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~Dachi's P.O.V~
I woke up in the morning. Of course if I want to save my friends, I'll have to train. I got out of bed and went out training in the woods. I haven't been really practicing jutsus, because Kronosa usually helped me train with jutsus, but since she's not here, I can't.

I've been training Taijutsu and other things. But how am I going to get stronger by not training my ninjutsu?

Maybe I'll ask Morihro-Sensei for training tips. I stopped my training and went out in the village.

Hey maybe we can train with Asuka and Nikku?

I guess I'll ask sensei first then ask them. I ran to the fifth Hokage's office. And knocked on the door. "Come in." She said.

I opened the door and went inside. "Lady Hokage... do you know where Morihro-Sensei is?" I asked.

"Oh Morihro, he's in the hospital visiting Kakashi." She said.

"Thanks Lady Hokage!" I shouted as I ran out the door.

I ran to the hospital. And encountered Nikku along the way. "Oh hi Dachi! What's the rush?" She said.

"Well... I really just want to get training tips from Morihro!" I said.

"Well, good luck. I'll just go to Master Jiraiya." She said.

I ran to the counter and asked where was Kakashi-Sensei's room. I then ran and knocked before entering.

"Come in." I heard a voice say.

I was breathing heavily from all the running I did. "Oh Dachi, what brings you here?" Morihro-Sensei asked.

"Can you.. help... me... with....TRAINING!" I shouted.

"Alright, alright, I will. Sorry Kakashi." He said.

"It's alright." He said.

"Oh yeah! By the way, can you train Asuka and Nikku along with me?" I asked.

"Sorry Dachi, I have an explanation why I can't. Just come to your usual training spot and I'll tell explain." He said.

"Alright then!" I shouted.

"Similar to Naruto isn't he?" Kakashi-Sensei said.

"Yeah." He said.

I ran out the door and went to the forest. I sat down and waited for Morihro-Sensei.

Then after a couple of minutes, he arrived. "So.. as I was saying why I can't train Asuka and Nikku..." he said.

"Yeah, go on." I said.

"I only can use Earth Style. And I only have affinity for Earth Style chakra. While you have two, wind and earth style. And I can train your earth style. Since Nikku and Asuka, don't have earth style chakra, I won't be able to train them very well." He explained.

"Earth Style and Wind Style....?" I questioned.

"Well, those two are chakra natures... why don't you borrow a book about chakra natures in the library...? You'll understand better... And you do want to train don't you?" He said.

"Yeah!" I shouted.

"Now watch this new jutsu I'm going to teach. Earth Style: Antlion!" He shouted.

The ground then turned into sand, and became a sinkhole. "Woah! That's cool!" I said.

"Now follow my hand signs." He said.

I followed his hand signs. "Earth Style: Antlion!" We both shouted.

His was perfect. While mine only turned into sand and not a sinkhole...

"At least your making progress Dachi.. call me when you perfected the jutsu."  He said as he sat down on a tree trunk.

"Earth Style: Antlion!" I shouted.

This time, it only made a small sinkhole that lasted about five seconds.

I kept trying to perfect the jutsu but I got too tired. "Rest Dachi." He said.

"No... I have to keep going..." I said.

He sighed. "If you at least take a break, I'll buy you some food." He said.

"Heck yeah! Can we bring Asuka and Nikku too!" I shouted.

Morihro checked his wallet. "I'm too broke..." He muttered.

"No Dachi, only one bowl of ramen for you." He said.

"Whatever! Still good!" I shouted.

We walked to the ramen shop and Morihro-Sensei ordered some ramen for me. I chowed down the food quickly.

I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. "Thanks sensei for the food!" I said.

"Your welcome Dachi...." He said as he checked his wallet.

We both then returned back to forest. As we were walking there, I saw Naruto with a guy with pale dark blue hair. "Oh hey Naruto, who's this? Never seen him before in the village." I said.

"Oh yeah, this is Sora. We just came from the Fire Temple along with him." He said.

He had this presence around him, it was weird. But I brushed it off and resumed walking back to the forest with sensei.

~Nikku's P.O.V~
"Master Jiraiya, when can we tell Dachi that he's a jinchuriki of the two tails?" I asked.

"When the right time. He must well aware of it, when the time comes. Naruto knows himself that he's a jinchuriki. But a single statement of saying he's a jinchuriki could change his life... forever." He said.

I thought of my friends. I have to be strong enough to protect them. Dachi is off training, and Naruto as well. I should train as well too.

"Master Jiraiya! Can you train me?" I asked.

He paused for a second. "Sure Nikku, but I'll make your training similar to Naruto's and Dachi's. But most importantly, I'll teach you chakra control. I'm sure that you know your chakra natures right?" He said.

"Yeah, Fire and Wind." I said.

"I'll try to assist you more in training with the time I have. But I will have to leave soon." He said.

"Thank you Master Jiraiya!" I said.

"Your welcome." He said.

~Asuka's P.O.V~
I was in the library. Reading every book I could possibly find about medical ninjutsu and medicine.

Maybe more books about chakra should be useful too. I needed to help my friends, and help the reputation of my clan.

This is how Kronosa usually gets her battlefield information, and other things as well.

She usually had no questions, because her questions were already answered by the books she read.

She probably knew everything about chakra, the natures, and more things.

I gathered all my borrowed books and left the library.

That's all for this chapter. There will be some action next chapter! Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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