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~No One's P.O.V~
Both Dachi and Kronosa had struck each other in the face. Dachi, feeling the incinerating burn of her punch. Kronosa, feeling the brutality of his punch. Both of them feeling the force of each other's punches and backing away.

Dachi then weaved a couple of hand signs. "Debris Style: Divine Destruction!"

Parts of objects from the earth had broken off and was lifted into the sky. The debris had enough force to smash kilometers of ground. Kronosa didn't even use her Dark Release to try and absorb the attack. But she had remembered something. 'Dachi won't let me die. So if I don't even try to defend myself, he'll take his own attack himself. Damn it all.' Kronosa thought.

Kronosa used her Dark Release to absorb the chakra of the attack, leaving the debris to fall onto the ground. 'Debris nature. Probably a new chakra nature that Dachi had developed using earth and wind natures. So he really has come far.' Kronosa thought.

Dachi teleported behind her in order to land a couple of jabs. Kronosa dodged all the attacks and activated her Sharigan. 'I'm not as proficient in taijutsu as Dachi is, so it would be absurd for me to try and use taijutsu.' Kronosa thought.

Kronosa jumped back and started weaving hand signs. "Fire Style: Combustion Explosion."

A fiery explosion had been released around Kronosa's range of attack. Dachi  teleported away from the destructive attack. Kronosa's jutsu had incinerated the near wildlife. It had even incinerated the earth below. As soon as the explosion had subsided, Kronosa lunged towards Dachi looking at him, dead in the eyes. "Dakugan." she said.

Dachi was blinded by the Dakugan, and his Jougan's abilities had been restricted. Kronosa took this as a chance to finally settle this. She heated chakra in her hand and tried to stab herself. "I won't let you!" Dachi said as he quickly lunged towards her and punched her.

Kronosa was knocked down, losing her concentration of chakra on her hand. "I can sense your chakra you know! Just because I can't see, I can still sense you." Dachi shouted.

Dachi unlocked the second gate and lunged at Kronosa, throwing punching endlessly. Kronosa dodged every single one of his punches. 'Thunder Binding won't work either, Dachi will be able to easily get out.' Kronosa thought.

Kronosa weaved more hand signs. "Lightning Style: Conduction of Torturous Electricity."

Rapid electricity emitted from Kronosa, sending shock waves everywhere. Dachi was able to sense the shock waves and started weaving his own hand signs. "Wind Style: Gale Palm."

The wind style jutsu easily overpowered the lightning style jutsu. Kronosa dodged the the force of the wind and landed onto ground. 'This will get us nowhere. He won't kill me. And he will not let me get rid of myself. Why won't he let me?' Kronosa thought.

"Why... why do you bother to associate yourself with me? Why are you so persistent in saving a person that's as good as dead. Why? After all the suffering and pain I have put you through, you will are trying. Why is that? Dachi Uzumaki?" Kronosa questioned with hopelessness in her voice.

"You just don't get it don't you? You're my friend, team twelve's friend, a shinobi of the leaf, and most of all a comrade." Dachi said.

"I'm not asking you live, so why are you asking me to live?!" Kronosa lashed out at him.

Dachi could not respond to those words. "Kabuto sacrificed his life for me, and all for what? Why did he have to die for a dead corpse? I should've been the one to die, not him. Thats what's so disgusting about myself, I'll put someone's sacriface in vain. So why can't you please end my misery?" Kronosa said.

Dachi punched her once more. "Stop saying stupid things! You're saying the most dumb stuff ever and you're supposed to be the smartest in the academy!"

Kronosa jabbed him in the chest to retaliate. "Selfish bastard. Just let me die, I live for no one's sake."

Dachi then went into his two tails chakra form and unlocked the fourth gate. 'If I go into tailed beast form, I'll be dragging Matatabi into this mess and I'll be sure to kill Kronosa. Kronosa is capable of stopping me in my tailed beast form, but at the moment she won't even try to even dodge. So I'll beat some sense into her.' Dachi thought.

Dachi lunged at Kronosa, grabbed her face and shoved her head into a mountain. Dachi started beating her multiple times, Kronosa didn't even try to defend herself. She just stared, with the same empty, cold eyes. "Damn it! Just stop with this stupid idea!" Dachi shouted.

Kronosa then went into sage mode. "Looks like, I really have to kill you." Kronosa said coldly.

Kronosa kicked Dachi, throwing him back. She then weaved a single hand sign. "Sage Art: Inorganic Animation." she said.

A sharped thorn of the earth was about to pierce Dachi, but Dachi was quick to stand up and dodge it. He dodged all the piercing thorns that came in his way. Kronosa weaved another hand sign. "Sage Art: White Extreme Attack."

She had launched a white dragon that had curled up around the orb it was carrying and made a screeching noise along with a blinding light. She had blinded her vision and deafened her hearing in order to perform the jutsu well. Kronosa knew that Dachi would eventually stop her from letting her kill herself. She lunged at Dachi, emitting heated chakra from her hand.

Dachi had felt a partial searing pain across his arm as he tried to dodge it. Kronosa had grabbed his wrist and burned it by digging her fingers into it. Dachi retreated his hand and backed away, the burn searing his wrist. Kronosa started the weave hand signs. "Fire Style: Combustion Explosion." she said.

Another fiery explosion had occurred, almost burning the entirety of half his arm. 'So she burned my wrist so I couldn't counter her jutsu. Of course.' Dachi thought, thinking highly of his friend.

Then Dachi had opened the final gate that he could open and lunged at Kronosa. Dachi used the arm that was not burned to punch Kronosa, throwing her back with great force onto the ground. The ground below her had crushed into a million piece due to the impact.

Kronosa began to get up. She looked up slowly.

That's all for this chapter. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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