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~No One's P.O.V~
"I see then. I'll help you Kronosa. But do you know how to revive Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto asked.

"Yeah, I do. I found a scroll on how to in one of his hideouts." Kronosa said as he turned to him. "If you don't mind, I'll need to borrow some of your flesh since you have some of Orochimaru's power. But don't worry, I think shedding your skin will work in order for this to work. I'll just use the shedded skin to revive him instead of your actual flesh." 

"Alright then." Kabuto said as he started to shed out of his skin.

Kronosa took a piece out of his shedded skin. 'Now since I now I have some of Orochimaru's sage chakra which is the same as curse mark chakra, I just need to focus the curse mark DNA chakra into the flesh, but it means I'll need to rid all of my curse mark DNA chakra which prevents me from going into curse mark form ever again. But I don't mind. I hated that filthy form anyway.' Kronosa anyway.

Then Kronosa started to focus all her curse mark DNA chakra onto the piece of shedded skin. Once the process was complete, a body started to come out of the shedded skin resembling Orochimaru. When his body was fully revealed, he had an intrigued look on his face. "Kronosa and Kabuto? That's interesting." he said.

Kronosa just shot Orochimaru a cold stare. "Cold as ever, eh? Out of all people, who knew you two would revive me?" he said.

"I revived you because your a valuable source of information about my myself. Now tell me everything Orochimaru." Kronosa said.

"Hm I see how it is now. Ask me any questions my child, and I'll answer them." Orochimaru said.

"If I was a weapon for your use, then why did you send me off to the leaf village, instead of training me yourself? Also, what did you plan to accomplish with me?" Kronosa asked.

"Hm, I wanted you to see the world for yourself. I hope you are aware about the dojutsu I talked about on my papers, I hoped that you would awaken the Dakugan if I sent you out. And what I planned to accomplish...? I was intrigued by this dojutsu you possessed. First reason was that wanted you to destroy the hidden leaf and help me establish the hidden sound. That's why I made you lack emotion, but somehow, you are able to gain emotion." Orochimaru said.

'Dakugan? So that's what it's called? And my identity? Is my objective that vague? Just to be an experiment doing it's creator's bidding? All my life..? I've been so devoted to find such an existence so vague? So I was just simply a test subject from the start? Then what am I to Team Morihro? WHO am I then? WHO am I to them? I know what I am but WHO am I? I thought finding all the answers would establish on who I am. But it just seems like that my existence was absolutely empty.' Kronosa thought.

"Then who am I?" Kronosa asked.

"That's for you to find out my child, it's your choice to establish yourself an identity. I have given the answers about yourself, but not who you are individually. " Orochimaru said.

'But I have no identity. Am I just some empty being? Have I been pursuing something that was impossible to achieve? I'm an empty individual then. No identity, just a vague purpose. It's the same as being dead.' Kronosa thought.

"Then how do I obtain the answers?" Kronosa questioned.

"I can't tell you on how to get the answers. In due time, the answer will be revealed to you." Orochimaru said.

'Filled with guilt, and having the feeling that I'm just as dead as a corpse. And my objective, was all for nothing. Only clarification for what I am and a vague purpose. I see then. There's no point anymore. I'll just try reducing my guilt at least a little bit at the end. Although that won't even matter anymore.' Kronosa thought.

"I see then. I'm assisting in the war to help Team Morihro. But that will also depend on the situation and circumstances of the war. Both of you, it's your choice if you want to help or not. And Orochimaru, don't do anything ignorant or I'll kill you. You have already provided me with some information that I needed, you are now easily disposable." Kronosa threatened.

"My, my, is that a way to talk to someone who helped you with your identity crisis? But I don't really care, I'm not even interested in the war." Orochimaru said.

"Hmp. I'll go on to the battlefield." Kronosa said.

"And you Kabuto, what a difference you have went through. Also what's that injury on your arm Kronosa? Don't you want Kabuto to heal it?" Orochimaru asked as he finally found Kronosa's injury.

"It's none of your concern. Kabuto doesn't need to waste his chakra on me for this type of injury." Kronosa said as she continued walking away.

"Well this might be interesting, come along now Kabuto." Orochimaru said.

The shinobi alliance were preparing for the next morning for the fight between them and Iur.

Everyone in headquarters kept a close eye on the jinchuriki to make sure nothing happened to them. Some injured shinobi were able to sleep, but most shinobi stayed awake and kept a close watch.

Next morning, everything would depend on how everyone approached the situation in the war. The kage were cautious due to the paranoid thought of Iur attacking during the night. Due to their paranoia, they stayed wide awake.

Ukkin had stayed awake as well. She was very useful for information about the enemy and she was an exceptional shinobi. Thoughts surged through her mind about this war, and most of all, her son.

She felt a sense of remorse for her only son. Although she loved her offspring unconditionally, she still couldn't side with wrong.

She just wished she didn't have to kill Iur.

But things aren't always that way.

Well that's it guys. I might consider removing an A/N in the end but maybe I won't. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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