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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
I practiced some jutsus and read more important books. I was sitting against a tree and reading. Then, Morihro-Sensei came behind the tree. "What do you want?" I asked as I turned to the next page.

"Aren't you gonna come back with us?" He asked.

"I said no sensei, I don't want to two hopeless girls fight", I said.

"Why do you refer to hopeless?" He asked.

"They don't have a goal in life", I said.

"You don't have to have goal", he said.

"When you're given life, use it wisely, don't waste it on crap", I said.

"Maybe the world is different for all of us", he said as he looked up at the sky.

"My view is the same as always", I said as flipped to another page.

"Kronosa, you are interesting in a way, I'll give you that. But sometimes, you are too cold and careless", Morihro-Sensei said.

I stopped reading and looked at him. "You don't know anything about me, and who do you think you are? It's my life, and not yours. Sensei, sometimes I have an urge to slit your throat out", I said.

He flinched a bit. "In that bell test, it looked like you wouldn't abandon your comrades", he said.

"I'm just going along with it. It's not like I need it anyway. If I didn't go along with it, I would identified as trash", I said as I turned to a page.

"How are you real shinobi, if you would abandon your comrades in reality?" He asked.

"That's easy, becuase I'm not a shinobi. I'm a inhuman creature wondering in this world", I said.

"What's the point of wearing your headband?" He asked.

I nodded as I turned to a page. "Sensei, maybe I'm not a full fledged shinobi, maybe I'm just a traitor. Would you rather kill me? Or have a ninja that could help protect this village and other people? It's not like I care or anything, either choice doesn't matter to me", I said.

"If you think that every life needs a goal, what's your goal?" He asked.

"Only my creators would know. All I know, is to be weapon for them", I said.

"Creators? Do you mean.... your parents?" He asked.

"Sensei, you are so naive. I have no parents, and I don't care if I had some. All I know is pain and blood across the floor", I said.

"Who are you're creators?" He asked.

"The demons below", I said coldly.

He stared at me fearfully. "Maybe I'm a threat, it's better to kill me if I don't care about death right now. And the reason of killing me because I was created by demons. This village is too quick to judge. It's the same with Dachi and Naruto. They don't deserve that pain. But maybe I do, I'm cruel and heartless. So what will it be sensei?" I said.

"I won't kill you", he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because. Your my student, I have hope in you", he said.

"HOPE?! THERE IS NO HOPE IN THIS WORLD!" I said sadistically.

"There always is. There is always a light", he said.

"Just get out sensei. It's not like you'll understand me", I said.

He disappeared. The battle must be over. I got my books and put them in my pouches. I went to the battlefield, as I expected. It was a draw for them.

"Hey Kronosa you're Back! And how did you know what was gonna happen?" He asked.

"Logic", I said.

The fifth match was Temari vs Tenten. Temari won using her fan and wind style jutsus. The sixth match was Shikamaru vs Kin, which was the sound ninja. Shikamaru won, using his shadow possession jutsu. Next match was Kiba and Naruto. Naruto won using his jutsu, and especially his multi shadow clone jutsu. Then, it was Neji vs Hinata, they were both from the same clan. Neji won, by shutting down one of her chakra networks. Then, next match was Gaara vs Rock-Lee. It was a very interesting match, but Gaara won since his sand was too powerful. Rock-Lee suffered some terrible injury, they said that he could never be shinobi again, and Naruto felt bad for him. Then, the next match. It was Dachi vs Choji. "Ahh.. finally my turn!" Dachi shouted.

~Dachi's P.O.V~
Finally, it's my match! This should be fun! "Start", the proctor said.

I took out some kunai and threw it at Choji. "Human Boulder!" Choji shouted.

It deflected my kunai and I dodged the kunai. "Wind Style: Wind Vortex!" I shouted.

The wind pushed him towards the wall. This time, he wrapped himself with kunai and did the Human Boulder Jutsu again. It thought of an idea. I ran away from the boulder. I had to have some distance. "Wind Style: Wind Vortex Jutsu!" I shouted.

Choji got slammed against the wall. The kunai fell off. YES! It's now my chance. I threw some kunai in the air, "Wind Style: Wind Vortex!" I shouted.

The kunai targeted Choji, whcih injured him. And also ended the battle.

"The winner of this match, is Dachi Uzamaki!" The proctor said.

"Yeah!" I shouted.

I walked back to where we were. It was Kronosa's turn. "Good job, on not almost dying", she said as she walked passed me to face her oppenent.

She could be strange... at times.

~Kronosa's P.O.V~
My oppenent was Dosu, which was a sound ninja. "I'll finish you quickly as possible", he said.

I licked my lips. "And I would like to see your blood on the floor", I said.

"Let's see after this", he said.

"Start!" The proctor said.

Cliffhanger! Thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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