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~No One's P.O.V~
Iur was in his hideout, extracting the nine tails from Naruto's body. Eventually he was finished and started putting the rods back into the tailed beasts.

'Now, I just need the two tails from this timeline and I shall cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi in my timeline. The alliance's battle power has been weakened, their best strategists dead, and the five kage unconscious. Everything is playing out how the way I wanted. I shall win and bring eternal peace.' Iur thought.

A couple hours have passed ever since Iur had teleported out of the battlefield. Everyone's strength was restored and healed except the five kage which have been injured brutally. "I believe we should find where Iur is before he finds us. If we don't, he will always have a safe and secure place to hide and escape." Ukkin announced.

Everybody in the alliance nodded. "Now, Iur has probably put up a barrier jutsu around him to stop sensory types from sensing him. I could probably undo his barrier jutsu, but I would have to be in close contact with it. I don't think any regular sensory type will be able to sense him. He shouldn't be much farther than ten kilometers which is the maximum distance he can teleport to." Ukkin said.

"Now I don't think he'll be in any of the five great nations because all of the shinobi guarding them." Shikamaru said.

"Then Iur may be in the smaller nations that's within his range; the hidden rain, hidden waterfall, hidden grass, land of hot water, land of rivers, or the land of that." Kronosa stated.

"I see then. The maximum distance of my teleportation is fifteen kilometers. So I'll be able to check each one of the nations but however, the shinobi alliance and I will be open for an attack. But I'll have to take that risk and leave the alliance to both of you for a while when I'm searching for Iur." Ukkin said.

"Wait, if you could've teleported all this time, why couldn't you do that in the first place?" Shikamaru asked.

"At first, we planned for Iur to come to us. But since the circumstances have changed, we have to come to him." Ukkin said.

"I see then." Shikamaru said.

And with that, Ukkin had teleported into the hidden grass village. 'I'll have to stay on guard, I'm wide open for an attack. I'll try to sense Iur's barrier as quickly as possible.' Ukkin thought.

Ukkin had finally sensed a barrier. 'I'm positive that this is Iur's chakra.' She thought.

Ukkin approached the barrier, and tried undoing the barrier with her jutsu, but instead the barrier exploded in contact. Ukkin jumped back reflexively to avoid the explosion. 'I can't sense his chakra anymore. What jutsu is this? Wait, I can sense his multiple pieces of his chakra in almost every minor hidden village. I'll look around the hidden grass a bit more.' Ukkin thought.

Ukkin started walking throughout the village in order to find Iur. The atmosphere of the village was cold a empty. Then suddenly, she had found multiple corpses on the floor. The blood was dried out and corpses were rotting as flies swarmed around them.  The sight was almost sickening to withstand.

Ukkin was used to this type of sight in her timeline, so it was only natural that she was not phased by the sight. Ukkin walked even more through the village but Iur was no where to be seen.

Then Ukkin teleported to the land of that in order to seek out Iur. Once again, she had encountered the explosive barriers again and avoided it. Once again, the village was desolate and empty. Afterwards, she teleported to the hidden rain village. She was met with rain droplets falling onto her face as she looked up.

Again she was met with barrier, she used a jutsu to try and undo barrier. Surprisingly, an explosion had not happened. Instead, the barrier disappeared and Ukkin had felt Iur's vast amount of chakra. 'This must be Iur.' She thought.

She quickly ran throughout the village as she stepped on puddles of water. Ukkin tried tracking Iur's chakra and eventually ran into him. "Iur." Ukkin said.

"So you've found me mother. But it looks like you went into a bit of trouble." Iur said.

"What were those explosive barriers Iur?" Ukkin asked.

"My Shohega? Well it isn't too hard to explain it. I set up pieces of my chakra into certain locations but the farthest I can go is ten kilometers. Once somebody uses a jutsu or touches the barrier, it explodes. But that isn't too hard to figure out is it?" Iur said.

"I see then. I must go now. My son." Ukkin said as she teleported away.

'So mother still feels sorry for me. That's interesting. But she won't have to anymore, because she's bringing the two tails straight right to me.' Iur thought.

Ukkin had teleported back where the shinobi alliance were and relayed her newly discovered information. "Iur is in the village hidden in the rain."

"I see then, then shall we proceed?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yes, let's go." Ukkin commanded.

The twenty jonin and five medical ninja stayed back near the tent. Ukkin started to led the whole shinobi alliance towards the hidden rain village. "Ukkin, due to your skilled teleportation abilities, can't you just teleport us in groups near the group village." Shikamaru suggested.

"Yes, but I do not want to endanger anyone's life by leaving them near Iur's presence. So we shall arrive together in the hidden rain." Ukkin said.

"Hm good point." Shikamaru said.

The shinobi alliance all ran together behind Ukkin as they were determined to win this war. 'I'll rip one of your organs out, you vile creature.' Kronosa thought.

'Naruto, we'll save you from Iur. No matter what.' Dachi thought as he expressed concern for his best friend.

'I'll perform the best of my abilities to save everyone. I don't want to disappoint anyone.' Asuka thought.

'I wonder what Kronosa's intentions are now. She may be my student, but I can't bring myself to fully trust her. She is a rogue ninja afterall.' Morihro thought.

The shinobi alliance ran and progressed forward. Soon enough, they had arrived at their destination.

Welp that's it for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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