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~No One's P.O.V~
Soon enough, Asuka had arrived at Dachi's hospital room to guard him. "Sorry Asuka for interrupting your training so you can guard Dachi from escaping his hospital bed." Morihro said.

"It's alright sensei, after all, I'm done with my training." Asuka said.

"Oh ok. I trust that you'll make him stay in his hospital bed to rest Asuka." Morihro said.

Dachi groaned. "Why....." he complained.

"Alright, let's go Nikku." Morihro said.

"Alright!" She shouted.

Nikku followed Morihro as he was navigating her to her new place. After a while, they arrived in their destination. Morihro handed a key to Nikku. "Here's the key, go check it out." Morihro said.

Nikku enthusiastically grabbed the key out of his hand. She then proceeded to unlock the door. She opened it, and went inside her new place. "Wow! Everything is so organized!" She shouted. She looked around a bit more. "There's a couch, a bed, a table, some chairs, a refrigerator! Everything I need is here!" Nikku said eagerly.

"I didn't know you would get so excited from just getting a new place to live in Nikku. Didn't you get a place at the sand village?" Morihro asked.

"Well not really, I had to live outside the buildings. I only went inside some buildings for practicing healing ninjutsu." She said.

"So, you didn't have any place to call home?" Morihro asked.

"I guess you can say that." Nikku said.

"No wonder you're so excited about getting a place to live in." Morihro said.

"Yep!" She said joyfully.

Nikku went on and sat on the couch. "There's a bathroom right sensei?" Nikku asked.

"Of course. And Nikku, I've been meaning to ask you something for a while." Morihro asked.

"Yeah sensei?" Nikku responded.

"How come you don't know your own last name?" He asked.

"Come on Asuka, please!" Dachi begged.

"Dachi, please stop begging. Sensei told me to guard you in case if you try and get out of bed. My objective here is to not make you do what you want to do." Asuka said.

"Can I at least walk around the room?" Dachi asked.

"No Dachi, from what I've heard, you had a recoil injury from that new jutsu you made." She said.

"But it's so boring...." Dachi said.

"Dachi, as soon as you heal, you'll be able to train again. But the more you use your energy to beg and move around, you'll never get out of this hospital bed." Asuka said.

Dachi groaned. "Ugh, fine." He said.

"Anyways, I think you'll be able to get out of bed tomorrow. So be patient Dachi." Asuka said.

"Another twenty-four hours....?" He sighed.

"I don't know Morihro-Sensei.... I've never knew my parents or any of my family..." Nikku said.

"Have you've asked anyone? Like in the sand village?" Morihro asked.

"I have, none of them knew." She responded.

"Someday you'll know Nikku, well I hope you will." He said.

"Me too sensei. I hope too." She said.

"Well, it's time for me to go. If you want, you can go back to the hospital for Dachi and Asuka." Morihro said as he walked towards the door.

Nikku got up and checked the refrigerator. "Yay! There's food!" She shouted.

She checked the bathroom and the living room. 'This seems tidy. I think I'll go back with my friends.' She thought.

She walked out the door, closed the door, and went for the hospital.

Soon enough, she arrived at the hospital. As soon as she arrived at Dachi's room, she saw that Dachi and Asuka were bickering at each other.

"Um, what's going on guys?" Nikku asked.

"Well, Dachi keeps begging me to get out of his hospital bed." Asuka said.

"Well, there's nothing to even do! At least give me something to do that ISN'T boring!" Dachi shouted.

"Okay guys, calm down. Asuka, please have patience with Dachi. Dachi, stop begging her, plus it's only one day until you get out of bed." Nikku said trying to calm them down.

"Fine." They both said.

"Anyways Nikku, how was your new place?" Asuka asked.

"It was good! Better than other place I had before." She said.

"That's good." Asuka said.

"Yep." Nikku said.

Well that's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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