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~1 Day Later/No One's P.O.V~
Yesterday, Nikku was training vigorously. She trained as hard as she can so she could avenge Master Jiraiya. She thought it was her fault, she felt she could've stopped Master Jiraiya from going to the Rain Village.

She wished she could've stopped him. But if she died trying to avenge her master, she would think it was deserved.

Meanwhile, Dachi was at his apartment. He wasn't able to train since Guy-Sensei's team left for a mission. He decided to get up so he can visit Asuka and Nikku to train with them.

Dachi got up, walked up to his door, opened it, then he went out and closed it. He was first planning to go to the Kurokawa household since it was more reliable to find Asuka there.

He ran to the Kurokawa household and knocked on the door. The door started to open. It was Asuka's mom.

"Oh! It's you Dachi, I suppose you're looking for my daughter." she said.

"Yep." Dachi said.

"Asuka!" Ms. Kurokawa yelled as she turned the other direction to the inside of her home.

"Yes mom?" Asuka said as Dachi can hear her faintly.

"Your friend Dachi is here." Ms. Kurokawa said.

Asuka walked towards the door and turned her head slowly and looked at Dachi. "Oh, hi Dachi." She said.

Asuka stepped outside. "Wanna go training with Nikku? Guy-Sensei is on a mission so I can't train with him and Rock Lee." Dachi said.

"Yeah, sure." Asuka said as she nodded her head.

"Have fun!" Ms. Kurokawa shouted as she closed the door.

Dachi and Asuka both started walking towards Nikku's apartment. "You seem a bit more different than usual Asuka. What's going on?" Dachi said.

"Different? I don't think I'm that different today." Asuka responded.

"Well, you haven't hanging out with Team Morihro for a couple days now. And you're a lot less.... how do I put this...? Shy." Dachi said.

"Um... well... maybe I got used to Team Morihro..." Asuka said.

"Good point." Dachi said.

They soon arrived at front of Nikku's apartment. Dachi knocked on the door. No one opened the door. "Dachi, try turning the knob." Asuka suggested.

Dachi tried turning it, it was locked. Dachi knocked once again. And again, no one answered. "I think Nikku is already off somewhere on a mission." Asuka said.

"Yeah, I guess we're both training alone." Dachi said.

They both walked to the usual training spot and saw Nikku training. "Hey Nikku!" Dachi shouted.

Dachi's voice caught Nikku's attention and turned to look at him. "Oh. Hey Dachi." Nikku said.

Something was off about Nikku. She didn't have that usual lit up face that she usually had. Instead, her presence felt somber.

"Nikku, what's wrong?" Asuka asked.

"Nothing! I'm fine." Nikku said.

"I know there's something wrong Nikku." Asuka said.

Nikku wanted to cry. But she couldn't, not in front of her friends at least. She didn't want to bring anyone down. Instead, she held her tears back. "Asuka! There's nothing wrong with me! I'm completely fine! So stop worrying about me, and let's train together!" Nikku said as her face relit up.

"Right!" Dachi said.

Then they all started to train. Nikku would sacriface her own happiness just to make her friends happy.

Meanwhile, Kronosa was outside of the Akatsuki base training. She was honing her ninjutsu and taijutsu. She thought about the leaf village as she trained.

'Why do I feel guilt? I'm aware that the leader of the Akatsuki, Pain, is going to destroy the leaf village in pursuit to capture the jinchuriki in that village. Meaning he's going to try and capture Dachi and Naruto. And if he does, they both die. But why? Why do I feel this sense of guilt for people that I left. I had no trouble leaving them when I was about leave. But now that I think about, I did feel guilt when I was.'

Kronosa paused her thoughts and training for a couple of seconds. She looked up at the sky and observed it.

'They aren't weak. They have potential. As much how strong Pain is, the leaf village is persistent. It won't be that easy to find Naruto and Dachi.'

'Especially with their skill level.' Kronosa thought as she continued training.

'All I know is... when Pain dies, I'm leaving the Akatsuki. There's no reason to remain in the Akatsuki if he dies. He's a possessor of the Rinnegan, the leader of the Akatsuki, and the strongest out of the whole Akatsuki. My reason to join the Akatsuki was to gain protection from other shinobi and gain information about my identity. But if the strongest of all the members is dead, I'll have to find and seek out information myself.' she thought.

Again, she thought again.

'Hm, should I practice genjutsu more often? My genjutsu is weak after all. No... I don't think I should, I shouldn't be wasting my time on training on something that's pointless. I at least can use weak genjutsu on some opponents. Yes genjutsu can be useful in some cases, but it's a waste of chakra. I rather be using my chakra on ninjutsu than genjutsu. At least I can actually inflict damage on my opponent with ninjutsu and taijutsu.'

Everyone in the leaf village carried on with their day. Team Morihro training. Jonin playing with each other. Children running around. You know, everyone minding their own business.

Then, a violent shake or explosion was overheard by the leaf village.

Welp that's all for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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