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~No Ones P.O.V~
Morihro lead them to their new teammate. "Sensei! This better be a good teammate.." Dachi grumbled as he followed along.

They resumed walking. Then, Morihro stopped for a while. "Nikku." He said.

Then, a girl with long red hair and violet eyes appeared. She wore white and red clothing with some marks on her skin. She had the leaf headband on her neck. "Yeah Morihro-Sensei?" Nikku said to Morihro.

"These are your new teammates." He said.

Dachi's first impression about her was that she was a complete weirdo. While Asuka's first impression about her was that she seemed nice.

"She'll never be good as Kronosa.." Dachi mumbled.

"Dachi... I think we should.. we should.. umm have a good first impression instead of being negative.." Asuka suggested.

"Asuka is right, Dachi." Morihro said.

"Hmp!" Dachi said.

"We're gonna have a mission together anyways." Morihro said.

Dachi quickly turned his head to Nikku. "You'll never replace our friend Kronosa! Never!" Dachi shouted.

"I know I can't replace your friend.." Nikku said.

"Huh?" Asuka and Dachi said.

"I just have to fill in her spot, I can never replace her." Nikku said.

"That's enough all of you." Morihro said. "Nikku, maybe you should introduce yourself."

"Oh yes! You're right! Well, I'm Nikku.. and I used to live in the sand village, now I live in the leaf village. So far.. I can do wind and fire style jutsu." She said.

"Also." She added. "I don't like killing people."

"Then.. why did you become a shinobi if you didn't like killing people...?" Asuka asked.

"That's exactly why I moved to the leaf village. The sand village was too violent for me." She said.

"I see.." Asuka said.

"Sensei, didn't we have a mission what's this mission about?" Dachi asked.

"Well, I guess your right Dachi, we do have a mission. Anyways, we have patrol around the leaf village." Morihro said.

"Ugh.. that's boring!" Dachi said.

"Outside the leaf village Dachi." Morihro said.

"Still boring."

"Alright let's get going." Morihro said.

"Alright!" Nikku and Asuka said.

They walked outside the leaf village to patrol. Dachi was incredibly bored while Asuka and Nikku were taking their job seriously.

A new member was in the Akatsuki.

"Well, you remind me of my old partner Sasori un." Deidara said.

"Really, how? Tell me more about him." Kronosa said.

"Your both into art. Except his point of art is making puppets while yours is sketching. Also, both of you are pretty emotionless un." Deidara said.

"Well.. what village was he from?" She asked.

"The sand village un." He said.

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