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~No One's P.O.V~
Nikku trembled in fear as she saw the pain in front of her and her friends. Asuka kept her hands closed tightly together, while Dachi stared at the pain with determination.

"This one can absorb ninjutsu Dachi." Katsuyu said.

"Dachi, if all their eyes are linked together, they'll keep coming after you. A-And it's possible that they'll all team up against you at once." Asuka said.

Nikku looked at Dachi. "It doesn't matter! We'll keep fighting them until Naruto comes back! We'll never back down from a fight!" Dachi shouted.

"Dachi..." Nikku whispered.

"Fine. We'll keep fighting then!" Asuka said.

The pain charged at Dachi, throwing attacks at him. 'If ninjutsu doesn't work, then taijutsu will do.' Dachi thought.

"Leaf Whirlwind!" Dachi shouted.

Dachi delivered a series of fast kicks to the pain, causing the pain to be pushed back. Nikku quickly approached the pain and punched the pain downwards with all her might. The pain fell downwards, making the ground below break into a million debris.

"Water Cycle: Precipitation Phase!" Asuka said.

'Just five more minutes..' Asuka thought.

The pain started to get up. "N-No way!" Nikku shouted.

The pain charged towards Nikku, throwing attacks at her. Of course, Nikku dodged most of the attacks, but she couldn't help but get hit by one. She was hurled back.

"Nikku!" Dachi and Asuka shouted.

"As long as he doesn't absorb any ninjutsu. You should be fine." Katsuyu said.

Dachi let his rage take over and he charged headfirst towards the pain. "Strong Fist!" Dachi shouted.

The pain blocked the punch which surprised Dachi, then he grabbed Dachi by the neck. The pain started choking Dachi which caused Dachi to gag.

Nikku saw the sight of Dachi gagging, causing her to get up to protect her friend. Nikku quickly ran to the pain and gave the pain a low kick, causing the pain to trip and fall. Dachi escaped his grasp and started to pant due to the lack of oxygen.

"Strong Fist!" Dachi shouted as he delivered a strong punch at the pain.

The impact of the punch was so strong, that it crushed the ground. "Your efforts are useless, you will soon be captured. Dachi Uzamaki." the pain spoke before his last breath.

Nikku and Dachi were breathing heavily due to the last two fights they needed to fight. "H-How many are there left..? We.... can't keep.... fighting forever." Nikku said.

"W-We have to, until Naruto... comes back." Dachi said.

Then everything at once, was silenced. Everything at once was destroyed. The four didn't know how the leaf village was destroyed in seconds. It just, was.

The explosion knocked all of them out onto the ground. Dachi removed the debris on top of him and soon removed the debris on top of his friends.

They all coughed soom after they were able to breathe. They soon released how bad the destruction was. All their eyes widened at how bad the destruction.

"W-What? H-How...?" Nikku stammered.

"W-Who did this..?" Asuka said.

"No way..." Dachi said.

They saw tons of corpses scattered everywhere. Some were still alive, but some, dead.

After that explosion, Asuka still had her hands clenched together. "Dachi! Nikku! Get as many injured people as you get! I can still save them!" Asuka yelled.

Both Dachi and Nikku nodded. They carried as many corpses they could see in plain sight. They laid the bodies down near Asuka.

"Dachi! Nikku! Get near here!" Asuka said.

Asuka coughed. "Water Style: Healing Water Cycle Phase Complete!" she said.

Clouds began to form on top of them. It suddenly rained healing water on them. Suddenly, everyone who was touched by the healing water felt refreshed. Their injuries healed, and their chakra restored.

"G-Get as many people you can get in here..." Asuka said weakly.

Dachi and Nikku obeyed without question and did as Asuka said. Dachi and Nikku got more people, and many were healed. "A-Any more?" Asuka asked.

"No. We don't see anymore."  Nikku said.

Asuka coughed once more. Her healing jutsu had just wore off. She released her hands from being together and fell down due to the exhaustion of her chakra. "Asuka!" Nikku shouted, her voice filled with concern.

She rushed to her side, and proceeded to give some of her own chakra to Asuka. Asuka tried to stand up, but fell down. She attempted once again, and succeeded. She was weak, but strong enough to get up on her own. "T-Thank you Nikku." Asuka said weakly.

"What do we do with everyone that you just healed Asuka?" Dachi asked

"Let them rest, we can't afford to lose any more lives." Asuka answered.

Then suddenly, Team Morihro soon heard a loud explosion. They all turned their head to the source of the sound. "What was that?" Asuka questioned

"Let me check it out." Dachi said as he activated his Jougan.

His Jougan detected a couple of chakra points which had vigorous chakra. 'Naruto...' Dachi thought.

"Guys! Naruto is over there! Let's check it out!" Dachi yelled.

"Alright!" Nikku and Asuka said.

They quickly ran over to the area that was filled with smoke. Soon enough, the smoke cleared up and it revealed Naruto a bunch of giant and small frogs. "Naruto!" Nikku yelled.

Nikku began to run towards Naruto. "Wait! Nikku!" Asuka shouted.

Nikku jumped into the battlefield. Then, one of the pains blasted their fist towards Nikku. Since Nikku wasn't aware of the pain, she was unable to dodge it, knocking her unconscious.

"Nikku!" Naruto, Dachi, and Asuka yelled altogether.

Dachi rushed to Nikku's side, picked her up, and carried her in his arms. The same pain who knocked Nikku unconscious tried to aim a missile at Dachi, but Dachi dodged it quickly and ran towards Asuka. "Is she okay?!" Asuka asked.

"She's unconscious but I think she'll be fine." Dachi said.

Asuka felt pity for Nikku. She felt so powerless, she couldn't even help her own friend.

Dachi, on the other hand, wanted to help Naruto. He looked at Naruto. But Naruto gave Dachi a look that meant that he could handle it on his own.

'Alright then Naruto, I'll leave it up all to you. But if you're struggling, I'll come to help you. Buddy.' Dachi thought.

But at the same time, he wished that Naruto would let him help. But Dachi wanted to respect Naruto's wishes. All he could do right now is to watch the fighting unfold.

Welp that's it guys. Things will soon get spicy. So, stay swag, and peave out!

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