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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
All I know is, I'm a creation. I was a weapon, meant to destroy and to elimate others. That's what I first thought about my existence.

I'm a weapon made from a measly experiment. How am I valuable to that freak? No, he only tells lies.

I can only get the truth from the Akatsuki. Right now, the Akatsuki is a group that I can trust.

I sat down on the ground, with my back against the rock wall.

I took out my sketchbook and my pencil out of my pouch. I started sketching some things on my book.

"You seem to be like the one that's quiet and less bothersome." A familiar voice said.

"What is it Kisame?" I said as I continued sketching.

"Well, I'm done with my mission. Mind if I chat?" He asked.

"Sure." I said as continued sketching.

"You don't seem so talkative."

"Exactly." I said.

"Anyways, what are you drawing? Probably your art makes more sense than Deidara's." He said.

"No. Deidara's opinion of art is completely fine. I have no right to judge his point of view." I said.

He glanced over to my sketchbook. "Interesting." He said as he grinned with his sharp teeth.

It was a skull, a realistic one. With blood dripping off it. "Here, see my sketches if you want to." I said as I handed my sketchbook to him.

He took it and flipped the pages. "Why do you draw blood along with your pictures?" He asked.

"Blood..?" I said as I glanced over to my own sketchbook.

"Yeah." he said.

I did draw blood along with certain objects. "I don't know.. probably a habit of mine." I said.

"Anyways, your art is pretty good." He said.

"Thanks." I said as I took my sketchbook back.

Why would the other members want to talk to me if I'm silent? Why talk to someone with no emotion?

"I realized that you didn't talk to most of the members here." Kisame said.

"Why should I bother? No one is ordering me to talk to them." I said.

"But, you are talking to me."

"It's because you asked to." I said.

He nodded from my answer. "Anyways, I know I'm weaker than you in the Akatsuki. Why would you talk to someone that's more weak than you?" I said.

"You sure are interesting." He said.

Interesting? That's what they think about me?

"I see then. I know most of the members here went here for doing something horrific in their village. Or some simply wanted to join." I said.

I tried not to say anymore. Or he would realize my true intentions wasn't to reject my village.

"..Right.." he said.

I closed my sketchbook, and put my sketchbook and pencil back in my pouch.

"I'll take my leave now." He said.

I nodded. He stood up and started walking.

~Nikku's P.O.V~
I sat on the tree branch thinking.

Friends...? Family...?

Wouldn't they act the same..?

But. Isn't the feeling different..?

Maybe yes, maybe not.

I jumped off the branch and landed gracefully.

Master Jiraiya told me that I had some nine tails chakra inside of me. And I had this ability to shape shift into a fox. How was that possible?

I transformed into a fox and ran into the forest. I wanted to free my thoughts, and run.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
I talked to Naruto for a while. "Sorry Dachi, I gotta train." He said.

"Oh ok! It's alright!" I said.

Naruto ran away to his location.

I miss my friends. Things changed when Sasuke and Kronosa left the village.

Naruto misses his teammates and would do anything to save Sasuke. And I miss my teammate as well.

Asuka and I miss our teammate. We both believe that she would never betray the village. We know her well enough, right?

But when Nikku asked me those questions... 'Did you have any chakra outbreaks?'

Why? Why would she ask me that? I did only once. Is that bad?

Ugh, why don't I know anything important!

I cooled down and sighed. I guess that's how it is.

Morihro-Sensei is too busy, and I barely even know what's going on.

What a shame..

Thats all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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