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~Kronosa's P.O.V~
My teammates and I were waiting at the bridge for Morihro-Sensei. "I wonder what's this we're going to do?" Asuka asked.

"Whatever it is! We'll totally be alright!" Dachi shouted.

"Don't speak too soon", I said.

Morihiro-Sensei finally came. "All of you, please follow me", he said.

We did as he said. "For this exercise, you will need to get a bell from me, until noon. If you can't, one of you, or all you will go back to the academy", he said.

"How come there's two bells Morihro-Sensei, and there's three of us?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering the same", Dachi said.

"Me too", Asuka said.

"Well, one of you will go back to the academy", he said.

"WHAT?!" We all shouted.

"That will definitely will not be me!" Dachi shouted.

"And do we get a punishment for not getting a bell except from going back to the academy?" I asked.


"Well yes, you don't get lunch, while I eat my lunch in front of you", he said.

"So that's why you didn't want us to eat breakfast?" I asked.

"Pretty intelligent for just a graduate, and yes", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Now that you mentioned it, I'm hungry..." Dachi said.

"Well, humans can survive two weeks or more without food, and we won't proabably won't be here for two weeks or more", I said.

"When do we start....?" Asuka asked.

"Well, we are about to start. But first, ready your preparations and weapons. And have your intend to kill me, but don't try to kill me, because you won't have succession in killing me.", Morihro-sensei stated.

I whispered to my teammates for a plan for when we start.

"Start!" He said.

We all threw our kunais at him at the same time. It was a substitution. "Gah!! A substitution!" Dachi shouted.

"Guys, keep a kunai in your left hand behind your back", I said.

"Why?" Dachi asked.

"Just do as I say", I said.

"Ok", Asuka said.

Morihro-sensei finally reappeared again in front of us. "Keep that kunai in your left hand behind your back!" I shouted.

Let's try some close combat then.

I gave a sign to my teammates. We charged at sensei. He just kicked Dachi away and dodged most of our attacks. "What is your plans anyways?" He asked us.

"Here's a plan! Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" I said as I held the kunai in my left hand.

"A shadow clone?" I said.

"Pretty much", Morihro-Sensei said with a kunai in his hand while on a tree.

"Go!" I shouted at my teammates.

They threw a kunai at a random time. "Dachi go!" I shouted.

Dachi jumped on the tree that sensei was on, they did hand-hand combat. Asuka and I threw a kunai at sensei, to distract him. We took another kunai with our left hands. We threw again. Dachi got hurt from a kunai. But, good thing.

It was a substitute.

Dachi came from behind and tried to get a bell. Asuka and I charged at front and tried to get a bell for ourselves. Morihro-Sensei was fast and escaped. We all crashed together. "Aww man! We were so close!"Dachi shouted.

"Maybe, keep using your left hand though", I said.

"Alright", Dachi and Asuka said.

"Maybe we should charge at him at different times", I said.

"I guess that isn't a bad idea", Asuka said.

We searched for sensei. We found him, and tried to fight him in close combat. "I was surprised to see you to use a jutsu that took up so much chakra", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Don't expect less from us", I said.

"Seems so", he said.

Wait, no matter how hard we try, we can't get the bells no matter how hard we try. But, I will try no matter what.

We all tried getting a bell. It was so close. He dodged all our attacks. He kicked Dachi away, and used a shadow clone to the him against a stump. He stepped on my back, and I tried to throw my kunai at him that was in my left hand, but he took it. Asuka tried to take out the shadow clone with her kunai, and free Dachi, but another shadow clone took her down. "Argh!!" Dachi and I shouted.

Asuka was down to the ground. "So what exactly is your plan, there's no point hiding it now especially keeping a kunai at your left hand behind your back", he said.

I grunted. "We wanted to make you think that we were left handed, even though we were right handed. So, you would think that we were weak in our right hand and side. And if we did combine our strength and strategy we would most likely to succeed", I explained.

"I see", Morihro-Sensei said.

Asuka finally woke up, but too scared to do anything. "You all pass!" Morihro-Sensei said.

"What?! But, we didn't even-" Asuka stuttered as she was interrupted by Dachi.

"SHHH ASUKA!! We all want to pass!" Dachi shouted.

"How come?" I asked.

He took his foot off my back. "You guys know the value of teamwork, so you all pass!" He said.

"Yeah, we all get along well! BUT, WHAT WAS THE POINT OF TYING ME AGAINST THIS STUMP?!" Dachi shouted.

"What do you mean, by teamwork", I asked.

"Teamwork is very important for a leaf shinobi. You guys all backed each other up, and would never abandon a comrade", Morihro-Sensei said.

"Comrades? Nah, we're friends!" Dachi shouted.

"They are basically the same thing", Asuka said to Dachi, as she walked towards him and untied him.

"Thanks Morihro-Sensei", I said as I walked towards Dachi and Asuka.

"It looks like that you can be a good squad leader.." Morihro-Sensei whispered to himself.

"Dachi, Asuka, do you have any specialities?" I asked.

"Well, I can heal, but I'm not that amazing at it", Asuka said.

"I'll practice more specialities for myself!" Dachi said.

"Alright", I said.

We all took out team picture. And our team was called Team Morihro.

The human world, could be amusing at times.

Hehehe. Very.

That's all for this chapter. Thabks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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