New Beginnings

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A little bit after the defeat of Z-ONE and the prevention of genocide via Meklords, Yusei was greeted with one of the best moments in his life...

...Judai Yuki, flying out of a portal in the middle of his garage at midnight on New Year's Day, looking to be only a year or two older than when they'd fought Paradox.

Now, granted, it'd resulted in a hospital visit the next day since Judai had crashed into Yusei on the way out, which in turn knocked him into some parts, which then resulted in a sprained wrist that Yusei failed to notice in the moment due to the sudden rush of adrenaline from being barreled over suddenly; Judai would apologize with a sheepish grin on his face for days afterwards and help out wherever he could. But still, Yusei considers it to be one of the best moments in his life, because-

-because Judai had sat up after crashing into him, given him one of the brightest, happiest smiles he'd ever seen with sparkles in his eyes, whispered his name and given him the biggest bear hug of his life thus far, and he couldn't stop his heart from pounding when he heard that Judai had come just for him.

It would take some time for Yusei to truly wrap his head around - for goodness sake, Judai'd left behind everything in his time to come here, how could he just do that - but eventually he would.

Kind-of, not really; but he'd stop caring about it because really, all that mattered was that he was happy.

It was the start of something beautiful that day, and Yusei would never take it for granted.

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