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~No One's P.O.V~
'I wonder what those pitiful shinobi are planning now. Hmp, it doesn't matter, I'll kill them all anyway.

I've considered using six paths technique using my Rinnegan. But that would mean I would have to split each one of my abilities of the Rinnegan. But I rather use all the powers of the Rinnegan myself than depend on a bunch of dead corpses. Soon enough, I shall create a world full of peace in my timeline. And it doesn't matter if it's fake harmony or not like mother says.

Because the shinobi in my world are completely hopeless.

And it doesn't matter if I become a tyrant, it doesn't matter at all.' Iur thought.

Kronosa had finally finished mastering senjutsu. She also made a summoning contract with a giant snake who was the son of the White Snake Sage named Mekura. Kabuto was puzzled in why she made a summoning contract with a snake who had no vision.

"I'm still confused in why you want a blind snake such as Mekura as a summoning animal." Kabuto said.

"Just because Mekura is blind, it doesn't it mean he's useless. Since Mekura is blind, his other senses are enhanced. Meaning his venom, sensory abilities, hearing, and speed. Don't underestimate him Kabuto." Kronosa explained.

'Overall, Mekura is very humble for being the son of the White Snake Sage. Mekura states that no human had ever had him as a summoning due to him being blind. Although Mekura was borned blind, he has a lot of potential.' Kronosa thought.

"So what are you going to do about the war Lady Kronosa?" Kabuto asked.

"I'm still thinking about it. I also have something in mind." Kronosa stated.

"And what is that?" Kabuto asked.

Kronosa ignored his question and looked at him. "Kabuto, are you still in pursuit of Sasuke?"

"I'll be honest with you Lady Kronosa. I still partially am, but you have convinced me at least to stop pursuing Sasuke a little bit." Kabuto said.

"I see then." Kronosa said.

'Orochimaru is still in him. I'll find a way to get Orochimaru out of him. Before I do that, I want to go back to the leaf village. Just one last look, because the village would never forgive me for what I've done. Especially my friends. As impatient as I am, Orochimaru will have to wait.' Kronosa thought.

"We're going to the leaf village Kabuto." Kronosa said.

"What for?" He asked.

"To give it one last look. Afterwards, we'll help in the war." Kronosa said.

'If Team Morihro needs help, then I'll help.' Kronosa thought.

"Then where will you go after that?" He asked.

"Somewhere I always wanted to be after I find myself. So I can finally be in peace." Kronosa said.

'After I give the leaf village one final look, I'll revive Orochimaru. Then I'll help in the war along with Kabuto. Before all of that, I'll at least help Kabuto. And if Orochimaru wants to do anything suspicious, I'll kill him along with Kabuto. Then I'll be at peace. Peace. That seems nice. Something where suffering will no longer occur.' Kronosa thought.

"And what place is that?" Kabuto questioned.

"You'll see. Let's go to the leaf village now." Kronosa commanded as she started walking.

"I see then." Kabuto said as he followed along.

The five kage had currently called in Shikaku to help them work out a battle strategy. "That was a brilliant idea that you came up with Ukkin." Shikaku complimented.

"Thank you Shikaku Nara, but with your intelligence, I'm sure you'll be able to make a strategy even more brilliant than my idea." Ukkin said.

"Thanks. Anyway, let's get down to work. As Ukkin said, Iur will step into battlefield to try and capture the jinchuriki we have. Of course, we need extreme protection over the jinchuriki. Now we know that Iur is capable of using seven tailed beasts. But we don't know if he's actually going to use them against us. But we'll be prepared just in case.

Just to be safe, we should have at least five jonin or of higher rank protecting each jinchuriki at all times. Now we need to find a way on how to lure Iur in an area in where he's surrounded and cornered.

But we have to do that without getting the jinchuriki too close. Since Iur is a sensory type, he'll be able to sense the jinchuriki's chakra. We also know that he's capable of teleportation." Shikaku stated.

"Iur is able to teleport only once per hour." Ukkin informed.

"Thank you Ukkin Namikaze. That gives us an advantage. Now if he uses all seven tailed beasts, we'll half all of our divisions to seven sections equally. All seven sections will hold off the tailed beasts. The jinchuriki will also hold off the tailed beasts if they can. You five kage will hold off Iur. If any of the seven sections have defeated a tailed beast, then they will either assist the five kage or the other sections depending on the situation. The shinobi alliance will surround the designated battlefield. Now my question is, does Iur have any allies Ukkin?" Shikaku said.

"I don't think so, Iur killed his only other allies from what I heard. But if he has any, I suggest making a quarter of each section to fight those allies. Just in case." Ukkin suggested.

"Good idea Ukkin. Also, what will you do in the war?" Shikaku asked.

"I'll fight in the battlefield. If you wish, is shall assist the five kage in battle with Iur." Ukkin said.

"You may assist in the fight Ukkin Namikaze. You can tell the other kage about the other weaknesses that Iur brat has. But if any of the other sections need help, I want you to help them. Got it?" the fourth raikage said.

"Yes, fourth raikage." Ukkin responded.

"So does anybody have any suggestions or objections?" Shikaku asked.

"None." the five kage and Ukkin said.

"Alright then. We shall start the fighting next morning, if that's okay with you kage. Keep the jinchuriki close by your sight. I'll tell Inoichi to tell everyone when the fighting will start." Shikaku said as he walked away.

'Thank goodness Iur has not marked the headquarters in any other timeline or he would be able to teleport here and capture the jinchuriki easily. It's really a relief that Iur has limits to his teleportation abilities.

I can teleport as much as I can but I my maximum is fifteen kilometers. However, I have a cooldown of one minute before teleporting again.

He has to mark an area, but he also has to be at least ten kilometers away to teleport to that marked area. I wish my son could just turn back to the path of good. But it seems that the circumstances shall not be that way.' Ukkin thought.

Well that's all for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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