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~Dachi's P.O.V~
Gah! It's graduation today. Good thing I wasn't late today. Most of us graduated except, Naruto.. I honestly felt bad for him. He was always alone, just like me. I was only friend, but people still treat him like the plague. I really don't care about what they say to me, but Naruto has more suffering than I do. Everyone was gossiping that he deserves it, it makes me sick inside. What do they do know about pain?

Absolutely nothing.

It looks like that he needed some support, but something urged me not to go. The top of class, Sasuke Uchiha and Kronosa Yamiyaka passed easily. I'm considered an average like Kiba and Shikamaru. It isn't too bad. I sometimes listen to Iruka-Sensei, but sometimes I don't . Class could be so boring at times. Sakura is so annoying, she just does what she does for Sasuke. Like, can you not see that he doesn't care what you do? Can't believe people are so blind these days. I looked back where Naruto was, he wasn't there. He must of left. I hope the best for him.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
So everyone passed except Naruto, it's kinda of a shame. But, I still think he might have a chance. And that dang Uchiha passed easily as well. I'm not necessarily friends with Dachi, but he's the only friend of Naruto. They are pretty similar.

I wandered off somewhere, just to explore the village since I was bored. And I see my bullies in my way. "Hey weakling!" One of them said.

I walked passed them as they never existed. One tried to punch me, I caught their fist bended their wrist. "ARGH", one of them yelled out in pain.

"Scream more, it's music to my ears", I said.

Two of them charged towards me, I evaded all their attacks. "I'll do that to all your limbs, like I did with your little friend, so I suggest you leave me the hell alone", I said with a stale expression.

They still charged at me. I sighed, there's always work to do isn't there? I took out a kunai, and pretended to throw it at them them, I kicked one to the ground and the other. I kicked one twice, and stepped on the other's foot hard. "Next time, think who you call weak, because it looks like your the one helpless and weak. Just where you belong, the dirt ground", I said coldly.

I resumed walking through the village. In the way, I walked across Dachi. "Wussup Dachi, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I'm just looking for Naruto, and same question for you", Dachi said.

"I just wanted to stroll around the village", I said.

"Don't you usually train and stuff?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. Oh, I just remembered something, but Dachi", I said as I walked away.

I went to the library, I knew they wouldn't let me borrow any books if they knew it was me. I took a band and contact lenses. I put my hair in a ponytail, and put brown contact lenses to hide my scary yellow eyes. At least they won't notice it's me. I went in the library. I returned my finished books. I decided to borrow some books about chakra natures, kekkai genkais, weapons, and some fictional stories, just in case if I get bored. I head out the library, and let my hair down, and took off my contact lenses. I held my books in my arms. I went to my home and started reading them.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
I started running to look for Naruto. I wonder where he is?

That's it for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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