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~No One's P.O.V~
Team twelve, Rock Lee, Might Guy, and Ukkin all lunged towards Iur. Iur dodged all attacks and proceeded to weave some hand signs.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" he said as he puffed out a large amount of fire.

Asuka quickly moved in front of the shinobi and formed a gun gesture with her fingers. "Water Style: Water Spirit Wave!"

Water emitted from her fingers in order to counter the fire style attack. Nikku teleported near Iur and tried inflicting a punch on him. Iur repelled her using his Rinnegan, then Ukkin teleported and grabbed ahold of Iur. "Yashagoro, do it." Ukkin said.

Kronosa looked straight at Iur and used her Dakugan on Iur. Everyone started preparing an attack or started weaving hand signs. They all attacked one after the other.

Might Guy and Rock Lee inflicted their taijutsu onto Iur. "Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu!" Asuka said.

"Earth Style: Rock Gun!" Dachi said.

"Wind Style: Air Bullet!" Nikku said.

"Lightning Style: Electric Needles." Kronosa said.

All six of them fired their attacks directly towards Iur. Ukkin jumped back to avoid the destructive attack and started weaving hand signs. "Fire Style: Divine Fire." she said.

All seven attacks were directly inflicted onto Iur. A large explosion had formed due to the mass amount of attacks. When the smoke finally dissipated, not a single injury was seen on Iur. "You underestimate me mother, you think I wouldn't be able to dodge a pitiful attack like that?" Iur questioned.

Iur then pulled out two of his dual swords out of his sheaths. 'Every one of the shinobi here have chakra natures that can easily counter of ninjutsu. I'll take some of them out so I can easily kill them afterwards.' Iur thought.

"We'll have to go into stronger forms if we want to have a better chance of defeating Iur." Ukkin said.

"Yeah, I agree." Nikku said.

Dachi transformed into his tailed beast and broke the ceiling above him, letting raindrops fall into the tower. Nikku and Ukkin both transformed into their nine tails chakra form.

"Gate of Pain open!" Rock Lee and Guy said as they unlocked the fourth gate out of the eight gates.

Kronosa went into sage mode and Asuka started preparing for her water cycle jutsu. "Dachi." Matatabi spoke.

'Yeah Matatabi?' Dachi said, interacting with Matatabi in his mind.

"This Iur, he has very powerful chakra. He's already captured Kurama and Gyūki which is fatally impressive. We must both give it our all Dachi, or we'll be separated from each other and the entire shinobi world will perish. After the shinobi alliance, I believe you humans will truly get along and will have harmony." Matatabi said.

'Yeah, I know Matatabi. We will give it our all and thank you for everything. With my friends, we'll be able to defeat this bastard!' Dachi said.

"So the young kunoichi with the black hair is Kronosa Yamiyaka- or Kronosa Yashagoro. Is this the friend that had left the leaf village for a goal?" Matatabi asked.

'Yes.' Dachi said.

"So Hanako was right, your friend Kronosa came back to assist you." Matatabi said.

'Yeah, she was. And how do you know about my mom Matatabi?' Dachi asked.

"I knew Hanako because she requested to seal me inside of you just like she explained to you. I remember her kindness and consideration for me. She could've sealed me inside anyone who would've died in battle and killed me along with them.

But instead, she sealed me inside her child and had made me live. Of course, that was one of her intentions, the other was that she wanted to protect the hidden leaf. You are a kind child Dachi, and your mother is a very gentle shinobi." Matatabi explained.

'So mom was a kind person, I'm proud to be the son of that type of person. And she basically saved your life. But I thank you both for helping me along the way. Now, let's defeat Iur and end this war!' Dachi encouraged.

"Right!" Matatabi said.

Both Matatabi and Dachi started building up a tailed beast bomb. Rock Lee, Guy, Ukkin, Nikku, and Kronosa all charged at Iur.

Rock Lee, Guy, Ukkin, and Nikku's incredible speed was able to reach him first and started hitting blows onto Iur. Iur dodged all of the attempted blows and jumped back.

Afterwards, Kronosa charged in and tried to land a punch onto Iur. Of course, dodged but Kronosa was still able to punch him due to nature energy on her side. Dachi then fired his tailed beast bomb at Iur. Kronosa instinctively jumped back from the bomb.

Iur dodged the tailed beast bomb, letting the ground crumble before them. All eight of them landed onto lower ground. Five of the shinobi all went after Iur, trying to strike blows. Iur either dodged them, kicked them off, or punched them. Ukkin and Nikku teleported near Iur to hold him in one place. Both Rock Lee and Guy started to inflict blows onto Iur. Due to this, Iur became injured and blood was spilled.

Then Iur broke out of Ukkin and Nikku's hold on him, lunged towards Nikku, and stabbed her. As soon as the blade came in contact into Nikku's chest, she coughed out blood and fell down. "NIKKU!" Dachi shouted.

Asuka saw what happened and rushed to heal Nikku with her basic healing ninjutsu. 'Luckily I was finished with the process of the water cycle jutsu. Until I weave a hand sign, I can save the final phase of the water cycle jutsu until multiple people are injured.' Asuka thought.

"You'll pay for what you did to everyone." Dachi said.

"You have a hopeless motivation, but you don't have the necessary ability to achieve your so called motivation. Admit it, you can't make me pay for anything." Iur sneered.

Unexpectly, Kronosa only added some words onto the conversation. "You will pay for your life you foul, disgusting excuse for a being." Kronosa said with distaste.

"We'll see about that." Iur said.

Rock Lee and Might Guy both knew they would have to be stronger if they wanted to protect their comrades. "Gate of Joy! Open!" Rock Lee shouted as he opened the last gate that he is capable of opening.

"Gate of Shock! Open!" Guy shouted as he opened the seventh gate.

'Lee and Guy-Sensei will be in great pain after using the eight gates. I just hope Guy-Sensei doesn't resort to opening the eighth gate.' Dachi thought.

Although a comrade had fallen, the remaining shall succeed and prevail.

Well that's it for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. (Btw I legit wrote a script for this fight) So, stay swag, and peace out!

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