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~No Ones P.O.V~
It was the next day. Team Morihro, they were having a regular day as usual. Nothing had really changed.

The only thing was that Team Kakashi failed to bring Sasuke back. Naruto also began training with Kakashi.

No one knew where Kronosa was, they had no idea. There was absolutely no trace of her at all for a week.

Her team began to worry about her. What could possibly happened to her?

Pain had called all of the members to a meeting. "We have been given enough time. Itachi, Kasaku, and Kisame, I trust you will not fail in capturing the two tails." He said.

"Yes." They all said.

"You will attempt in this mission again. You may have to invade the village to capture the two tails. And if possible, try capturing the nine tails as well." He said.

They nodded and their holograms disappeared. Kisame, Itachi, and Kronosa met at the forest. They all ran to the village.

They jumped branch from branch. "Leaf shinobi are very persistent, but their persistence won't help them this time." Kronosa said.

"True." Kisame said as he grinned.

They went on top of the wall that surrounded the hidden leaf. They put their hat on and walked in the village.

Nikku and Asuka were both walking around the village. Dachi was still sound asleep. Then, Nikku saw the three members of the Akatsuki. She pushed Asuka to a back of a wall. "Wha-"

"Shh, it's the same people that attacked us before." Nikku whispered.

"The Akatsuki. They're probably going for Dachi again." Asuka whispered.

"Wait." Nikku said.

"Dachi!" They both as the volume of their whispers increased.

They both ran to his place stealthily. They opened the door, and woke him up. "Wha-What?!" He said.

"Shhh Dachi, the Akatsuki is here. Be quiet. Nikku.... go call Morihro-Sensei!" Asuka whispered.

Dachi quickly got up while Nikku ran to the Hokage's office. Luckily, she stumbled into him.

"Sensei! Three of the same Akatsuki members that we battled are here!" Nikku said.

"What?!" He said.

"We need to protect Dachi!" Nikku said as she ran back to Dachi's place.

"Nikku -wait!" He said as he chased after her.

He couldn't keep up with her, her speed was incredibly fast. "I see then." A voice said.

It was Kisame, who stepped in front of their way. "Trying to protect the two tails jinchuriki?" He said.

"Hgh." Morihro grunted in frustration.

The three stood there. "Nikku! I'll handle him! Go to Dachi! Quickly!" He shouted.

Nikku had no hesitation and began to run to Dachi. Then, Itachi stood in her way. "Ugh! Fire Style: Blinding Fire!" Nikku shouted.

The fire blinded Itachi for a good while and ran away from him quickly. She had to leave Morihro to fight Itachi and Kisame.

She finally got to Dachi except there was another Akatsuki member. "You were too late. It seems like Itachi and Kisame did stall you for some good time." Kronosa said.

Dachi, Asuka, and Nikku stood against her. "I'll help you guys fight her." Asuka said.

"No, Morihro needs your help than us. You are a medical ninja, so your assistance is needed." Nikku said.

"Alright then!" Asuka said as she ran to Morihro.

"Hmp, those two together could never beat Itachi and Kisame. And you leaf ninja are annoying me and distracting me from our main objective. And it was impressive that you predicted what we were gonna do." Kronosa said.

"You Akatsuki are always bothering us!" Nikku said.

"Yeah! And I know one of you Akatsuki have Kronosa!" Dachi shouted.

"Quit your blabbering." Kronosa said as she took out some needles dipped in poison and threw it at them.

Dachi and Nikku dodged.

Nikku didn't want any damage to her current village she wanted to take this fight outside the village.

Nikku told Dachi to follow her out of the village. Kronosa followed of course, to complete her objective.

"Fire Style: A Thousand Burning Knives Jutsu." Kronosa said as a bunch of knives with fire on them were summoned.

They both landed on the ground. "Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu!" Dachi said.

The wall blocked the knives. "Very impressive. But let's see if you can fare up with this jutsu. Ninja Art: A Thousand Chasing Shadowing Blades." She said after she did her hand signs.

A shadow was planted onto the ground. The shadows chased them. "It's impossible to escape this jutsu." She said.

One blade directed at Dachi, pinning his hoodie on a tree. Nikku transformed into her fox form. She ran from the shadows. A bunch of blades came after her. "Rasengan!" She said.

She crushed all the blades with her Rasengan. But one blades stabbed her in the chest. She coughed up some blood.

"Its a pity, I didn't even use my Sharigan yet. Maybe I was only saving up for chakra reserves." She mocked.

Kronosa quickly approached Dachi. "It looks like my job was easier than I thought." She said.

"Lighting Style-"

A shuriken was thrown at her but she dodged it. "Hmp, persistent as I thought." She said.

She threw needles dipped in poison at her. Three needles went through Nikku's arm. She groaned in pain.

The poison had affected her. Also, the poison was made by Sasori of the red sand. She gathered some poison from Sasori's remains.

Kronosa began to weave her hand signs again, but Nikku threw a needle at her. She dodged once again. "You really are annoying." She said.

She took a kunai and stabbed her once again in the chest. She coughed out more blood. "Lighting Style: Electric Needles!" She said.

The needles pinned Nikku down. "You... will not... touch... Dachi...no matter what it takes... you will have to kill... me first if you want to get to him
..." Nikku panted as she said her words.

"Interesting. But look at your condition, you can't do anything to save him." She said.

"I can... Fire Style: Divine Fire!" She grunted.

Kronosa activated her Sharigan and dodged the attack. "Summoning Jutsu." She said.

After the smoke cleared, three large wolves appeared. "Take care of her, restrict every movement she could make." She commanded.

The wolves did just what she commanded. "No!!" Nikku shouted as she coughed up more blood.

She then transformed into her fox form, and broke out of the grip of the wolves. The wolves charged to attack her, but she used Rasengan to destroy them.

She charged at Kronosa trying to inflict an attack on her. Kronosa dodged everyone of her attacks.

Dachi finally took out the blade out of his hoodie and activated his Jougan. He teleported behind Kronosa and tried to inflict a punch.

Kronosa dodged once again. "It's sad, really." She said.

They resumed trying to attack her, but she kept evading all their attacks.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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