
46 17 3

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
"What?!" Dachi shouted.

Dachi teleported behind me. I was quick enough to hit him with my Chidori. It only hit his right arm. He slammed against the tree behind him. "Hn", I said.

I still didn't get the third point of my Sharigan. I looked back at Dachi. Blue chakra surrounded him. The wind started to get stronger. The rocks and things on the ground started to move. My crows started to get blown away from the wind.

The wounds on his arm started to heal quickly. Hmm, the same presence before in the survival test..

He jumped up, and punched my in the face. I fell down and slided across the floor on my back and got injured. "Tch.." I said as I held my face.

Even my Sharigan wasn't able to detect that. He went behind me again, throwing some kunai. I dodged the kunai. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" I shouted.

The needles hit him.

I'm not expecting that actually left a scratch.

He teleported behind me. He took out a kunai, and I took one out too. Our weapons clashed. "What did you do with the needles?" I asked.

"I took the hit", Dachi said.

"Hn, interesting", I said.

We went to our distance. "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" I shouted.

Dachi dodged it. Dachi took my leg and threw me down against the ground. "Tch!" I grunted.

Dachi panted out of exhaustion. My crows and ravens came to me. My ravens attacked Dachi. Dachi started fighting them. My crows covered my appearance.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
I feel so much powerful, like a surge of power and chakra. Her birds kept bothering me. I got her ravens out of the way. Her crows started to fly away.

I saw a dark aura around her. With horns and boney wings spread on her back. Most of the color of her eyes were black, except her pupil. "Kronosa?" I said.

"Hn. I don't know what happened to me Dachi, but I feel stronger. I still have control of myself", she said.

I charged over to her to punch her, but she caught my fist. She flew up with her wings. "Lightning Style: Electric Needles!" She said.

I went through the needles and punched her in the face. We both fell down to ground.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
"Dachi, this match will soon be over", I said.

"Yeah, and either of us us gonna finish it", he said.

I got my third point of my Sharigan when I got my horns and wings. I can now predict every move he does. He came at me with a fist full of chakra. I came at him with a fist full of needles.

We tried punching each other.

The victor of this match...

No one.

Technically, it was a draw. His strong chakra subsided and my wings and horns were gone. "Well, that was a great match!" Dachi shouted.

"Sure was", I said as I stopped using my Sharigan.

He also stopped using his Jougan. We were injured. "Well, let's go to Asuka's!" Dachi shouted.

"Alright", I said.

We went to her house. She healed us, and invited us for dinner. All three of us came out of her house. "That was a fun battle Kronosa! Also Asuka, thanks for healing us and treating us", Dachi said.

"Uh..um, your welcome", Asuka said.

"Sure", I said.

"Well see ya guys tomorrow!" Dachi shouted.

I walked towards home. The purpose of my battle with Dachi was for me to get my third point of my Sharigan. It was also a good exercise. I don't plan killing any of my friends soon to get the Mangkyou Sharigan. I'll find a way to get the eye, but I won't kill any of my comrades to do so.

I also want to find who my creator is. Depending who they are, I may kill them or serve them. I would also plan to learn a new type of battling. And I have something in mind. I just need to find a certain someone.

That's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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