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~No One's P.O.V~
It was a beginning of a morning. Dachi was lying on a hospital bed. Nikku had brought him to the hospital after Dachi had passed out from developing a new chakra nature.

Nikku was sitting on a chair, her head lying on Dachi's side of his bed. She was sleeping with her head down. Soon enough, Dachi had slowly opened his eyelids to the morning sunlight.

He stood up, sitting down from his bed. He realized that Nikku was sleeping on his side of his hospital bed. 'Ugh.... I probably fainted again...' Dachi thought.

Nikku had finally woken up from her slumber. She opened her eyes slowly. "Oh Dachi... you're awake..?" Nikku said.

Nikku had removed her head from Dachi's bed and reformed sitting on her chair properly.

"Yeah... did I pass out again Nikku?" Dachi asked.

"Well, what do you think? This is the second time I had to carry you on my back to take you to shelter and treatment." Nikku said.

Dachi suddenly fell back on his hospital bed. "...My everything hurts...." He groaned.

' It must be the recoil of that jutsu he recently developed. Any strong jutsu must have a price to pay.' Nikku thought.

"Dachi, the reason you're hurting is because of that jutsu you recently created and that new chakra nature." Nikku said.

Dachi groaned in pain. "How....come....?" He strained in pain.

"That jutsu was very destructive and powerful. It must've had a side effect recoil on you. Right now, you can't keep using Debris nature, or you'll keep weakening yourself." Nikku said as she began to heal him.

"Fine.... ugh!" Dachi groaned in pain.

"Dachi, just lay back down." Nikku said.

Dachi did as she said. Footsteps could be heard near the entrance of Dachi's room. A man came into the room, it was Morihro. "Dachi? Nikku? What are you guys doing here?" He said.

"Same question, sensei. What are you doing here?" Nikku asked.

"Well, I heard that Asuma's team headed out to avenge Asuma. Kakashi's team also partook as backup. So I was planning to visit them. How about you guys?" Morihro stated.

"Makes sense. Dachi and I are in the hospital because Dachi fainted during training. Again." Nikku said.

"I see, how is Dachi's training going?" Morihro asked.

"Well, he developed a new chakra nature and-"

"What?! A new chakra nature?!" Morihro shouted.

"Yep. And here he is, lying in a hospital bed from the recoil of that new chakra nature." Nikku said.

"What?! How?! Just when?!" Morihro shouted.

"Just yesterday. He tried combining earth and wind chakra natures, and he succeeded in two days." Nikku said.

"Making a new chakra nature in two days?! You really are something Dachi.... And if you guys did, did you guys name it?" Morihro asked.

"Dachi named it Debris Nature." Nikku said.

"Interesting... have you observed the details of Dachi's new chakra nature..?" He asked.

"Yes, from what I could ob-"

"WAIT!" Dachi shouted.

Morihro and Nikku turned their attention at him. "Morihro-Sensei, you said you came here to visit Team Asuma and Team Kakashi, since they recently fought the people who killed Asuma! So does that mean... that they suceeded in defeating some of the members of the Akatsuki...?" Dachi asked.

"Yes... Dachi...." he responded.

"And also, does that mean that Naruto is here since you mentioned Team Kakashi?" Dachi asked.

"Er.....yes..." Morihro said regretfully.

"HE IS?!" Nikku and Dachi shouted in unison.

"Oh... goodness.... this is why I didn't want to tell them..." Morihro muttered.

"Calm down, both of you. Dachi, you need to rest from that recoil of that new jutsu and chakra nature. Nikku, you need to watch Dachi, since only you girls (Nikku, Asuka, and Kronosa) can keep him under control." Morihro added.

They both groaned in disappointment. "But sensei, Naruto is a really good friend of mine, and I haven't seen for a while now..." Dachi groaned.

"Me too sensei! Naruto is my sibling apprentice with Master Jiraiya and he's one of my newest friends!" Nikku added as she groaned.

"Settle down you two, but honestly..." Morihro said as he looked at Dachi. "I'm interested in how Dachi mastered a new chakra in such a short amount of time, and how he did it." He said.

"And can either of you explain what was the effect of the jutsu and what it looked like. And how Dachi developed it." Morihro added.

Nikku sighed. "As I was saying when Dachi interrupted me, I had observed that the wind he created in that jutsu looked like a giant tornado. Chunks and bits of rocks were hurled into that tornado. I could tell that the wind was incredibly strong, and moving very rapidly. The force of the rocks and wind was so strong, I saw the tornado drill into the ground. Also, I could tell that Dachi used massive amounts of chakra just to perfect Debris nature." Nikku explained.

Morihro looked at Dachi. "And did you it Dachi?" He asked.

"From I my best explanation sensei, combined the two techniques that you and Nikku taught me. Being that your technique was an earth style while Nikku's was a wind style." Dachi wanted to tell them that his tailed beast that was sealed inside him, Matatabi, helped out giving the amounts of chakra he needed, but he didn't want to worry them about him communicating with a tailed beast. "...I used the steps of how to perfect the techniques you guys taught me... and besides that.. I really don't know..." Dachi said.

"I see..." Morihro said.

"I'll come back to check you guys later after I'm done what I came here for." Morihro said as he left the room.

"So Nikku..." Dachi said.

"Hm?" Nikku responded as she turned her head towards him.

"So two of the Akatsuki members are dead...?" Dachi asked.

"You heard Morihro-Sensei." Nikku said.

"Wait until Asuka hears this, she'll be happy to hear the news." Dachi said.

"Yep... aren't you happy as well?" Nikku asked.

"Of course I am, it's another step in saving my friend." Dachi said.

Well, that's it for this chapter guys! Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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