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~No One's P.O.V~
Iur then started laughing hysterically. "I disgust you? I suppose you would say after I killed someone who you held dear."

Kronosa kept her empty, cold stare at Iur.

All of team twelve expressed pity and sympathy for Kronosa. Ukkin was constructing a hypothesis about Jikanteido as she was healing Iur. 'So thirty-five minutes. Is that really his cooldown time for his 'Jikanteido?' No, he must be trying to deceive us. Either ways, there's almost no way of knowing if his cooldown is extremely short.' Ukkin thought.

"Well, I have no intention with playing with bugs any more longer. So I'll be taking something away." Iur said.

Iur lunged towards Naruto, and grabbed him. "Lightning Style: Thunder Binding." Chakra rings started to bind Naruto. Naruto started to struggle trying to break free, but resistance was futile.

Multiple shinobi tried to get Naruto free out of Iur's grip, but they were all repelled back by the Rinnegan.

Then the three tails, five tails, six tails, and seven tails all started building up a humongous tailed beast ball. They all fired their beast balls at a certain location: the intel division. Afterwards, the one tail, three tails, four tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, eight tails, and the multi-headed dog all disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Bye-bye." Iur said as he teleported in an instant.

"Now he has taken the nine tails jinchurki and killed off the intel division, now all he needs to do is to capture Dachi. He knocked the five kage unconscious and killed thousands of shinobi. So he got rid of the intelligence on our side, and he's almost going to complete the Infinite Tsukiyomi. Is all hope lost? Is this really almost the end? No, we must stay strong. For the sake of peace.' Ukkin thought.

All the shinobi in the shinobi alliance started to lose hope. "We are really done for." One of the shinobi said.

"We aren't!" Dachi shouted while he was still in his tailed beast.

Everyone started to turn to Dachi. "Things may look bad, but we are fighting for peace! We still have a soul in our body, and we're still alive! In order to achieve peace, we need willpower! If we give up now, the shinobi who sacrificed themselves will be in vain! All our fighting will all be for nothing if we give up! So please, let's keep our will strong and fight for the name of peace. We are the shinobi alliance, and we will win!" Dachi announced, trying to convince the alliance to keep trying.

The shinobi alliance started to regain their hope and willpower after Dachi's speech. Dachi then went back to his regular form. Dachi was completely exhausted out of chakra and needed some rest.

Nikku immediately stopped healing the five kage and rushed to help Dachi. "So who will lead us to battle?" Morihro asked.

"If you don't mind, I will be the supreme commander temporary if everyone agrees." Ukkin said.

"She did fight with the other kage, and she's deemed trustworthy by the five kage." A shinobi said.

The shinobi agreed for Ukkin Namikaze to be the temporary supreme commander. "I need at least five medical ninja to take care of the five kage. It'll be a couple of hours before they wake up again." Ukkin said.

Sakura, Ino, Asuka, and other two medical ninja rushed to the five kage. "Member of the Yamanaka clan and Asuka Kurokawa stay here in the battlefield. I'll need two other medical ninja to replace you two. Make sure you carry them into a tent. I'll need at least twenty anbu members or jonin ranked shinobi to guard the tent." Ukkin said.

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