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~No Ones P.O.V~
"Dachi only had a tailed beast chakra outbreak only once. I'm not sure about Naruto, but he is a considerable ninja. Everyone of Dachi's teammates think so positively of Kronosa. They think that she didn't leave the village or betray the village like Sasuke did." Nikku said.

"I see then. So the two tails chakra only escaped from Dachi only once. That means his seal must be stronger than Naruto's." He said.

"Really Master Jiraiya?" Nikku questioned.

"It seems logical, since his chakra outbreak only happened once." He said.

"I see then." She said.

"Keep a lookout on your teammates and Naruto alright Nikku?" Jiraiya said.

"Alright." She said.

"Now I'll get back to my research." He said as he grinned.

Nikky sighed and went to find Naruto. She saw Naruto walking by the village. "Hey Naruto!" He called out.

"Huh..? Oh hey Nikku!" He said.

Nikku ran to him. "Well, I heard you came from a mission. How did it go?" She asked.

"..Not really good. I saw Sasuke again, and I failed again to bring him back.." He said.

Nikku had heard other people mention Sasuke. So she decided to ask a question. "What was... Sasuke like?" Nikku asked.

"He was our friend... He could be a bit of a douchebag.. but Sasuke was my friend.. and Orochimaru took him away from us.." Naruto said.

"People think that Kronosa is similar to Sasuke. How she left the village, and all that talk about her." She said.

"Kronosa? She could be a bit mysterious, but she didn't seem the type to leave the village..." Naruto said.

"It seems both Sasuke and Kronosa have the same situation in a matter. Her teammates keep telling me that she's nothing like Sasuke." Nikku said.

"Only her teammates would know so much. They cared about her. Like how we cared for Sasuke." Naruto said.

"I suppose your right Naruto. Anyways, how did you master the Rasengan in a week?!" Nikku asked.

"I just... had a lot of determination I guess!" He said.

"What you think of Master Jiraiya?" She asked.

"The old man? Pervy Sage? Well, he's a pervert, but he's pretty good." Naruto said.

"Now I know why you call him Pervy Sage..." Nikku said.

Naruto nodded. "Well, as I thought, you are an exceptional ninja. If you have powers like this, you'll be able to get Sasuke back someday." She said.

"Really?" He said.

"Yeah!" She shouted positively.

"Thanks Nikku." He said.

"Naruto, I know this isn't good to mention.. but I heard you were a jinchuriki... from Master Jiraiya.." She said.

Naruto looked at the ground. "I know how much pain a jinchuriki has to face. For some reason, I felt it too." Nikku said.

Nikku thought a part of what Master Jiraiya said. 'I saw a little bit of nine tails leaking out of you.'

How was that possible for her? She wasn't a jinchuriki of any tailed beast. It's still a thing she wonders.

"Really..?" Naruto asked.

"The sand village treated me horribly. I don't know why.... it seemed like I didn't belong there.." She said.

"I guess someone knows how I feel. Nikku, I think we'll be good friends!" Naruto grinned.

Nikku smiled back and nodded her head.

'I think so too.'

Kronosa was practicing two new jutsus. She practiced on a tree. "Ninja Art: A Thousand Chasing Shadowing Blades." She said after she did the hand signs.

There were shadows planted onto the ground they scattered everywhere and chased other trees. Blades suddenly came out of the shadows and stabbed the air and sliced the trees.

As the jutsu name suggests, a thousand blades were out of the shadows.

She then practiced her next jutsu. "Fire Style: A Thousand Burning Knives." She said.

A bunch knives that were molten and caught in fire were in the air. She steered them to hit the trees. All a thousand trees at once. "It seems like I've perfected the jutsu under two hours." She said.

She whistled to summon her ravens and crows. Some of them landed on her arms and shoulder. "It looks like you don't really have a use for me for battle, but I could use you for something else." She said.

She didn't want to harm her crows and ravens anymore. Oppenents usually get stronger, so there would be no point in summoning them. She would eventually find a use for then again. "Fly off my crows and ravens, be free for now." She said.

The dark feathered birds flew off into the sky. She watched them as they went off.

Then, a snake slithered on the ground towards her. It didn't seem to have an intention to attack her. Instead, it circled around her and wrapped around her leg.

"Maybe. Maybe, one of Orochimaru's lies were the truth." She said.

She had no idea that she had the affinity to attract snakes. Maybe, just maybe.

Maybe she was really Orochimaru's daughter and creation.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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