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~No Ones P.O.V~
Dachi kept training as much as he could to master the new technique Morihro taught and showed him. He had to take short breaks of course. But he kept pushing himself to his hardest.

Morihro was impressed by his stamina and determination. Morihro was studying and watching him for any flaw in the technique so he could correct the flaw. Dachi stepped on the mossy, grassy ground with his right foot.

Then, the natural grass terrain transformed into a rocky, rough ground for at least a couple of miles. Dachi was exhausted and was panting with his incredible efforts.

"Dachi. I'm very impressed with your  training and stamina. But, you have to take a break, or you'll exhaust yourself." He said.

"But... I have to push myself to get stronger.. So I can save my friends and... defeat the Akatsuki... " He panted.

"Well you won't if you have absolutely no energy left to use." He said dryly.

Dachi looked at him and breathed heavily and plopped down on the ground. "Alright then sensei, you do have a point." he said as he grinned.

"Here." Morihro said as he tossed him a bottle of water. "Drink up."

"Thanks Morihro-Sensei." He said as he caught the bottle of water.

He unbottled it and and drank the water. He then exhaled and laid down on the ground and rested. He looked at the sky.

He saw the clouds move slowly but surely. A wind breezed through the sky, his face feeling the soothing air.

His breathing finally had calmed down. He got up from his laying postion and stretched up. "Okay sensei, I'm ready now!" He shouted.

"Alright then Dachi, if you say so." He said.

He got up from sitting down on the ground and stretched once again. Then with fast regeneration of chakra surged through him, and he quickly stepped on the ground with his right foot.

The natural terrain had completely transformed into a rocky, dry terrain. Dachi was breathing a little faster after that. Morihro was very impressed by his improvement.

"Very impressive Dachi. Now here's the next part of your training for earth style." He said as he stood up.

Dachi nodded panting a little, and turned his head towards him. "Now, focus chakra inside your body. This technique is good for offense or defense. If you focus chakra in all parts of your body, keep the chakra in those parts. If you use that part to attack, such as kicking and punching, it will be twice as harder, or in other words, hard as stone." He explained.

"How about the defense part?" Dachi asked.

"It's the same, except that you can you a body part to block an attack, or take an attack. Now let me demonstrate." Morihro said.

Morihro concentrated very hard, and focused. He built up some chakra in his arm and fist then, he punched a boulder.

The boulder then exploded to tiny little pieces. "Now demonstration for defense. Dachi throw a kunai towards my arm, and try landing a hard punch on my arm after." He said.

Dachi took a kunai out of his pouch and threw it directly at his arm. Morihro lifted his arm and the kunai bounced off. Then, Dachi charged at him and landed a great punch. Morihro blocked the punch with his arm with no pain felt or inflicted on him.

"Again Dachi, this requires a lot of chakra usage. So I'm not able to use this frequently." He said.

"I see." Dachi said.

Dachi began building up chakra in all parts of his body. He then kicked and punched many boulders in the new terrain. He only left a small crater on all of those rocks.

"Ready?" Jiriaya asked.

"Mhm." Nikki nodded.

Jiraiya threw a couple of kunai knives at her. Nikku stared and focused on the direction of the knives and wind. She focused her chakra around her body. She then manipulated the wind around her to have a stronger force. Then, she used the wind to blow away the knives that we're thrown at her.

The knives bounced off the force of the wind. The knives then fell to the ground. "Very good Nikku. Keep practicing" Jiriaya said.

She then manipulated the wind to blow a strong force towards the forest. The wind had wrecked the forest badly, it was utterly destroyed.

"That's all for your training." He said as he got up.

"Master Jiraiya."

"Hm?" He responded.

"How come you didn't teach Naruto this?" She asked.

"He's already in Kakashi's training. If I exhausted him anymore further, he would never be able to master his new jutsu. It would also disturb his training." He explained.

"I see then. Do you mind if I teach this technique to Dachi?" Nikku asked.

"You could. But you would be disturbing his training with Morihro on earth style." He said.

"Oh, okay." She said.

Asuka concentrated hard to bend the water cycle to her will. Soon enough, she had created healing water vapor. 'Alright, all I need to master is to turn this to hail, snow, and most importantly rain. This technique may not change an entire biome but, it does heal living things that are under the healing properties.' She thought as she concentrated.

She tried hard, to make the healing water rise up to the sky. 'If I'm in a fight, I have to make this process faster now.' She thought.

It's been a little while since updated. But, I've been busy so please know that. Anyway, thanks for reading. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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