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~No One's P.O.V~
Kronosa and Kabuto had finally arrived at the leaf village. Kronosa looked at the village that she used to have an affiliation with. She looked on how the darkness of the night doused the leaf village with it's darkness with only windows brimming with light to illuminate the darkness.

Sadly, she had thrown this home away. The home on where she found her friends. She was a traitor, and she felt that she can never be forgiven. She then felt that it was time to stop gazing at the home she betrayed so long ago. "Let's go Kabuto, let's prepare for the fourth great ninja war." Kronosa said.

Then Kronosa felt a presence within the leaf village along with other presences. She then activated her Sharigan. Somebody was definitely here, someone to cause ill intention.

"Come out now, I know you're here." Kronosa said aloud.

"So it's you, Kronosa Yamiyaka." a familiar voice responded.

The voice that she found so arrogant during her time in the academy. The voice belonged to Sasuke Uchiha.

The Uchiha revealed himself to Kronosa and Kabuto. "What's your business here Uchiha?" she questioned.

"I'm going to destroy the leaf village. And if any of you stop me, you will perish. It's interesting that you have Kabuto to accompany you." Sasuke said.

"I know you have other allies with you. Hiding is futile." Kronosa spoke.

"Hmp, I see then. Suigetsu, Jugo, Karin, come out." Sasuke commanded.

All three obeyed Sasuke's word and revealed themselves. The first individual that Kronosa had observed was a male with white hair with distinctive sharp teeth. The second, was a male with orange hair and red-orange eyes. The third was a female with red hair and crimson eyes wearing glasses.

"Ah Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo. How nice of you to come." Kabuto said.

Kronosa shot a look at Kabuto. "So you know them?"

"Of course, they're Lord Orochimaru's test subjects." Kabuto said.

"I see then." Kronosa said.

"And who are you?!" Suigetsu questioned as he turned to Kronosa.

"Kronosa Yamiyaka. Or someone as you refer to; 'Lord Orochimaru's daughter.'" she responded.

"What?! No way! But now that I think about, she does look like Orochimaru. The black hair and snaky eyes. Not to mention the-"

Suigetsu was cut off by Sasuke. "Enough Suigetsu." Sasuke then turned to Kronosa and Kabuto. "If you try stopping me from destroying the leaf village, then you will die." he resumed as he activated his Mangekyou Sharigan.

"Arrogant as always. Always overestimating your own abilities." Kronosa said.

"Hmp, I don't need judgement from you. Suigetsu, Karin, Jugo, I'll handle this myself." Sasuke said.

"What?! You don't need help from-"

"Shut up you idiot! If Sasuke wants to fight alone, then we'll let him." Karin yelled.

The two considered started to bicker until Jugo stopped them. "Kabuto you stay aside, fight the other three if they initiate in battle." Kronosa said.

"Alright." Kabuto responded.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" the two both said.

Kronosa and Sasuke's fire both repelled each other's. "I'll end this quickly so I can destroy the leaf village quickly! Chidori!" Sasuke said as lightning formed onto his hand.

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