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~No Ones P.O.V~
The orb went towards to Kronosa. She held her Dark Release against it. Her Dark Release couldn't absorb the chakra.

"Looks like I can't absorb this type of chakra." She said.

She threw poisonous needles at Dachi. It did absolutely nothing. Dachi then threw punches at her. Kronosa kept dodging the attacks. She flew away to get some distance. "Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Jutsu." She said.

The flames did absolutely nothing. 'Interesting, ninjutsu and physical weapons can't harm him while he's in his form. How about I try Taijutsu?' She thought.

Kronosa was fast. She leaped up and punched him in the face and kicked him after. Dachi got injured by the attack.

"If I wanted to kill you Dachi, I would proabably have a newfound power. But I can't, my mission is to capture you alive. But, either ways, I wouldn't kill you for the Mangkyou Sharigan." She said.

Kronosa tried to look at Dachi to inflict a genjutsu on him. Luckily for her, he fell into her genjutsu. It seemed like that Dachi had lost control of his Jougan when he was in that form. If she had the Mangkyou Sharigan, she could have used Tsukuyomi, which was a stronger genjutsu.

While Dachi was in the genjutsu, Kronosa proceeded to attack him. She started inflicting Taijutsu on him. Nikku sat there helpless, pinned against a tree.

She couldn't take having her friend to take the pain. Then, a chakra seeped out of her. Her wounds suddenly started to heal. She became a lot stronger. Nikku started taking off the blades and knives from inside her body.

She took out some herbs from her pouch and healed the poison. Then, a cloak of red chakra covered her. It didn't form into a tail like how Dachi's did. But she had turned into her fox form. She leaped from the ground.

She ran towards Kronosa and jumped up. She formed a Rasengan near her snout. She directed the attack at Kronosa. "Rasengan!" She shouted.

"What a foolish action." Kronosa said as she looked at her.

She used her Sharigan to copy another jutsu. "This will waste a large amount of my chakra, but it'll be enough to kill you." She said.

Then lightning formed from her hand. "Chidori!" She said.

The attack pierced through Nikku, which made her cough blood out. She fell onto the ground. "I just need Dachi to get out of this form. That's all." Kronosa said.

Then, Nikku's wounds started to heal again. Kronosa directed her attention at her once again. "Impossible. Are you another jinchuriki?" She said.

Nikku strained as she got up. "No, I'm not... but I will save Dachi!" She shouted.

She leaped up and tried attacking Kronosa several times. Kronosa kept dodging her attacks. "It's pointless. Your 'friend' is trapped in my genjutsu." She said.

"Who are you anyway?! It seemed like Dachi knew you, but you without a mask doesn't change anything to me!" Nikku shouted.


Dachi was still trapped in the genjutsu. "Fire Style: Blinding Fire!" She shouted.

Kronosa was blinded by the jutsu. Nikku reverted back to her human form and punched her in the face. And formed a ball of Rasengan in her hand. "Rasengan!" She shouted once again.

She landed on the ground gracefully. Kronosa held her face and her chest. She was bleeding immensely. "I hate to kill people! But... I'm doing this to save my friend!" She said.

Kronosa laughed as she was still bleeding. "Friend? Try getting close to him in this form, he won't even recognize you. He'll destroy anything, he only has a hunger for destruction in this form." She said.

Kronosa was known for being emotionless, but she could get sadistically insane at times. "Well, he's still Dachi!" She shouted.

"You really are so naive." Kronosa said.

"Fire Style: Divine Fire!" She shouted.

Kronosa dodged the attack. "You are distracting from my main objective, I'll get rid of you right now." She said as she put Nikku in a genjutsu.

Nikku's eyes became flooded with tears. 'I'm a terrible friend, I'm no use... I can't save Dachi, I can't save anyone...' Nikku thought.

"Now." Kronosa began. "Time to finish my objective." She said as she turned at Dachi.

Kronosa took out some seals out of her pouch and placed them on the ground. 'I had to weaken Dachi before I placed these seals on the ground.' She thought.

The seals drained out the chakra from Dachi. Dachi screamed out from the pain. Once the sealing had done it's job, Dachi's body began to heal from the two tails chakra.

Kronosa slipped her glove back on, and put another mask on. She then reverted back to original form
She removed Nikku from the genjutsu, as she was already unconscious.

She carried Dachi along with her after that.

She ran back to the village to meet Kisame and Itachi. "It looks like you have the two tails jinchuriki." Kisame said.

"Of course, how was it against those leaf shinobi?" Kronosa asked.

"It was easy. Itachi and I versus them, of course the jonin was harder to put up with." Kisame said.

"Let's stop the chit chat, and give the jinchuriki to our leader." Itachi said.

"Right." They both said.

Kronosa handed Dachi for Kisame to carry and they both went on to go to their base.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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