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~No Ones P.O.V~
Dachi kept practicing the new techniques that he was taught by Morihro.

With the help of his tailed beast, he was able to maintain his chakra. He then stopped for a while. "Hey sensei." He said.

"Hm? What is it Dachi?" Morihro responded.

"I have a question." He said.

"Yeah? I'm listening." Morihro said.

"From the book I read about chakra natures. The only two natures that haven't been combined to make a new is Earth and Wind Style. How come?" Dachi asked.

"Well, Dachi, it hasn't been discovered yet. Or made yet." He said.

"How come?" Dachi asked.

"That's a question that most of us can't even answer." He said.

Dachi thought about it for a while. "Hm...?"

Dachi then started build up some chakra. 

Nikku hopped off the tree and landed next to him. "Dachi, I did tell you that I was going to teach you some wind techniques." She said.

"True." Dachi said.

Then, a leaf shinobi approached Morihro and whispered something in his ear. Morihro's reaction was a bit unsettling. "I see..." He said.

Morihro then turned to Nikku ans Dachi. "I have to go now guys. After all, those were the only techniques I can teach you right now Dachi. And Nikku, make sure you teach him the wind technique." He said.

"Yes sensei." She said.

He then hopped off. "Okay then, now focus all your chakra all over your body Dachi." Nikku said.

Dachi did as she said. "Now overflow the chakra outside your body. Think if it this way, try spreading the chakra outside your body." She said.

Dachi focused hard, and in time, he achieved the direction. "Now focus your chakra into the wind and try using your chakra to bend the wind where you want it to blow." Nikku said.

Dachi then concentrated hard, he then turned the wind to the woods, and sliced the trees in a million pieces. Nikku was surprised by his short time of his ability to master techniques in a short amount of time.

"Wow, I'm really impressed Dachi." She said.

"Thanks!" He said.

Nikku gave back a reassuring smile to him. "Nikku, I need to try something out. Can you step back?" He asked.

"Of course." Nikku said.

Dachi concentrated hard. He then stepped forward with his right foot, causing hard rock to form over the natural grass. Then, he then stepped with the other foot.

Suddenly, a strong force of wind shot from the ground. Causing the rock ground to be destructed.

"Tch. It's not good enough... " He muttered.

He then used the wind technique that Nikku had recently taught him. He then formed a couple of hand signs. "Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" He shouted.

The wind broke the stones into smithereens. Nikku finally knew what he was getting at.

"Dachi, I know you're doing." She said.

"Huh?" He said.

"You're trying to combine earth and wind style natures aren't you?" She said.

"I am." He said.

"It's almost virtually impossible. I don't mean to be a downer or anything, but no one has ever made a nature combining those two." She said reasonably.

"Nikku.... Nothing is impossible! If someone can master something new, it's possible!" He shouted.

Nikku smiled. "Then." She looked at him. "I believe you can do it."

"Thanks Nikku." He said.

'Please Matatabi help me...' He thought.

Dachi started to focus all the chakra in all parts of his body. Then, wind began to swirl around him rapidly. He focused hard.

Converting all the chakra he can all around his body, the ground began to rumble. The solid rock materials began to swirl in the wind. Causing some dirt to hurl into the wind.

A huge sphere of natural materials formed in the strong winds. Dachi kept his focus.

Then, his focus broke from the large amount of chakra he had used. The raging wind subsided, and the materials fell down.

He fell down on the ground from exhaustion. Nikku rushed to his side. "Dachi! You shouldn't exert yourself to much!" She said.

Liquid droplets began to fall from the heavens above. Making the rain fall on them, making them soaked. Dachi had completely lost conscious. "He's going to get sick if he doesn't go indoors." She muttered.

She took his body and put him on her back. She was looking for Asuka since she knew that she had a comfy home for the rain. She ran to the Kurokawa household and knocked on the door. Someone opened and a woman was shown. "Hi! I'm Asuka's teammate and friend, and the boy on my back is also what I just said. Can I please come inside!?" Nikku said quickly.

"Of course! You guys are going to catch a cold." She said as she let them in.

Nikki laid him on the couch and sat next to him and sighed.

Then, Asuka came into the door. "Oh hi guys. What's Dachi laying on my couch? And why are you guys here?" She asked.

"Well, Dachi lost unconsious while training and it started raining and I didn't want him to get sick. And since I don't have a place to keep him warm, and came here." Nikku explained.

"I see then. I understand. You can sleep on my bed tonight. I'll sleep on my couch." She said.

"Huh? Why?" Nikku asked.

"I would like to get a bit uncomfortable for a while. After all, I am training too. So I need be under hard conditions." She said.

"Yeah, but if one of us is going to sleep on the bed..."

"Well.... I don't know then..." She said.

"No, it's okay Asuka... Dachi can have the bed all to himself." She said.

"So where are you going to sleep?" She asked.

"I don't know.... " Nikku said as she looked at Dachi sleeping face.

Asuka's mom then came. "Is there anything I can you guys?" She asked.

"...... No thank you.." Nikku said.

"Oh come on Nikku. Please..." Asuka then looked at her mom. "Mom, can you please cook Nikku food?" She asked.

"Sure Asuka." She said.

"No... It's really fine Asuka..." She said.

"But you must be starving... And also Dachi. You guys have been training, plus my mom already has the food prepared." She said.

Asuka's mom placed a plate of sushi on the table. "Thank you..." Nikku said.

Nikku got some chopsticks and ate one sushi. "WOW! THIS IS GOOD!" Nikku said.

She started eating more. "Glad you like it." Asuka said.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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