.

"Worse of all, the seal may be weakening." He said.

"Yes..." Nikku said.

"Nikku." He said.

"Yes Master Jiraiya?" She said.

"Take these seals, if Dachi gets a tailed beast chakra cloak or a chakra outburst." He said as he handed the seals to her.

"Of course." She said as she took the seals and put them to her pocket.

"Now, be very cautious when you guys encounter the Akatsuki." He said.

"Master Jiraiya... Kronosa is one of the Akatsuki." Nikku said.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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