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~No One's P.O.V~
Next day, Dachi woke up eagerly from his recovery. Nikku had recently woke up in her new home. While Asuka was still sleeping with her head on Dachi's bedside.

Dachi stretched vigorously, while yawning loudly. "Finally! I can go train now!" Dachi shouted.

His loud voice woke Asuka up. She opened her eyes slowly. She got up slowly. She rubbed her eyes.

"You woke me up Dachi....." Asuka said.

"Oh sorry Asuka..." Dachi said.

"It's alright, anyways good luck on training." She said.

Asuka then got up from her chair and left the room. Dachi got up from his bed, and stretched once more.

Dachi walked out of his room and ran out of the hospital. As he was getting out, and walking to the forest, he encountered Nikku. "Hi Dachi." She said.

"Uh, hi Nikku!" Dachi said.

"Well, I'm coming with you in training." She said.

"Well, you don't have to really...." Dachi said as he thought of being in the hospital for days.

Nikku chuckled. "Are you serious? After you fainted and lost conscious twice, you really think I'm going to agree with that? Plus, I promise I'll won't take you to the hospital anymore, I can just treat you in my new place." She said.

"Sure then." He said.

Soon enough, they walked together to the usual training spot, the forest. "Anyways Dachi, are you planning to do that jutsu again....?" Nikku asked.

Dachi stopped dead, and looked at her. He stayed silent.

"Dachi, that jutsu is very harmful to you, you can possibly suffer and injury that may be fatal and incurable." She said.

"....Nikku, what's the point of me working so hard on that jutsu if I'm allowed to use it!" She shouted. "I know that I'll hurt myself, but, how am I going to save and friends my friends?! My injuries don't matter anymore! My friends do! Plus, it hurts me to feel so terrible when I'm powerless that I can't even protect my friends!"

"Dachi, I understand.... but I'm your friend and I worry about your health.... even Asuka does." She said.

Dachi smiled. "Don't worry about me, I know my own limitations." He said.

Nikku smiled back. "I see then. I trust you to take care of yourself."

"Also Nikku, wouldn't you want to be training at this time...?" Dachi asked.

"I'm done with training already with Master Jiraiya, plus I got a couple good tricks up my sleeve." Nikku said.

"Oh ok...." He said.

"Anyways Nikku, you should probably back up." Dachi added.

"Oh yeah." She said as she jumped to a considerable distance.

'Matatabi, assist me please.' Dachi thought.

Soon enough, after Dachi had gathered up the chakra he needed for his recently new jutsu, he released his attack on the ground.

It caused quite an impact on the terrain. After that, the jutsu subsided. And Dachi was entirely exhausted, and his body started to hurt a lot.

Nikku ran to him. "Dachi! Don't you dare lose conscious right now!" She shouted.

She grabbed Dachi and started to heal him. Dachi stayed awake after that statement. "...I can't feel anything in my body.... and everything hurts....." He groaned.

After studying his condition a while, Nikku finally found out his real condition was. "Dachi, it seems like that you feel pain and paralysis after using this jutsu. After chakra is spread throughout your body, and spreads outside your body, you use all that chakra and that used chakra takes it out on your body. Causing you to lack movement and to feel pain from the recoil of the chakra throughout your body." She explained.

"I have no idea what you just said.... but... I'm really in a tight situation here..." He said.

Nikku started healing him the best that she could. And used most of her chakra to heal him. "Dachi... are you okay now...?" Nikku asked.

"Yeah... I feel a lot better now." Dachi said.

Dachi began to get up from his lying down position. Soon enough, he sat up and was able to stand on his own.

"Dachi, take a break for a couple minutes, and you should be okay." She said.

"Alright then." He said.

'How did I do that with my own hands...? How did I heal his injury so fast....?' Nikku thought.

Well, that's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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