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~No One's P.O.V~
It took a couple of hours for the shinobi who were fighting Iur to wake up. Fortunately, no one was dead, they were just all severely injured. But without treatment, all of them would've died. The five kage had woken up as well but they were all asked to rest as the war had ended.

Ukkin was one of the first of the unconscious shinobi who fought Iur to wake up. She healed some of her injuries by herself before she got up. She stood up, running out of the tent in order to go back to the tower where she fought Iur. Shinobi guarding the tent told her to stay and rest, but she teleported in order to go to the tower quickly.

She saw her son's cold corpse on the ground, his chest pierced multiple times. His blood had already dried and he was a decaying corpse. Even though Ukkin knew her son was dead, she still checked for a pulse. No pulse was detected.

She stood up and looked at her son. "Knowing you my son, you probably asked on why you didn't win this battle." Ukkin spoke.

Iur's body was immobile, he was still, and did not move. He did not spoke either to respond back to his mother. "You had everything you say, power and intelligence but there was one thing you didn't have." she continued.

She looked at her son's corpse with sorrow. "Hope. You just didn't have that Iur. You were so fixated in despair that you gave up all hope and supposed that our timeline would never achieve true harmony. If only, only if you still had a glimmer of hope left, maybe things didn't have to end up this way. But again, it's my fault why you ended up like this. I'm a terrible mother, aren't I? I know.

But if you can hear me, please know that I've always loved you as my son. Even if I assisted in killing you, you probably wanted to die. You just wanted to end your suffering of endless war deep inside. I understand.

It's all my fault." She finished.

Ukkin had taken out Iur's Rinnegan and Hakaigan and even the Sharigan he had stole and put it in a jar in order to free the tailed beasts and use it for other purposes later on. But at the moment, her son preservation was more important. She caressed her son's face. Feeling the coldness of his skin, instead of the usual warmth and softness. But again, that softness had faded a long time ago.

She carried her son's body and eventually found a safe place on where no one would find it until she got his body and traveled back in time to bury it.

She then teleported to the Kage's tent. "I believe I should start fixing my son's mess on what he has done to this timeline. First, I'll seal back the eight tails and nine tails back into Killer Bee and Naruto. I'll just need to find their bodies and free the tailed beasts of their chains bound to the Gedo Statue. I'll eventually fix everything possible, I promise. Then I'll rest here for a day then I shall go back to my timeline." Ukkin informed.

"I see then Ukkin Namikaze, we shall all thank you for helping us in this war." the fourth raikage said.

All the five kage bowed their heads in thankfulness. "No need to thank me, it's my own responsibility." Ukkin said.

A couple hours afterwards, Kronosa had awoken from her unconscious slumber. 'So I've done everything I could do in this life. I've tried to reduce my guilt, but the reduction was futile. My life is meaningless, same as a dead corpse.' Kronosa thought.

Kronosa quickly had objections against her will to leave the tent as soon as she escaped through the entrance, but she had avoided them and ran away. She had taken a kunai knife from her pouch and proceeded to aim for her liver area. "No." a voice had objected.

Someone had grabbed ahold of her arm, Kronosa was only a few inches from stabbing herself. Kronosa had looked at the culprit who had spoke against her will; Dachi Uzamaki.

"Why? And how did you know I was here?" Kronosa had questioned.

"I won't let you, you're my friend. Why would you even think of doing this? Why even attempt it?" Dachi asked.

"Leave me be. My life is meaningless, therefore I shall die a meaningless death.

And again, how did you know I was here." Kronosa questioned.

"I sensed your chakra with Matatabi's help." he spoke.

Kronosa's eyes were with cold with the intention of death. "Why Kronosa? Why?" Dachi asked.

"My goals were meaningless, meaning my life was meaningless. I've caused you all great suffering. After I had left the village, I've felt guilt. Guilty for my actions. But I told myself that this was necessary to achieve my goal; finding my identity.

But feeling all that guilt was all for nothing. This is what I found out, I was just a simple empty corpse. No identity, just emptiness. Then I asked myself, why should I keep living when there was nothing to live for? It's the same as being dead." Kronosa explained.

"But you're my friend, team twelve's friend." Dachi said.

"Yes. A friend to an empty corpse. Just let me abide with my wishes Dachi." she said.

Kronosa had pulled her arm away and stepped back. She tried stabbing herself again, Dachi slapped the kunai out of her hand. He then took her ninja pouch filled with kunai, shuriken, and paper bombs and threw it down trying to restrict her options of suicide. Kronosa looked at her hand, then looked at him. "You know, if I can kill anyone with my bare hands, I am as capable to kill myself." Kronosa said.

"Don't Kronosa!" Dachi shouted.

Kronosa concentrated chakra in her hand and heated to try and pierce one of her vital organs. "Stop trying Dachi. I rather not harm you, afterall I too, value you as a friend. But if you keep doing this, I'll have to kill you in order for me to fulfill my final wish." Kronosa said.

Deep inside, Kronosa didn't want to kill Dachi. Dachi was her friend, she just wanted to at least weaken him to stop him so she could finally kill herself. "Then kill me if you have to! I'll have to knock some sense into you so you can stop this dumb idea!" Dachi shouted.

Dachi didn't wanted to kill her either, because he would be fulfilling her absurd wish. Both individuals didn't want to kill one another. But in order to settle things, they would have to battle one last time.

Kronosa heated up her hands with chakra while Dachi concentrated chakra onto his hands to harden them like a rock and make them stronger. Both tried landing a punch. Both of them struck at the same time.

Well that's it for this chapter. Hope you'll find the next chapter exciting. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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