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~Dachi's P.O.V~
I've been training with Naruto, Nikku, and this guy named Killer Bee from the leaf village. Bee does seen pretty chill in my opinion.

At this point, I was pretty good with the tailed beast bomb with Matatabi. So far, tailed beast chakra form is pretty nice to use. Nikku had a different form from Naruto and I. It does seem more of an aura than a form to be honest though.

It kinda did surprise me that Nikku had a little bit of the nine tails chakra, sure I sensed her nine tails chakra since Matatabi was able to give me the ability to sense that stuff but it sure is impressive.

And I can't forget about meeting my mom for the first time. It's a real bummer that I don't get to meet my father. I'm pretty sure he's a cool dude, so it honestly makes me sad.

"Hey Octo-Pops, do you know where the bathroom is?" Naruto asked Killer Bee.

Killer Bee told him the directions, and off he went. Then a whole commotion was heard all the way from the outside of the room.

'I guess I'll go and see what's that about.' I thought.

~Nikku's P.O.V~
I heard Naruto shouting after Naruto went out to go to the bathroom. Dachi went in after him after he had heard Naruto. Well I guess I should go, everyone is going after him after all.

I looked at Killer Bee, took off after Dachi. Then we were greeted with a bunch of guards who were from the same village we were from, the leaf village.

"Shino's dad? Iruka-Sensei?! What are you guys doing here?! And why are you guys here?!" Naruto said as he demanded an answer.

"We cannot let the three of you pass." Shino's dad said.

Then Iruka-Sensei gave us an explaination but Naruto didn't believe him at all.

"Well, we all know that you guys are lying, because we three can all tell that! If you guys won't let us through, then we'll break through! Nikku, Naruto, let's go!" Dachi commanded.

Naruto and I nodded our heads and agreed. Good thing, I have the blinding fire jutsu, so no one has to get hurt. "Fire Style: Blinding Fire Jutsu!" I shouted.

It blinded the guards. "Thanks Nikku!" Naruto and Dachi said.

All three of headed outside. Then, I felt a strong and frightening chakra. "W-What is this chakra...?" I said fearfully.

"What is it Nikku?" Dachi asked.

"Let me go into sage mode." Naruto said.

As soon as Naruto went into sage mode, I can tell he felt the frightening chakra as well. "What is this chakra..?" he said.

Then we were bound by a shadow jutsu that kept us captive. "Iruka-Sensei, what is this chakra? And what's going on out there that you guys?" Naruto asked.

Iruka-Sensei sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you guys. The fourth great ninja war is happening. And that powerful chakra must be the enemy."

"What? War?! How come you didn't tell us?!" Dachi questioned.

"War? I can't sense war even in sage mode. Just that one powerful chakra that Nikku was talking about." Naruto said.

"Yeah, me too, I can't sense other chakra fighting. Maybe it means that the war hasn't started yet?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that must be it." Naruto said.

Then I turned to Iruka-Sensei. "What do you mean that you guys don't sense any fighting? It's been days since the war started." he questioned.

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